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Under the Bridge
1st PlaceUnder the Bridge

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Architecture III (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Sigma 15-30mm f/3.5-4.5 EX Aspherical DG DF for Canon
Location: Sydney, Australia
Date: May 28, 2006
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 30s
Galleries: Architecture
Date Uploaded: May 28, 2006

The underside of the Sydney Harbour Bridge


Thank you all so much for the votes, I really wasn't expecting to take a place in this contest, it has been a real surprise.

I guess it's only downhill from here eh? =0)

Place: 1 out of 281
Avg (all users): 7.4951
Avg (commenters): 8.5882
Avg (participants): 7.5636
Avg (non-participants): 7.4167
Views since voting: 18411
Views during voting: 404
Votes: 206
Comments: 100
Favorites: 57 (view)

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11/05/2008 07:50:31 AM
Amazing composition... From the thumbnail I couldn't figure out what it was for a long time
06/28/2006 10:58:03 AM

When I saw this image I recognised it as being very similar to your. Its a beatiful location. I guess the 15mm lens causes quite a bit of distortion as this guy has managed to keep the verticals straight using a medium format camera.

Great ribbon.

Message edited by author 2006-06-28 10:58:29.
06/10/2006 06:30:10 PM
Congratulations, amazing detail.
06/09/2006 01:44:34 PM
Congrats, brilliant shot!
06/09/2006 02:07:41 AM
lovely image
06/06/2006 10:38:54 PM
Originally posted by malmac55:

Great detail, very nice. I have taken many from observatory hill of the bridge, but this is a very different perspective, well done.

How do you find the Sigma lens?
Thank you for your comment!

The Sigma is a great lens, but I love it more on my 10D, as it's quite noticably soft on the full frame 5D. I'll be looking to replace it with a 17-40 L soon hopefully, as it's just a little too soft for my liking now.
06/06/2006 07:53:46 PM
"WOW", this is just amazing and such a well deserved winner of the "blue" ribbon.....What makes it even better is that you are from Australia. I am an Aussie like you, and that is one of the best images I have seen of Sydney Harbour Bridge, especially the angle that you have taken it. CONGRATULATIONS.....
06/06/2006 03:31:58 PM
I want to take photos like this help me to self actualise
06/06/2006 01:18:03 PM
I think thay this is brilliant.Congratulations.
06/06/2006 01:10:11 PM
Interesting, I guess everybody in Sydney has a picture like that :)
06/06/2006 11:19:35 AM
06/06/2006 10:54:04 AM
that's it :-)
06/06/2006 08:35:25 AM
when i first saw it, i thought...whoa is that the eiffel tower upside down?

but then i looked at it more, and it's incredible. congrats on blue!
06/06/2006 04:11:26 AM
I was in Sydney a few years ago and I saw (from the Sydney Opera House "SOH" and crossed that bridge many many times) Its a beauty....

Great capture.... congrats....
06/06/2006 03:39:57 AM
Great detail, very nice. I have taken many from observatory hill of the bridge, but this is a very different perspective, well done.

How do you find the Sigma lens?
06/06/2006 02:18:45 AM
Cogratulation on your blue, great capture!
06/05/2006 10:28:20 PM
By far one of the most dynamic images in the realm of DPC. While the lens lends it distortion, the overall perpective impact wins the day. The immediate impression is like a giant spaceship invading a city. An image that is totally impossible if the camera copied the eye 100% You deserve the highest kudos because you selected this breathtaking angle.

CONGRATULATIONS on you well deserved BLUE.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/05/2006 09:04:02 PM
06/05/2006 05:40:29 PM
This is lovely! Congrats on your Blue ribbon!
06/05/2006 03:06:33 PM
What a start! Congratulations on this stunning image and on your first blue ribbon.
06/05/2006 02:07:45 PM
Congratulations..wonderful unique angle and image...great photograph.
06/05/2006 02:01:01 PM
Wow. That's a nice start. Congrats!
06/05/2006 01:58:03 PM
Wow, what an amazing shot and a great inspiration to us fellow DPC newbies - there's hope yet! Great work!
06/05/2006 10:53:19 AM
Welcome to DPC! Quite a phenomenal start. Look forward to seeing more of your work.
06/05/2006 10:01:32 AM
Great perspective! Original vantage point! I take great pleasure in knowing those who "think-outside-the-box." Please add a 10 from me.
06/05/2006 09:36:00 AM
Wonderful shot, wonderful angle, well deserved. Congrats
06/05/2006 09:18:40 AM
Congrats, great perspective and details.
06/05/2006 09:01:49 AM
Well... congratulations! Beautiful!

Kinda hot for a first challenge entry... (must be a new account... hehe )

Message edited by author 2006-06-05 09:03:46.
06/05/2006 08:54:05 AM
Brilliantly executed. Congrats on the well deserved Blue!
06/05/2006 07:39:26 AM
Wonderful shot of down under from the land 'down under'. Congratulation on your well deserved blue ribbon. I hope you make a print available of this image.
06/05/2006 06:34:32 AM
Gongratulations on your first ribbon in your first entry! Excellent shot!
06/05/2006 05:44:10 AM
06/05/2006 04:45:04 AM
06/05/2006 03:55:19 AM
this is awesome dude,
06/05/2006 03:49:35 AM
Really cool image of the worlds biggest coathanger. Well done!
06/05/2006 03:01:03 AM
Congrats Admiral, you manouvred you craft with precision.

Message edited by author 2006-06-05 05:01:12.
06/05/2006 02:58:12 AM
nice work Dude! good to see another Aussie getting a ribbon
06/05/2006 02:37:04 AM
I saw this on OCAU and thought it was fantastic. You definately deserve this, congrats.
06/05/2006 02:32:11 AM
Dude i thought i was doing ok this was my 5th entry. kinda makes me want to go to sydney, great shot gave it a 10
06/05/2006 02:15:15 AM
wow 1st entry with Bule ribbon :)

Great Job man

"Congratulations on a well deserved blue ribbon "
06/05/2006 01:56:23 AM
yep nice shot
06/05/2006 01:43:14 AM
Congrats on your blue, on your first entry. Stunning Shot!
06/05/2006 01:25:36 AM
Absolutely WICKED!!!!!!

Stunning exposure, well done and congrtas on your ribbon.
06/05/2006 01:14:26 AM
Blue on your first entry, that's pretty impressive, wonderful shot.
06/05/2006 01:03:08 AM
Very nice shot. I didn't realise it was the Sydney Harbour Bridge during voting. Congrats on such a nice shot and your blue ribbon. What an intro to DPC. Go Aussie.
06/05/2006 12:51:46 AM
Congratulations. A rarely seen view. Thanks!
06/05/2006 12:37:45 AM

Message edited by author 2008-03-27 00:35:11.
06/05/2006 12:33:17 AM
Congrats on your blue!
06/05/2006 12:26:47 AM
I absolutely love it.
06/05/2006 12:18:02 AM
Wow, not bad for your first challenge entry ever! You've got a lot to live up to now ;-) Congrats!
06/05/2006 12:14:13 AM
A unique view to the coathanger. Congrats.
06/05/2006 12:11:29 AM
Great shot Kris
looks like I should have join you guys for the overclockers shoot friday
or is this the shot you went back for later in the week
06/05/2006 12:10:21 AM
I gave this a 10...wow, Sydney..I thought it might have been New York! excellent and congratualtions...this was the standout winner
06/05/2006 12:10:21 AM
Beautiful shot. Had this in my top 3. Well done and congrats on blue!
06/05/2006 12:10:10 AM
Congrats on the Ribbon, and I have congratulate you on picking a less popular angle of the SHB for this shot. The perspective in the shot is excellent, well done.
06/05/2006 12:09:42 AM
My top pick ! Yeah...

Originally posted by kenskid:

Looked through all the thumbnails and this is the only one that jumped out at me. 9 from me. I would have given a 10 but shot is a little hard to "grasp". Makes me a little disoriented when looking at it. (however that may be a good thing).

06/05/2006 12:09:13 AM
That is absolute stunning angle-- well deserved blue
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/04/2006 11:21:58 PM
Wonderful light and textures!
06/04/2006 08:09:28 PM
great shot
top 3 for sure?
good luck

06/04/2006 05:24:00 PM
Lovely photo, great angle, very clear and good colours.
06/04/2006 02:33:54 PM
Stunning Shot, well thought of, great colors! Good Luck
06/04/2006 07:59:54 AM
excellent point of view. crop/composition well done. 8
06/04/2006 07:41:35 AM
Nice one.
06/03/2006 11:49:47 PM
Nice angle for this challenge. Great colors as well.
06/03/2006 04:16:31 PM
Wow, that is awesome. Quite an amazing shot, the angle is just awesome, and the bridge is just too cool. They belly looks like a Starship.

Just a fabulous shot. 10.
06/03/2006 09:26:41 AM
wow - this is really good. I haven't given very good scores to all the bridge shots in this challenge but this one gets 9. This looks like Sydney to me - very interesting pov.
06/03/2006 02:49:03 AM
Great colors, interesting perspective. I like this one alot.
06/02/2006 04:22:27 PM
06/02/2006 03:17:46 PM
what an amazing point of view. uncommon, tricked my eye into thinking it was an upside-down tower. clear, sharp and well exposed, too. 9.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/02/2006 02:48:34 PM
Great perspective! Almost bastract and alien looking! I expect this to be on the front page!
06/02/2006 12:51:01 AM
Top 10. One of the most creative shots in this challenge that I have seen yet.
06/02/2006 12:20:28 AM
An amazing shot...Love the perspective
06/01/2006 10:29:12 PM
Very cool shot! This "should" be the winner IMO. Great symmetry & leading lines, cool lighting under the bridge, night shot - wonderful combination factors and difficulty. Good luck! Front page for sure!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/01/2006 09:44:46 PM
very cool view
06/01/2006 09:29:16 AM
has to ribbon in my opinion...what an amazing perspective and perfect exposure 10
06/01/2006 05:58:09 AM
nice wide angle shot! love the colors too 8
06/01/2006 03:22:58 AM
An interesting viewpoint. It works well - 8
06/01/2006 01:51:32 AM
Very cool under the bridge shot. I love the glow from the city lights.
05/31/2006 11:45:34 PM
I love the angle, it kind of amazes me in a way.
05/31/2006 07:58:37 PM
WOW! .... THis is such an amazing use of a wide lens. Great POV . Beautiful all over. rare 10 from me and fave
05/31/2006 12:38:02 PM
Great under bridge lighting. If it was my image, I might well have cropped out the city (or desaturated it perhaps). The city is a little distracting.
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05/31/2006 04:07:53 AM
It reminds me of something. :) But this is not the only reason I like it. The colorful reflections, the structure fading from crystal clear to blurry lines, the perfect tone of sky, all put together well. Grats.
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05/30/2006 09:07:40 PM
Wow talk about moving the viewer eye into the frame! The bridge function to transport out eye across the frame to the city - nice composition. Great exposure and colors and reflections! Bumping up. 9
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/30/2006 08:25:22 PM
definate ten if i could vote
loooovvve it.
05/30/2006 08:18:52 PM
this is by far the best of the challenge.... and possibly one of the best bridge shots i've seen. I love it. fantastic shot! 10.
05/30/2006 04:21:08 PM
Interesting perspective. I like it.
05/30/2006 07:41:00 AM
great perspective and color,-9-
05/30/2006 06:07:11 AM
Nice perspective. Great colors. I like the reflection off the water. Well done.
05/29/2006 08:11:00 PM
wow! Phenomenal! 10!
05/29/2006 07:32:37 PM
I like the way the bridge is coming at you from overhead...almost gives the feeling of a starship flying above in the sky...well done.
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05/29/2006 04:11:33 PM
Terrific perspective.
05/29/2006 03:09:18 PM
now that is architecture!
05/29/2006 02:48:13 PM
It doesn't get much more impressive or cool than this. A very unique angle!
05/29/2006 12:22:13 PM
striking, nice detail 7
05/29/2006 12:05:44 PM
woh great shot !!!
05/29/2006 09:44:45 AM
Looked through all the thumbnails and this is the only one that jumped out at me. 9 from me. I would have given a 10 but shot is a little hard to "grasp". Makes me a little disoriented when looking at it. (however that may be a good thing).

  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/29/2006 09:23:28 AM
Wow, excellent shot.
05/29/2006 09:04:34 AM
what an absolutly phenominal shot! great work. good luck!
05/29/2006 01:03:07 AM
great view
05/29/2006 12:18:21 AM
My first "WOW" of the challenge! I really like the perspective here. Must have been a *really* wide lens!

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