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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Right Angles (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Hvalfjörður-Iceland
Date: Aug 2, 2003
Aperture: 8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/750
Galleries: Portraiture, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Aug 2, 2003


Place: 4 out of 250
Avg (all users): 6.7173
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 6.5349
Avg (non-participants): 6.9352
Views since voting: 4764
Votes: 237
Comments: 47
Favorites: 14 (view)

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05/13/2004 09:36:53 PM
Þetta er frábær mynd
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09/30/2003 11:28:02 PM
I love the framing of the shot... The "ruble" visible in the top of the picture really adds to the broken window. It's shots like these that inspire my newbie interests into photography!

It would have been nice to have a 100% sky in the window background, but I think it's fine the way it is now!
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09/30/2003 09:03:38 PM
Wonderful shot. Great idea. Perfect composition.
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09/30/2003 08:10:05 PM
Title works very well for this photo. Very good photojournalism too.
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09/30/2003 06:19:23 PM
This is my favorite of the pictures in your portfolio, there is a richness of the colors. (I tend to find a lot of your images dark, and my personal preference is a range of colors)
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08/14/2003 08:02:17 PM
so close!! congrats on your green ribbon :)
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08/13/2003 10:27:16 PM
Beautiful! I wasn't around for the voting, but this one would have been my top pick. Very nice.
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08/13/2003 09:08:38 PM
Já því miður þekkja ameríkanar ekki muninn á ljósNyndurum og hefðbundnum Ljósmyndurum.

En takk strákar
08/13/2003 09:02:03 PM
Ef fólk myndi fatta að þetta hefði verið verk LjósNyndara en ekki ljósmyndara þá hefði þessi mynd slegið öll met, erfit að vera misskilin. Til lukku með hið "skemmtilega" fjórða sæti
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08/13/2003 07:40:12 PM
Flott mynd,Mikið hell varstu nálagt að komast á pall:O)
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08/13/2003 01:36:17 PM
Brilliant photo! And soooo close to a ribbon. No worries tho, the way you've been improving each time you submit something, you'll have one very soon.
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08/13/2003 06:53:53 AM
Thanx 4 all the comments :D

I belive I should have gotten a Ribbon though:o
08/13/2003 06:38:45 AM
Flott mynd Nazgul og til hamingju með 4 sætið
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08/13/2003 05:58:51 AM
Til hamingju Nazgul! Góð mynd!
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08/13/2003 04:38:02 AM
Excellent shot Nazgul. Just wanted to welcome you to the 4th place club. Bet you're frustrated right now. I got 4th place on the first photo I ever submitted here. That was months and months and months and months ago. I haven't done better since, still no ribbons for me. :( I wish you better luck after your 4th place finish than I had. Keep up the good work.
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08/13/2003 04:16:34 AM
Very very good shot. I love the fact that you left he blue in above the window frame. It adds a whole new element to the pic that would have been lost with a tighter crop.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/12/2003 11:02:12 PM
I really like the way the broken bars in the photo are almost acting like pointers/arrows saying "look here!" Lots of right angles in this shot. My only comment is about the lack of detail in her outfit -- it all seems to blend together with hair, but I realize this is hard to get when shooting against a bright sky and then reducing it to "web size". Nice job.
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08/12/2003 11:09:08 AM
I like the frame created by the wall. Very nice.
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08/12/2003 08:27:40 AM
not a fan of the frame that was added, am a fan of the framing of the model. nice texture contrasts, excellent comp.
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08/11/2003 11:06:50 PM
Very cool! Thanks for a very emotive shot. Would it be improved by cropping down to only the gray rock? In any case, great image.
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08/11/2003 08:33:17 PM
its a very nice photo you got there mister Is this Mr. Iggy Popp
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08/11/2003 12:42:16 PM
Meets the challenge, focus good, composition good but maybe would have been better from a slight angle and not so straight on. 8 Good luck.
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08/11/2003 11:27:48 AM
challenge met, composition & colors are good, nicely done
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08/11/2003 06:52:47 AM
Yep, plenty of right angles, and not a bad picture either.
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08/11/2003 05:38:26 AM
Great composition. Needs a bit more contrast. Wall of the building doesn't push itself away from the background of the sky enough.
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08/10/2003 10:47:38 PM
The woman's non-square shape sets off your angles nicely. Lighting seems a bit harsh. Wonderful composition and cropping.
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08/09/2003 05:07:45 AM
Very cool. Excellent use of the theme. Was that lone cloud in there on purpose? I like it, it adds to the mood.
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08/08/2003 12:19:57 PM
Nice shot, good composition. Definately fits the challenge.
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08/08/2003 09:13:40 AM
Great title!
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08/08/2003 12:19:59 AM
Great personal perspective and the subjects tell a complete story.
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08/08/2003 12:04:25 AM
My favorite. It uses right angles and stark lighting to poignantly portray what it must feel like when a family breaks up. I like the contrast of the clouds in the windows and the blue sky above the wall. The one bar in the window frame that isn't a right angle points toward the girl's head, leading my eye in that direction; did you do that on purpose? Dividing the image in half isn't conventional composition, but it works great here. The girl's posture and expression are perfect. I don't care for the frame, but it doesn't detract from the photo.
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08/07/2003 11:20:06 PM
super job! gave us all more to look at and think about 9
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08/07/2003 12:58:07 PM
WOW !! Love the composition and the light in this picture - The off centre placement of the model is very appealing. one minor nitpick the edges show artifacts from excessive sharpening though [9]
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08/07/2003 12:04:08 PM
I really be interested to see this photo balck & white. I think it wood set more of a mood. Good right angles and nice touch with the subjest sitting in the window! You really could have some nice contrast in this shot!
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08/07/2003 10:41:41 AM
The more I look at this the more I like it. For me, the one beam in the window that's slightly crooked draws attention to the right angles in the rest of it, very fitting for the title of the challenge. I'm curious to know where this was taken, too.
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08/07/2003 09:57:26 AM
very nice picture
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08/07/2003 05:20:23 AM
Fits the challenge very well! The 'window' does a good job in fixing the viewer's eyes towards the model. 10
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08/07/2003 01:23:15 AM
nicely done. i like the harsh sun and the textures.
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08/06/2003 06:36:48 PM
The person, whoever it is is a nice touch
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08/06/2003 05:54:03 PM
Nicely done! I'd like to suggest some sort of improvement to make it better... but I can't think of a single one. You seem to have thought of everything. Nice shot!
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08/06/2003 02:56:44 PM
Good clarity, good contrast, and good use of angles.
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08/06/2003 02:12:51 PM
Hmmmm... I wonder what this photo would look like if tweaked to look a little more like //www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=12218 or //www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=12933. Just a thought.
I like it though.
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08/06/2003 11:11:36 AM
The best photo of the challenge,no negative remarks,10 from me!
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08/06/2003 10:59:51 AM
I would have liked to seen a closer crop, but a very nice job anyway
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08/06/2003 10:17:00 AM
A wonderful photo. Not only is it full of right angles, it also brings along charachter and feeling of pensiveness and stillness.
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08/06/2003 09:41:33 AM
I like this but to me the right angles are not the thing my eye is drawn to
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08/06/2003 01:10:31 AM
Composition = 9
Challenge = 10
Technical = 10
Creativity = 8
X2 Wow factor = 7

rounds to = 9

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