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Fraidy Cat!
Fraidy Cat!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fear (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: studio
Date: Jul 4, 2002
Aperture: f2.5
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/30th sec
Date Uploaded: Jul 6, 2002


Place: 13 out of 110
Avg (all users): 5.6335
Avg (commenters): 7.2414
Avg (participants): 5.6593
Avg (non-participants): 5.6211
Views since voting: 2094
Votes: 281
Comments: 32
Favorites: 11 (view)

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07/15/2002 03:17:00 PM
Hehe magnetic...I thought you might recognize the photo similarity from my pbase account so I removed those photos just in case anyone went there during the voting.

As I mentioned somewhere before, My wife and I raise and show Persian cats as a hobby and this little guy (named "Snoz") always has a fraidy cat look on his face when he plays. All of his brothers and sisters (as do all show quality Persians) have this 'gizmo' kind of face..it's part of the breed look.
07/15/2002 10:59:00 AM
i knew this was yours. i recognized that mug! : )
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/14/2002 08:59:00 PM
This expression is priceless with that caption. Very nice job.
07/14/2002 08:00:00 PM
Quite expressive.
07/14/2002 05:26:00 PM
superb work -well fits the challenge - 8
07/14/2002 08:40:00 AM
Gizmo from Gremlins ?
07/13/2002 05:09:00 AM
07/12/2002 02:39:00 PM
Awwww, i love that! it's so cute! And I love the title!
07/11/2002 01:55:00 PM
I love this picture, I can see the fear in his/her eyes
07/11/2002 11:55:00 AM
The direction of this cat's eyes really makes the photo... great shot! = 9 - jmsetzler
07/10/2002 10:19:00 PM
This cat is incredible with those green eyes you captured, but not too scary.
07/10/2002 12:04:00 PM
I keep wondering "What's the black thing? Is this cat in bondage?" :)
07/10/2002 03:58:00 AM
Poor kitty!
07/10/2002 12:13:00 AM
very cute
07/09/2002 10:53:00 PM
what is the black over it's mouth? It's definitely a scary looking cat...lol... but that's distracting me
07/09/2002 07:28:00 PM
07/09/2002 05:02:00 PM
Great capture and it really does look afraid. At first I didn't like the black in the foreground, but as I looked at it, it makes it look like this little guy is peeking over soemthing. Good focus an detail, even though it is a tiny bit washed out at the top. I really like this. karmat
07/09/2002 03:49:00 PM
good expression. I like it "8" Dogman ;] woof woof
07/09/2002 02:29:00 PM
This cat has got freaky eyes :)
07/09/2002 10:33:00 AM
adorable picture : )
07/09/2002 07:57:00 AM
A great close up.
07/09/2002 12:53:00 AM
A excellent photo of a cat. I'm not sure what it's afraid of, but technically the picture is excellent.
07/08/2002 09:29:00 PM
I really liked this shot and would have given a better score if not for the black stripe at the bottom. Otherwise it is crisp, well exposed, excellent color and great composition.
07/08/2002 07:18:00 PM
this is so cute...
07/08/2002 06:28:00 PM
Ohh! How cruel to scare this poor kitty just to make a picture for dpchallenge :)
Great picture! Without the black cloth I would have given it a 10 instead of a 9 though.
07/08/2002 04:31:00 PM
very nice shot ... i would have liked to see more of the cats face - but it does look like the cat is expressing fear - good job - 8
07/08/2002 02:06:00 PM
nice cat
07/08/2002 01:55:00 PM
Huge eyes! NIce close up. 7 Swash
07/08/2002 12:39:00 PM
a marvelous close-up, regardless of challenge. In this particular shot, I like the black across the bottom against the stark white kitty. The fur texture and moistness of eyes and nose is truly evident. And best of all, kitty looks less than self-assured (It is the fear challenge, after all). I like it. 9
07/08/2002 11:18:00 AM
nice : )
07/08/2002 08:37:00 AM
Great Picture.
07/08/2002 01:21:00 AM
I totally LOVE this photo ! The eyes say fear even without the title but omg I love the title too haha 10

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