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No Fear!
No Fear!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fear (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S30
Location: Lake Sakinaw
Date: Jul 6, 2002
Aperture: 4.9
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/400
Date Uploaded: Jul 7, 2002

Scurfing on Sakinaw Lake.

Place: 66 out of 110
Avg (all users): 4.5548
Avg (commenters): 4.8929
Avg (participants): 4.2198
Avg (non-participants): 4.7135
Views since voting: 1037
Votes: 283
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/14/2002 05:32:00 PM
Is this dude wearing pijamas?
07/13/2002 03:33:00 PM
not bad
07/13/2002 02:29:00 PM
So brave! The unearthly green of the ski is really a nice contrast to the natural hues around it.
07/12/2002 11:02:00 AM
Looks like he will be in pain any second. Good action shot, I dont think he is totaly fearless.
07/11/2002 09:20:00 PM
not too scary, but a good picture.
07/11/2002 02:13:00 PM
good colour in this action shot
07/11/2002 10:10:00 AM
it's a very cool shot, but 'no fear' was not the challenge! you should check whether your horizon was level, it seems to slope a tad. -- gr8photos (2)
07/10/2002 11:10:00 PM
Sorry, IMO lack of fear is not a picture of fear. Great photo though. :-)
07/10/2002 03:17:00 PM
Someone water skiing? The challenge was fear not sports. Maybe if the water-skier was falling with a fearful look on their face it could have been better.
07/10/2002 01:41:00 PM
Nice capture. Good colors and focus.
07/10/2002 01:25:00 PM
Good snapshot, but no fear.
07/10/2002 01:21:00 PM
EXCELLENT photography!!!! Colors are vibrant. Great work!
07/10/2002 12:33:00 PM
subject 7 composition 10 lighting 8 focus 8 total 8
07/10/2002 11:07:00 AM
Excellent stop-action shot...not sure about meeting the challenge...
07/10/2002 09:09:00 AM
Great color. Being that I have a slight fear of water or water skiing for that matter... this relates to fear for me.
07/09/2002 10:43:00 PM
great picture
07/09/2002 01:50:00 PM
nice action shot but for me it would have better met the challenge if the subject had a scared look on his face...
07/09/2002 11:38:00 AM
Nice shot but a little weak on the challenge
07/09/2002 05:16:00 AM
yeah ... no fear !
07/08/2002 10:58:00 PM
Nice photo, the subject clearly looks like he has no fear
07/08/2002 09:35:00 PM
Exciting photo with good color and saturation. Focus is a bit soft, some unsharp mask might help. I would also crop much tighter and put the subject to the far right.
07/08/2002 05:58:00 PM
Cropping needs to be tighter on the boarder
07/08/2002 05:54:00 PM
The challenge was 'fear', not 'no-fear'!
07/08/2002 04:40:00 PM
nice action shot! tell that guy to get a hair cut! = 7 - jmsetzler
07/08/2002 02:54:00 PM
nice capture and color...
07/08/2002 12:51:00 PM
good color. nice action. would a tighter crop have produced a more dramatic image or did you try that?
07/08/2002 12:42:00 PM
Nice action shot. Why is he wearing so much clothes? Seems funny...anyway good shot and yes...fear for some. Kee
07/08/2002 11:33:00 AM
cool! : )
07/08/2002 02:00:00 AM
Nice ski photo. It's more of a snapshot kinda photo. I don't see fear:(

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