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Lost Identity!
Lost Identity!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fear (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony Mavica CD200
Location: street
Date: Jul 6, 2002
Aperture: F11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/40
Date Uploaded: Jul 7, 2002

Ever have that sinking feeling that you've lost your wallet?

Place: 29 out of 110
Avg (all users): 5.3871
Avg (commenters): 6.6364
Avg (participants): 5.5165
Avg (non-participants): 5.3245
Views since voting: 1380
Votes: 279
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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07/15/2002 01:40:00 AM
i love this shot, I really thought it would have placed higher. Good job though! :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/13/2002 10:10:00 PM
interesting interpretation of fear.
i would have cropped a little more on the top.
07/13/2002 01:41:00 AM
oh geez, I had my credit card stolen once... lost 700$ (luckily the bank gave it back to me)... 8- looks almost as if the focus is at the bottom of the picture...
07/13/2002 12:49:00 AM
not that good lighting
07/12/2002 09:21:00 PM
Your picture does display the fear of "Stolen Identity" very well. It is well composed and shows good DOF. I think it would be better if you could have included some other item to lock it in to the fear factor, because a lot of people will not be able to imagine what you mean.
07/12/2002 11:26:00 AM
That would suck. You needed to have some larger bills in shot but still a good fear photo. 8
07/11/2002 10:31:00 AM
what a drag if this was true. i think this pic is underexposed. a levels adjustment could help alot. also, not sure about the part at the very top, ie if i want to see more of the environemnt or less. i think if you're going to shot the horizon you might want to show more. and maybe some people walking by... just ideas. mag 99
07/11/2002 10:14:00 AM
I really like this.. only thing I would do is crop out the top portion a little.
07/10/2002 08:15:00 PM
I like the idea, but it might have worked better horizontal or from a slightly different angle so that you didn't get the distraction of the pavement at the top.
07/10/2002 07:31:00 PM
This would only be better if it was cropped ever so slightly so that the curb and top ground was out of the photo.
07/10/2002 03:55:00 PM
Did you try this in landscape? I think at least you needed to crop off the distracting line at the top.
Nice contrast of textures.
07/10/2002 03:00:00 PM
since you have so little of the horizon, it may have been better to go ahead and crop it out altogether. This is scary. A $100 sticking out of the wallet would have been interesting, but if your wallet is like mine, those may be scarce. :-) karmat
07/10/2002 02:39:00 PM
A minor fear, but a tremendous PIA. Mostly well taken, but seems dark to me.
8 Swash
07/10/2002 12:04:00 PM
Very creative! I'm not sure I like the framing though... I wonder how this would look with a horizontal framing - the elements in the top of the picture distract a bit, and there appears to be a lot of empty space above the wallet. On the other hand, it does introduce some nice DOF. Good job! - 8
07/09/2002 10:45:00 PM
great picture
07/09/2002 10:10:00 PM
This is a definite fear.. :) I would have preferred this shot be either framed horizontally or cropped a little tighter across the top to remove the high horizon.. = 7 - jmsetzler
07/09/2002 04:05:00 PM
needed the title too understand the image. good idea but lacks a message by itself. at first glance I thought itwas "lost wallet". now that would be scarey. "7" for the idea, "5" for the interpretation. Dogman :-) "6"
07/09/2002 02:02:00 PM
I would have cropped the top piece of greenery. Good idea.
07/09/2002 01:43:00 PM
Well done. A 10 from me.
07/09/2002 12:34:00 PM
Modern Fear =)
07/09/2002 12:15:00 PM
Very funny!
07/09/2002 09:43:00 AM
Could probably use more context. A person walking away in the distance, more of a sidewalk instead of a road, etc.
07/09/2002 09:16:00 AM
lighting is bland... needs more contrast... if you are going for that open road look you should have probably cropped off the top bit to put more road or raised the camera a bit to get more road. Try to avoid getting only a little of something. Always go for substantial quantity or none at all.
07/08/2002 10:59:00 PM
Cute idea. The portrait orientation is a bit disconcerting which isn't necessairly a bad thing for a fear photo
07/08/2002 10:58:00 PM
Now thats scary
07/08/2002 05:23:00 PM
I get the idea. Sometimes I fear about losing my wallet.
I think you should have shown either more of the gras at the top or none at all. Besides that it's a great shot!
07/08/2002 05:21:00 PM
Very nice but try cropping out the top 1/2 inch. As well, a bit more light on the subject would highlight very well.
07/08/2002 04:43:00 PM
Nice idea, but it could be sharper and it looks pretty staged. Also I would like to have seen the top cropped out or this shot at a different angle to avoid the curb. The depth on the road gives me a good enough idea of where this was shot. Maybe a sidewalk on a busy street would work as well.
07/08/2002 12:54:00 PM
That's my husbands big fear. Nicely done. Kee
07/08/2002 11:54:00 AM
cool! : )
07/08/2002 09:04:00 AM
I like this one. Hope this never happens to me.
07/08/2002 08:51:00 AM
Not sure if you're allowed to adjust brightness and contrast of the images but that is about the only thing I'd wanna see done here. Otheriwse, very original.
07/08/2002 12:59:00 AM
I just don't see fear without the title. I'm trying. Maybe it's just a little too set up.
07/08/2002 12:54:00 AM
OH NO!! You lost your fitness club card!!! ;) good pic! 8

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