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Vine Ripe
Vine Ripe

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: In the Garden (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: College Station, TX - USA
Date: Jul 27, 2003
Aperture: 6.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/124 (w/ polarizer)
Galleries: Nature, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Jul 27, 2003

Shot in my back yard.

Place: 22 out of 350
Avg (all users): 6.4125
Avg (commenters): 8.1429
Avg (participants): 6.3379
Avg (non-participants): 6.5263
Views since voting: 1320
Votes: 240
Comments: 23
Favorites: 2 (view)

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09/20/2003 10:27:28 PM
Very realistic photo...makes me hungry for tomatoes! Good job!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/05/2003 07:20:08 PM
The subject has potential, but, I would have used a different composition for my taste.
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08/04/2003 02:36:15 PM
This is a nice picture
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08/03/2003 10:31:16 PM
very nice. Lovely use of bright colours and strong lighting.
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08/03/2003 12:33:15 PM
This very much evokes "The Garden" to me :) 10
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08/02/2003 11:04:38 PM
Nice set up. It really fits the theme. Very well done!
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08/02/2003 08:23:20 PM
Very nice photo, crisp and sharp, with good bright colours. 7
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08/02/2003 08:45:45 AM
nice work on DOF
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08/01/2003 09:33:24 PM
Goos simple and enjoyable photgraph--
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08/01/2003 07:25:56 PM
Generally I like this. My suggestions: Take the gloves and knife out, and soften the background a bit more and try to have a little less shadow on the front two tomatoes still on the vine.
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08/01/2003 10:47:38 AM
Nice colors and contrasts. Great shot
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07/31/2003 05:16:36 PM
Love the vibrant colors.
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07/31/2003 12:52:22 PM
Spectacular shot. The colors and chrystal clarity really make it a stand-out.
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07/31/2003 11:21:05 AM
very good, nice colors, the tomatoes look really delicious, but I would prefer something else in the background instead of flowers, maybe tomato plants or other vegetable. nice work, 8
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07/31/2003 08:27:33 AM
Just a shade darker in the foreground, perhaps, other wise I like the comp, colors , texture constrasts
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07/30/2003 08:14:22 PM
This is the first fruit (/veggie) picture I've seen that has actually captured my interest for more than the initial scan-and-vote, and yes, I'm a fair ways through voting. You made this a lot more interesting by use of the knife (seems a little clean to have just been used, btw, but maybe I'm missing it due to angle) and cut tomato; the garden gloves are also a nice touch.

I keep going back to the knife. I think the fact that it's as shiny as it is doesn't just bug me because it seems too clean but because it draws the eye away from the tomatoes, which I'd presume were more likely your main subject. Maybe the angle of blade could have been different -- I wouldn't change the light as I think it looks good as is -- or maybe a slightly less shiny knife would have been useful in this case.

In any event, overall I really like this. Even without the flowers in the background I would have thought of this as 'in' the garden with the other hints -- I've done almost the same thing, picked veggies and eaten them while still outside -- so it's a familiar idea to me. (And fresh, sun-warm, ripe tomatoes are yummy.)
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07/30/2003 05:44:31 PM
Very colorful and sharp. I especially like the sharp cut of the tomato. Excellent photo. Did theyt really come from your garden? If so, lucky you!
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07/30/2003 05:32:52 PM
Really like these rich colors.
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07/30/2003 04:29:51 PM
Interesting concept - this shot really looks like a sunny weekend in the garden to me.
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07/30/2003 01:22:36 PM
Wow! Succulent!
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07/30/2003 09:19:07 AM
Makes my mouth water just looking at it. There is nothing quite like a fresh picked tomato.
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07/30/2003 05:29:37 AM
Flowers I can see flowers - please DQ :D
This is one of the best I have seen so far [9]
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07/30/2003 02:48:55 AM
I understand what you're going for with the gloves... but I think the image might be stronger without them... and zoomed in a bit closer.
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