Author | Thread |
08/25/2007 03:03:19 AM |
Pictures like this that really make me miss my home :/
Only two hours drive from Geiranger *sigh*
Great shot. |
11/16/2006 01:11:46 PM |
Geiranger!!! what a fantastic place and what a beautiful capture! |
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07/28/2006 05:07:24 AM |
Stunning... this website is awesome... |
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06/15/2006 09:33:22 PM |
I dont like going on my roof. I dont think I would do well there.
Awesome shot man. Congrats, its an awesome shot ! |
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06/15/2006 08:05:09 PM |
Scary to look at this, but what a shot! Congratulations! |
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06/15/2006 04:54:32 PM |
Congrats on your Terje !
I just dropped in on your profile page and realized I need to spend more
time there - your landscape shots are stunning, as is this Black & White. |
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06/15/2006 03:55:34 AM |
Veldig god og tillykke med den røde.
Jeg skal med Hurtigruten 26. juni (hele vejen op og ned) og kan nesten ikke sove :) Har været i Norge mange gange, oftest sørlandet, men en enkelt gang til Alta og derfra til Sørøya, men Hurtigruten er en 30 år gammel drøm, og nu så sker det og jeg får meget mere at se.
Mange gode fotos i din profil Terje. |
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06/14/2006 09:14:06 PM |
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06/14/2006 05:02:12 PM |
gives me the creeps looking at this, i'm petrified of height.
great photo, congrats. |
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06/14/2006 03:30:28 PM |
Gorgeous picture! Congrats on your ribbon! |
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06/14/2006 11:28:24 AM |
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06/14/2006 08:35:43 AM |
Congratulations on your ribbon, Excellent shot! |
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06/14/2006 04:18:21 AM |
Finally a red! Congrats Terje! :-) |
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06/13/2006 09:12:18 PM |
A stupendous comeback! What an image. Congratulations on your Red! |
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06/13/2006 05:46:05 PM |
Beautifully done... Congratulations! |
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06/13/2006 12:02:19 PM |
great terje...
awesome view
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06/13/2006 11:38:37 AM |
This is incredible, poster-worthy photographers' photography! Looking at your profile (BIO) image, I get really nervous from the heights â€Â¦ Simple unbelievable. If these are self-portraits, how do you set it up??
Message edited by author 2006-06-15 20:15:41. |
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06/13/2006 10:21:53 AM |
Congratulations terje, on the red! This photo is so completely captivating and has such a timeless appeal to it. Have to add it to my favorites (imma sucker for a great B&W) :) |
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06/13/2006 10:11:55 AM |
wow...absolutely love it! |
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06/13/2006 10:11:23 AM |
This one was a "no-brainer" for a ribbon! Mega-Congratulations on a stunning photograph!!!!
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06/13/2006 09:45:33 AM |
Originally posted by MayaM:
Hey was it really a 10sec exposure? |
As Joey would say Yup. It was scary up there, but no acciedent!
Thanks for your comment, appriciate it! |
06/13/2006 09:12:57 AM |
Congrats. Job well done, especially that you did not fall off. I like this processing compared to the orig photo. Gives it a colder feeling, really adds to the mood. Wow!
Hey was it really a 10sec exposure? |
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06/13/2006 08:21:29 AM |
What a wonderful shot, congrats! |
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06/13/2006 08:21:04 AM |
You've captured this wonderful scene perfectly, with excellent composition. Congrats on the red ribbon. |
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06/13/2006 08:13:33 AM |
really a wonderful shot. thanks for sharing! |
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06/13/2006 07:49:27 AM |
Great, Interesting shot. Nice improvementment on the first. Congrats on your Red ribbon. |
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06/13/2006 06:16:55 AM |
Thank you all for your kind comments, I appriciate it a lot! This shot was taken at Geiranger, and was a reshoot of Natures King.
For me a red ribbon is a win, I could not have been anymore happy with this! A big thank-you to Patrick Di Fruscia - what a great trip!
(edit: removed orginal)
Message edited by author 2006-06-14 18:58:46. |
06/13/2006 05:43:44 AM |
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06/13/2006 05:28:49 AM |
Was this Take Two because your previous model died in the first one?
A stunning shot obviously, if a bit cheeky given the theme. |
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06/13/2006 05:19:07 AM |
Congrats dude, sorry to "steal" the blue ribbon from you like that, this shot is awesome! I am over in Stavanger pretty much every year and I am always on my way to this fjord to take pictures, this will sure be a kick in the butt to do so next time I am over. Cheerz! |
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06/13/2006 04:43:18 AM |
Congrats on the well deserved ribbon, I had it picked for the top 3. |
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06/13/2006 04:40:17 AM |
awesome, if you mean at this // patrick i understand the work you two have done ... marvelous |
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06/13/2006 04:30:47 AM |
Where is the original from this beautiful retake? |
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06/13/2006 04:19:26 AM |
Glad you didn't suffer from vertico, well deserved ribbon. |
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06/13/2006 03:13:54 AM |
congrats on the ribbon.. Lovely composition and amazing views.. If you ever have time on your hands try to selectively desaturate the pic (like bring out the blue or the greens) even a little bit... I'm sure the colours with a landscape will look more stunning |
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06/13/2006 02:27:35 AM |
::: Critique Club :::
Hi, my name is Kari and from the critique club.
First Impression - the most important one:
What an awesome picture ... such vastness ... and so completely encompasssing.
It is beautiful .. I am not sure which picture this is a retake of ... It is not easily identified ... but if it is of Natures King .. then very well done .. and I think that his shot is improved from the comments you received. But if it is not that shot .. let me know which one ... :)
I think this works very well .. the angle that the shot is taken from is very good ... the slight up to the man and big down to the river. The lines of the mountans also create a wonderful leading line for the eye which then takes in the photographer. I would have liked slightly more of the cliff that the guy is standing on as this may have bought him more onto the vertical thirds.
Technical (Colour and light):
I think that the black and white here is really good .. I would not think it works well for landscapes .. but this shot has opened those eyes ... I always like natural light .. .but this shot also has long exposure .. so how did you get him not to move?
To grow its vote?:
Fantasic score as it is .. but to improve maybe a slight recrop .. and I don't know if that would result in the score being upped.
Well done .. congrats on the ribbon.
If you've got any questions about this critique, please feel free to contact me via the PM system.
Kari |
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06/13/2006 02:15:35 AM |
Can't find any photo in your portfolio resembling this one, so I don't think you made a retake at all, but just a free study. Beautiful as it is, I think it's not following the description of the Take two challenge. |
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06/13/2006 02:09:13 AM |
Congrats! Lovely pics you uploaded recently to your portfolio as well. Cant believe i just found your portfolio. |
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06/13/2006 01:57:04 AM |
Originally posted by NstiG8tr: Spectacular photo but the description leaves me wondering if you actually took the photo or did the guy named Patrick Di Fruscia which the description implies. This would be against the rules. |
That's not true: the rules specifically allow someone else to push the shutter if you are unable to. If Terje set this shot up, framed it and set the exposure etc, and told his friend to click when he was in position on the outcrop, this would be perfectly legal. |
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06/13/2006 01:47:32 AM |
BOO! ;-)
Not boo-ing the pic, just trying to scare you over the edge to thin out the competition. :) Undeniably fantastic! Congrats. |
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06/13/2006 01:38:44 AM |
don't jump terje! :-)
you go everywhere, man
congrats |
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06/13/2006 01:37:26 AM |
Spectacular photo but the description leaves me wondering if you actually took the photo or did the guy named Patrick Di Fruscia which the description implies. This would be against the rules. |
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06/13/2006 01:26:46 AM |
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06/13/2006 01:09:55 AM |
I had this as one of my top three rated photos and knew it was going to ribbon the first time I saw it. But I want to know if you could tell us what challenge this was from originally? I went through your portfolio and saw nothing similar at all. I would love to compare your other shot to see how it improved.
Message edited by author 2006-06-13 01:12:28. |
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06/13/2006 01:03:51 AM |
Very cool shot, and Congrats on the ribbon!
Message edited by author 2006-06-13 03:45:33. |
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06/13/2006 12:56:56 AM |
This is fantastic - straight to my faves! I didn't vote in this challenge but it definately would have received a 10 from me! The composition, the black and white...beautiful. |
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06/13/2006 12:42:03 AM |
Wow.. gorgeous vista. Creative and captivating shot.. congrats on the red :) |
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06/13/2006 12:28:37 AM |
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06/13/2006 12:22:28 AM |
Congrats on your ribbon. I had this pegged for a top placement all along. Well done. |
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06/13/2006 12:19:48 AM |
I was gonna say...did you fall off and die? Well, you obviously made it! Congrats! Stunning photo with "a hold your breath'' quality. |
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06/13/2006 12:18:27 AM |
Congrats on this wonderful shot. Which challenge was this from? I would have noticed by now ;)
Message edited by author 2006-06-13 00:18:53. |
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06/13/2006 12:17:22 AM |
are you freaking kidding me...goodness. Now you are a photographer. |
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06/13/2006 12:15:08 AM |
I gave this 10...deserved a ribbon and got amazing image |
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06/13/2006 12:13:55 AM |
I'm delighted to see this do so well. What was the original? Congrats on your ribbon! |
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06/13/2006 12:11:09 AM |
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06/13/2006 12:09:13 AM |
Congratulations on your red ribbon with this dizzyingly good shot. :-) Love it! |
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06/13/2006 12:08:56 AM |
This is way cool! Congratulations! |
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06/13/2006 12:08:34 AM |
I really like this shot... plus it has the added pucker factor. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
06/12/2006 11:55:55 PM |
Classic angle from the past - well done! |
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06/12/2006 11:55:31 PM |
stunning, instant favorite, 10 |
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06/12/2006 11:48:34 PM |
WOW!!! Great capture! Hazy background loses none of its power and actually adds so much to the depth. 10 and a instant favorite |
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06/12/2006 11:44:11 PM |
What a fantastic view! Great capture! |
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06/12/2006 11:28:16 PM |
This actually made me dizzy and my stomach turn somersaults. No way could I even begin to get near that edge. What a view. |
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06/12/2006 09:28:54 PM |
Beautiful place. Nice composition although contrast seems a bit flat in the BG. |
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06/12/2006 01:06:23 PM |
I know I have seen this shot around but I can't seem to place it. Doesn't matter as I can't imagine the original being any better than this. Phenomenal shot and I expect to see this one up high in the ranks. WEll done and bumping up.
Edit - bumping up one more time. |
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06/12/2006 06:17:58 AM |
Great shot. I really like the B&W. I'm curious on what the first one looks like. |
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06/11/2006 11:17:18 PM |
god..ur brave! Great shot! |
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06/11/2006 06:05:48 PM |
I love this shot. Reminds me of an Ansel Adams photo. Well done. |
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06/11/2006 01:16:40 AM |
I like this photograph. I just wish you could adjust the levels and a few other things. It's really a great picture but it can easily be turned into an Amazing photograph. |
06/10/2006 08:53:47 PM |
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06/09/2006 01:25:00 PM |
My hair stands up looking at this, well done |
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06/08/2006 06:55:02 PM |
Woah! Fantastic spot and courageous photographer! Excellent scene.
At first, I thought there was a lack of contrast, but then I saw the foreground. Excellent! |
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06/08/2006 07:40:22 AM |
IMHO I would love to have seen this image in colour. I think in colour it would have more impact. However it remains impressive. Well done. |
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06/08/2006 03:18:19 AM |
*sneaks up behind him with a pair of cymbals...* ;-) |
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06/07/2006 10:19:34 PM |
Wowee...that is incredible. |
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06/07/2006 01:28:53 PM |
This captures perfectly the "spirit or the soul of the photographer!" Well done. Among my top picks for the challenge. |
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06/07/2006 01:46:18 AM |
"WOW", factor here, and thats very high up..... |
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06/06/2006 11:08:44 PM |
I don't know what the original looks like but I know this one is a pretty amazing photo. 9 |
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06/06/2006 09:49:44 PM |
Great image! I love the vantage point! |
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06/06/2006 07:36:01 PM |
my choice for the top place.
just perfect
good luck
Kev |
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06/06/2006 05:33:27 PM |
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06/06/2006 03:46:14 PM |
I think i would like to see this in colour.. but love the settin and every thing else 8 |
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06/06/2006 02:40:20 PM |
That's a big world and a large drop. Great dramatic photo!
Message edited by author 2006-06-13 10:30:52. |
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06/06/2006 01:28:53 PM |
Now this is a great point of view. Good shot. Could use a bit more contrast though. |
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06/06/2006 01:23:35 PM |
That is SOOOOO unfair that you have scenery like THIS to choose from for your photos! Sheeeeeeeeeeesh!!! But what can I say. . .this is beyond outstanding and spectacular! Ribbon material for SURE!!!! It's truly breathtaking!!! |
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06/06/2006 12:29:42 PM |
10. Even though I'd like to see it in colour. |
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06/06/2006 10:45:01 AM |
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06/06/2006 09:07:10 AM |
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06/06/2006 09:01:34 AM |
Oh my goodness you are CRAZY!!! That deserves the blue ribbon...haven't seen the original, but this looks fantastic and I hope you do well with this, good luck...shot needs just a little more contrast, but I will still gove this 10 |
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06/06/2006 08:34:59 AM |
My god you have bigger balls than I do!! Great shot though. I could NEVER pull this off...too scared of heights!! 8 |
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06/06/2006 05:59:54 AM |
What a view and place to be. Great photo. |
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06/06/2006 03:33:43 AM |
Wow, this reminds me about Bear_Music's story about the time he lost a camera....
Neat pic! |
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06/06/2006 12:57:15 AM |
Awesome. The subject is perfectly placed. I get a good sense of height. |
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06/06/2006 12:30:03 AM |
Shades of "Ansel Adams at Glacier Point"! I don't think the title's doing this beautiful, old-time feeling shot any favors; it seems so tricial for the grandeur and intensity of the scene. Nice work! |
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