Author | Thread |
03/23/2009 11:55:52 PM |
That is about the cutest thing ever. Great shot. |
10/06/2008 01:24:02 PM |
06/27/2007 03:58:30 PM |
OMG! This is so adorable and she's a Jack Russell. Double kudos. |
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09/14/2006 12:09:36 PM |
so precious and perfectly captured
Congratulations on a fine win!! |
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07/24/2006 10:11:52 AM |
i would love having some one pour me a cup of puppy!jk
i love this |
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08/10/2005 01:36:39 AM |
really dont know what to comment here, the photo just draws me in so much with its simplicity but strong emotional feel. Really like it. |
10/27/2004 10:03:39 PM |
You've captured the comfort of security, togetherness and cuteness all in one cup.Your cup must runneth over!! LOL!!!
Great shot!! |
09/15/2004 01:36:50 PM |
little puppy! very cute :) |
06/12/2004 11:21:55 PM |
03/02/2004 04:52:02 PM |
That IS the cutest dog I have ever seen! And the photograph is even more touching. You captured the emotion perfectly without sacrificing anything. Great color and composition |
01/28/2004 06:33:21 PM |
I forgot to post that her named was changed to Minnie a few days after this shot. She was just 5 weeks old and I only had her for a couple of days. Minnie just fits her better:)
Message edited by author 2004-01-28 18:34:56. |
08/22/2003 10:24:43 AM |
Great shot and a very cute dog, but kitty for a name? I hope he doesn't get a complex! LOL Congrats!
JD Anderson |
08/21/2003 12:22:35 AM |
Welcome back Connie! Weren't you in the hospital? Good to see you come back with such a wonderful shot! Congrats! |
08/20/2003 12:41:14 PM |
Wonderful. Now that's a keeper. And I am sure you could find some calendar/card makers who would like it as well! |
08/20/2003 01:41:57 AM |
Very nice photo, sharp and so detail. |
08/20/2003 12:02:29 AM |
08/19/2003 07:41:59 AM |
You should print an 8x10 and frame it in some room of your house with a nice matte and frame. As this puppy grows older you'll always get a smile and feel good remembering those puppy months. I have puppy picks in my house and although I see them everyday; some days I really feel great seeing my 'babies' as pups.
This photo is a treasure. Your others are as well.
Please check out my latest related project:
texttexttext |
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08/19/2003 02:10:49 AM |
Hey, my dog's name is Kitty too! She's a tiny little (shaved) pomeranian. :) |
08/18/2003 08:24:50 PM |
Hello Connie. Wonderful photo, congratulations |
08/18/2003 07:45:32 PM |
Congrats. You have the touch... Keep up your great work. |
08/18/2003 11:59:26 AM |
man, i cant help but smile everytime i see this little face! :) congrats connie--you rock! |
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08/18/2003 11:54:29 AM |
Wow! Thank you for all of the wonderful comments! More puppy pics here:)
Glad I could share & thanks again,
Message edited by author 2003-08-18 11:55:18. |
08/18/2003 11:35:18 AM |
Wonderful and very creative shot. congrats!!! |
08/18/2003 10:59:11 AM |
Owwww!! This one is giving me a toothache, it's so sweet!
Wonder what it would look like in black and white. Be sure to put this one on DPCPrints!
Congrats on a well executed photo that delivers emotion as well.
Bamaster |
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08/18/2003 10:29:46 AM |
wonderful pic...too cute! congratulations! |
08/18/2003 09:03:08 AM |
Congratulations Connie, that puppy is so cute! |
08/18/2003 08:57:14 AM |
Way to go! A well-earned ribbon indeed. |
08/18/2003 08:49:37 AM |
Well, this is my favorite pic in a long time. Congrats Connie. :)
Jacques. |
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08/18/2003 08:09:28 AM |
omg that is too cute!! i didnt get a chance to vote, but this is a great one for the challenge :) |
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08/18/2003 07:22:01 AM |
I really liked your image and even picked it as one of my top three for the week. But, my wife and I wondered if the dog would really go into the jug on his own or was coaxed to enter by the photographer.
Your statement provided with the image seems to indicate that the puppy does this on his own. Very interesting and strange. Cats tend to do this sort of thing, but I have not seen a dog do it that often. It is a great shot and I am very pleased to see you do so well. |
08/18/2003 06:42:25 AM |
I made this shot my wallpaper when I voted. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
08/18/2003 06:07:39 AM |
This is so cute! Congrats!
A puppy called Kitty? How confusing :) |
08/18/2003 02:38:00 AM |
oh my cute! congrats. :o) |
08/18/2003 02:22:27 AM |
Congrats! Glad this picture won, I love this, puppy and all :P |
08/18/2003 12:54:43 AM |
You are my Wallpaper of the week. Awesome shot!!! And she's named Kitty??? That's just....well TooCool!!!
Message edited by author 2003-08-18 00:56:05. |
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08/18/2003 12:33:31 AM |
08/18/2003 12:14:52 AM |
Congrats on the ribbon. I love the shot :) |
08/18/2003 12:08:01 AM |
Wow that's a Jack Russel? I was sure it was a Boston Terrier. Congrats on the win! |
08/18/2003 12:07:29 AM |
Oh, I didn't get to vote but this is a great shot! Her name is Kitty! Amazing shot and gongratulations on another well deserved ribbon! |
08/18/2003 12:04:31 AM |
08/18/2003 12:02:32 AM | of my favs. Congrats!! |
08/18/2003 12:02:02 AM |
u never cease to amaze me :) |
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08/18/2003 12:01:30 AM |
Congrats! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/17/2003 11:49:15 PM |
awwwwwwwww this is wayyy too cute a 10 |
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08/17/2003 11:40:32 PM |
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08/17/2003 10:58:45 PM |
This is one of the cutest photographs I have seen in a long time. I like the depth of field, but the cuteness is what really strikes me. Comment only - no vote. |
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08/17/2003 10:50:20 PM |
Adorable and heartwarming. Nice composition, good exposure and color saturation. 9 |
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08/17/2003 09:24:11 PM |
Nice job, one of picks of the week. 9 Morgan |
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08/17/2003 01:25:09 PM |
This is sooo cute :D The only thing I can see wrong is its a bit too green could have corrected it in photoshop But its beautiful anyway ;) nice job :D |
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08/17/2003 11:56:12 AM |
This is a great shot! My favorite so far. :) |
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08/17/2003 11:51:48 AM |
this is just too cute. its the sort of shot i can imagine on one of those blank greeting cards, especially in B&W. the composition is nice, perhaps a little close on the left, but not unforgivable. the dof is perfect, and the expression on his face is is priceless! of course you are going to tell us how he got in there! :) |
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08/17/2003 08:47:35 AM |
How adorable. I think this will be a ribbon picture. Grass might be just a little oversaturated. It doesn't really hurt anything though. Actually it might make for a little better contrast. |
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08/17/2003 06:09:29 AM |
Unbelievably adorable! This is a shot worthy of being a poster! Whether set-up or "accidental", this shot is fabulous. Everything (lighting, composition, subject) works well together and draws the eye right in to that puppy's face. Destined to be a fav for many, I am sure. |
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08/16/2003 08:03:37 PM |
This is so frighteningly adorable that I don't have words for it. I hope that container is as large, and the animal as comfortable, as it looks. Such a darling little peeping face. I also like that there's not much glare here, and yet the shadowed areas can still be made out fairly clearly, where they're in focus. |
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08/16/2003 06:34:30 PM |
What a terrific shot. Now how did you get this little one to cooperate so well?
He looks very comfortable in there. Perfect entry for the challenge! |
08/16/2003 02:26:23 PM |
Oh I want!!! So cute!! Once again, a nice tight crop cutting out the grass and more puppy would have been nice. Or maybe a crop of just its face and a little handle, to show what it's in... |
08/15/2003 03:16:03 AM |
This is so cute. It is amazing how you got the little dog into the jug and to stay there. The green grass and the black and white of the dog and jug work well together. THe DOF is spot on and enhances your image even more. I first gave this a 9 but bumping to a 10 now - Gary. |
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08/14/2003 11:49:21 PM |
Perfect lighting, great job. Too bad that blade of grass (on the left) is there but not a big deal. 8. |
08/14/2003 11:36:33 PM |
Wonderful shot! I love the composition. Everything works in this photo. The puppy is adorable and I just love the expression on his face. 10!! |
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08/14/2003 07:14:11 PM |
Lol. Very cute composition. I love the colors and the DOF. a definite 10 from me (that's saying a lot 'cause I'm a cat person). Jacko. |
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08/14/2003 12:13:45 PM |
aaaaaaaaas....that's so sweet. |
08/13/2003 10:14:24 PM |
Wow, Thats a tiny dog. Cute. 9 |
08/13/2003 03:48:26 PM |
Cute Shot! did the doggy get out of that thing?? |
08/13/2003 03:27:50 PM | cot me. that's way too cute. And I like the out of focus foreground. the framing of the shot is nice too, the green grass contrasts well. |
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08/13/2003 02:55:16 AM |
08/13/2003 01:47:48 AM |
08/12/2003 11:04:31 PM |
Good DOF and interesting subject. The top of the cup/pitcher is a bit too bright relative to the lighting on the inside and the dog. |
08/12/2003 10:18:50 PM |
I simply adore this photo...very nicely done. My fav for the week. |
08/12/2003 06:28:54 PM |
excellent shot color composition and focus...10 |
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08/12/2003 05:58:24 PM |
A very appealing photograph. Certainly fits the challenge...good composition, focus and lighting. This is a high number vote. |
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08/12/2003 01:25:27 PM |
Great colors, and you definitely got the cute factor going. Good work. |
08/12/2003 11:54:57 AM |
What a great subject! Your composition and exposure are excellent. the only thing I don't like is the tall blade of grass on the left. Niecely done and I give it a 9 (10 without the grass blade).
JD Anderson
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08/12/2003 11:16:37 AM |
I love this shot! Did the puppy climb in all on his own? It's so sweet. He looks like he is saying, "Comfort me. I want my mommy!"
Precious. Technical aspects of photo are great too. |
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08/12/2003 02:25:12 AM |
just great!!!! How did you get the puppy into that?? ;) |
08/11/2003 11:37:21 PM |
I like how the black and white of the puppy and container contrast with the grass. Nice DOF. He looks like he's hiding... very touching. |
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08/11/2003 08:19:01 PM |
08/11/2003 05:52:35 PM |
OH MY GOSH. This picture made me squeal, which frightened my poor kittens. Cuteness has curled itself into a metal cup. Stunningly adorable!! |
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08/11/2003 04:22:40 PM |
If this doesn't win a ribbon I'll eat my head. Great subject, model, DOF, focus - it's got it all. A touch more light on the pup would have been good. [10] |
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08/11/2003 04:06:46 PM |
I must say, that this time, humor scores high! I really like your composition and DOF here. One of my top picks. 9 -danny |
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08/11/2003 02:20:20 PM |
He must be tiny! This is too cute for words. |
08/11/2003 01:33:33 PM |
Well..... Hmmm.... another pet photo... yadda yadda yadda yadda and so on and so forth...... Pet photos are so common and cliche these days, but every once in a while, someone will catch something great as you have here. This is an amazing photo. I want to give this photo a 10 so bad I can taste it. The only thing that is holding me back is your title :( I really wish this photo had some really creative title to go along with it like "Timid" or "My Hideout" or "Taking Cover" or " Cozy" or something else that integrates well with the mood that this photo conveys to me. This little dog looks frightened... I probably put too much emphasis on titles, but they are important to me. Great photo and good luck in this challenge... This is worthy of a ribbon :)
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08/11/2003 01:16:08 PM |
08/11/2003 12:22:12 PM |
This is absolutely precious !!! Great composition, clour is nice, great candid photo. The only suggestion I would have is to include more space of green above the can. My personal favourite ! |
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08/11/2003 12:17:13 PM |
08/11/2003 12:12:51 PM |
Soo cute! And I don't normally go for the cute shots! I like the off-centred composition but feel it could be improved further by cropping just a little less tightly at the left and bottom edges - the edge of the mug feels too crowded within the frame. That said it's still very strong as it is and the eye contact is great! |
08/11/2003 10:23:51 AM |
Oh how cute is this! My kids would love one of these little guys, is it what they call a teacup dog? |
08/11/2003 09:20:31 AM |
nice composition,dog is little out of focus because of shallow DOF and white part of the cup too bright ,7 from me! |
08/11/2003 08:56:08 AM |
How do you like ribbons? Any color preference? Amazing shot and I just love it.
10 |
08/11/2003 08:48:01 AM |
fulfills the challenge and is terminally cute--what kind of puppy is it? |
08/11/2003 07:59:47 AM |
This wins the award for the cutest thing I think I've ever seen on DPC. If this doesn't win a ribbon, I'm a complete fool! |
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08/11/2003 07:14:05 AM |
Very funny :) Great catch! |
08/11/2003 04:26:08 AM |
Very cute, nice DoF control and lighting, 9 |
08/11/2003 03:51:56 AM |
WAaaaaaahhh so CUTE!!! how did the pup get in there? O_O; |
08/11/2003 03:25:46 AM |
This is a great image. What a capture. |
08/11/2003 12:44:39 AM |
Adorable picture! The colors are great and as clear as can be! So, is that a puppy in a little cup? Oh, ever so cute!! :) |
08/11/2003 12:38:26 AM |
LOL's. Good shot and the humor is wonderful. Good luck |
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