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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Complementary Colors III (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: My home
Date: Apr 25, 2006
Aperture: f4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60
Date Uploaded: Apr 25, 2006

Simplicity in it's extreme form. Offsetting the image forces you to initially ignore the ridiculous frame, making the position of the image itself a significant part of the composition of the image.

Still, you realize that, while this image is pleasing, it simply can't be acceptable as a 7 or even a 6. You give it a 5 to indicate your level of comfort with the image, but to ensure that such a composition could not be seen as "good photography," which it of course cannot be given the lack of "border control."

DPC voter, you befuddle me.

Place: 193 out of 287
Avg (all users): 4.8649
Avg (commenters): 5.3333
Avg (participants): 4.6867
Avg (non-participants): 4.9489
Views since voting: 763
Views during voting: 337
Votes: 259
Comments: 39
Favorites: 0

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06/15/2007 02:35:03 AM
in my experience large frames dont usually score well.
dont be discouraged, i like it that you're not afraid to experiment. :)
this is striking but not for a challenge.
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06/15/2007 02:28:13 AM
I really like the framing of this one very much.....
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/02/2006 04:50:01 PM
I really like this photo. Think with this border it would make a great greeting card or similar. Hope it does well with the voters...I know a lot aren't keen on borders, especially in challenges.
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05/02/2006 06:44:57 AM
Clever framing, but it's the texture and DOF that makes the shot.
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05/01/2006 08:23:26 PM
Like the way you framed this, although I'd love to see this in more detail. But still a great shot. 9
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04/30/2006 09:31:43 PM
too minimalistic, the border takes too much away
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04/30/2006 07:17:56 PM
I don't like the border, it's very distracting.
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04/30/2006 07:10:18 PM
nice art, but too much of photoshop for me... sry
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04/30/2006 04:46:27 PM
interesting choice for a border, i like it
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04/30/2006 09:15:32 AM
Great composition. I'm not sure I like the large, off-center frame though.
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04/30/2006 08:08:14 AM
red and green not pink and green
why the huge black dead space
very small photo doesnt allow for enough details to be seenfocus on the flower is ok, lighting is ok but perhaps could be more interesting.
title needs work but its hard when your photo consists of flora
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04/30/2006 01:31:31 AM
?! You are either new to DPC or have a lot of guts. I fear this will be ripped up by the "boarder patrol". Very nice image.8.
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04/29/2006 11:30:04 PM
Very strange way of framing this. I have to say I really like it although I'm worried DPC won't appreciate this shots originality. Beautiful flower shot too, good luck. 9
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04/29/2006 10:02:43 PM
I like the small picture in the frame. the colors look pink and green but good shot
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04/29/2006 02:25:45 PM
nice. the border and frame for some reason doesnt bother me a bit
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04/29/2006 12:14:38 PM
The salon look is ok for competition but I have found that I doesn't work here (no points off... just a FYI) I like the contrast between the pinks and greens
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04/29/2006 08:41:47 AM
I would like the subject to be full frame with no black border
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04/29/2006 08:20:38 AM
Too much black, focus should be on the image. The black pulls the eyes away from what you want them too.
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04/29/2006 04:56:49 AM
The framing is ... odd, cool in a way I suppose, but what bothers me more than that is the colors don't really complement each other
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04/28/2006 09:38:34 PM
I would frame this and put it on my wall! Love the offset composition, feel like it's peeping around the corner at me! The noise is the green really sets it off as well.
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04/28/2006 04:42:37 PM
Black is just wasted space IMHO that should have been used for the image.
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04/28/2006 02:42:48 AM
One of the few images to treat the subject differently. Well done. Bumped
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04/27/2006 04:59:01 PM
Just a personal note, I really don't like this as a frame. It would make a nice greeting card, matted print or something, but it looks a little odd to me. For the purpose of the challenge, I think you would have been better served to use all that black frame to let us see what appears to be an awesome shot. (and no, it does not effect teh score I give, just wanted to give an opinion)

Teh shot is very nice. I like the high/tight crop you have used, and the colors are very nice as well.
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04/27/2006 12:52:56 PM
Interesting border, creates character.
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04/27/2006 10:16:38 AM
I think the strange approach to frame weakens the otherwise attractive shot
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04/27/2006 04:24:40 AM
The flower looks fragile and beautiful but is very pink on my monitor. Hope you get away with the framing ;-)
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04/27/2006 03:51:42 AM
intressting frameing! well i think it works well.. not sure what the others think 7
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04/26/2006 11:13:09 PM
good shot
nice composition
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04/26/2006 09:14:48 PM
The complimentary colours of green is red and I feel that the flower is too pink to really fit into the complementary colour category. The photo itself looks to be good. Also, I think that for DPC, the border is too much ... the photo becomes too small to properly judge although I think in print form, the border would probably look cool on a decent sized photo. JMO
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04/26/2006 09:13:06 PM
It's difficult to tell, with this, if you are making a statement with your border or using it to cover up portions of your photo that are best removed. While I can appreciate borders that aren't "standard," this one isn't really doing it for me. The colors of the photo look beautiful, though.
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04/26/2006 07:54:21 PM
2 - Different. Risky with this framing here. Ultimately though, I'm seeing more pink here than red, so color scheme(s) not as strong as could/should be, in my opinion. Hue adjustment may have helped, depends what you were aiming for. Not sure your framing enhances your shot, but your call. Nice shot overall, but not strong enough Challenge wise, in my opinion.
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04/26/2006 07:25:16 PM
Your frame is overpowering. Your actual photo is too small to properly judge.
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04/26/2006 04:02:19 PM
Oh, you must torment me with the large border? I dislike them, but you've gone and done something interesting with it. Torment, I say! Torment!
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04/26/2006 08:45:12 AM
Very bold boarder! I like the creativeness/arty feel of it but IMHO the boarder is overpowering you photo a little too much. 6
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04/26/2006 07:44:11 AM
the shot is too small to judge properly with such a big border...which would look amazing on your wall just as it is...I do like the photo, but you can't really tell if it's sharp...it looks sharp, but at this res it's hard to tell 7
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04/26/2006 07:19:04 AM
This would be so great as a gift card, great composition and love how yyou have bordered it.....
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04/26/2006 03:45:50 AM
You'll probably get killed in the voting because of the border but I like it. Good luck!
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04/26/2006 03:04:25 AM
disharmonic huge frame spoils it all
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04/26/2006 02:22:56 AM
like the shot .. but not the border
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