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freeze dried
freeze dried

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2020Z
Location: home
Date: Jul 9, 2002
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/100 sec
Date Uploaded: Jul 11, 2002


Place: 163 out of 175
Avg (all users): 3.8252
Avg (commenters): 4.0800
Avg (participants): 3.8562
Avg (non-participants): 3.8000
Views since voting: 863
Votes: 326
Comments: 25
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/21/2002 11:24:00 PM
What an unusual masterpiece. The color you?ve selected for this has an interesting duo-tone look to it. The right side is very rich and full, but slightly out-of-focus. The left side has streaks appearing in several places. ? The bubbles add a nice touch of reality. ? Good Luck with the masses.
07/21/2002 11:13:00 PM
Your choice of sepia here I think is a very bad one -- the colors are all that would make this an interesting picture. Right now, your range of tones is minimal, and that makes for a very bland picture.
07/21/2002 09:12:00 PM
This is a blurry pic, and I didn't like the colors. I like to experiment myself, but sometimes "effects" don't always produce a good image.
07/21/2002 03:56:00 PM
life in an aquarium ... weird color choice
07/21/2002 12:44:00 PM
the black and white kills all the depth of fild you cuold have had via color contrast.
07/20/2002 02:04:00 AM
Little too much going on here for my taste...Pinkish tint is a turnoff too... 4 sjgleah
07/20/2002 12:20:00 AM
Bad focus.
07/19/2002 05:37:00 PM
Sepia? I don't see the benefit of it, in this case. Fishies are hard to make out from the background. The bubbles are a nice element of this shot, but not the focal point. 5 Swash
07/19/2002 03:21:00 AM
07/19/2002 01:55:00 AM
Did astronauts take this into space?

Just kidding-8
07/18/2002 04:50:00 PM
Sorry, fish to me, are supposed to be bright and vibrantly colored with green grasses to hide in as well as pretty rocks - I guess I'm tryin to say I'm not a big fan of the color theme you chose here, and the air bubbles are distracting and it's so dark you can hardly see anything clearly. Brighten up! ;) 3 cthenk
07/18/2002 02:25:00 PM
I wish it were in focus more, otherwise nice.
07/18/2002 09:08:00 AM
could be a dynamite photo with more focus, lights and shadows; it gets lost
07/18/2002 08:58:00 AM
it does look kind of freeze-dried, doesn't it. the photo is very busy and not really sharp enough i think. also not enough contrast, especially between the plants on the right. unfortunately, i'm not sure what to say to try doing differently. :( -- gr8photos (3)
07/17/2002 06:01:00 PM
very interesting. nice title
07/17/2002 12:16:00 PM
The choice of sepia lends itself well to the "still life" effect.
07/17/2002 10:27:00 AM
i wish this could have been in color
07/17/2002 01:18:00 AM
black and white tone doesn't work for this picture...
07/16/2002 09:00:00 PM
might be better with more focus
07/16/2002 07:07:00 PM
I like the idea here but there is no real focal point.
07/16/2002 12:25:00 PM
The focus is a bit off.
07/15/2002 10:47:00 AM
It looks blury. 5
07/15/2002 10:23:00 AM
I wonder why you chose sepia for this. I hate to say this, but it doesn't hold any interest for me. :( Lisa
07/15/2002 06:29:00 AM
I have to admit this is the first time I have seen a fishtank done in sepia. I don't think the concept works well for me... = 4 - jmsetzler
07/15/2002 02:01:00 AM
looks like sepia was used for the hell of it.

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