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Inside a tape robot
Inside a tape robot

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Texture (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2100UZ
Location: Electrabel, Belgium
Date: Jul 15, 2002
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/5s
Date Uploaded: Jul 18, 2002

This robot (middle) moves around almost constantly, looking for the right tapes, and placing them into a certain tape drive (left side). So; pretty busy guy. No wonder actually; he's responsible of all backups of about 50 servers (4000 people).

Place: 178 out of 218
Avg (all users): 4.3946
Avg (commenters): 5.8824
Avg (participants): 4.3935
Avg (non-participants): 4.3962
Views since voting: 983
Votes: 261
Comments: 17
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/28/2002 09:14:00 PM
this reminds me of one of those 1st person 3d computer games. great sharpness and DOF. the blue stripe below adds.
07/27/2002 05:00:00 PM
excellent depth of field in this shot... good work :) = 7 - jmsetzler
07/27/2002 11:12:00 AM
Interesting shot but I dont get the texture in it. If this was a challenge in form or symetry I would rate this very high.
07/26/2002 04:28:00 PM
This is a good image, it falls into the debate on the site about "is it texture or is it structure and form?" Personally I think this is all about form and structure rather than texture which to me is the way something feels. In your image I don't know which bit I am supposed to be feeling and although I know from experience what some of these items feel like the picture doesn't tell me.
07/26/2002 01:10:00 PM
Last one I saw was in a silo configuration. The shot is too dark, with the center way tooo bright. I am surprised with that lighting, this turned out as viewable as it did. (that was a compliment, really!) Even so, 6 Swash
07/26/2002 12:22:00 PM
Radio stations still using these? Washed out a little at the far end on you. 6 nards656
07/25/2002 11:39:00 PM
A really facinating picture. I love the metallic textures, and your picture's quality is excellent.
07/25/2002 04:54:00 AM
I recognize this!
07/24/2002 04:34:00 PM

Technical Aspects5
Meets Challenge5
Total Score6

For those that are just learning, like me.

Composition: Scoring in this area is based on basic composition of a picture and includes the rule of thirds, balance, cropping, and curved and diagonal lines. Subject matter that does not lend itself to the picture or otherwise unwanted is also considered here.

Originality: Scoring in this area is based on pictures or concepts that I have seen, as well as how much effort you have invested in the picture. Usually a little something that sets it aside from a snapshot. Does it make me want to come back for another look? You know things like that.

Technical Aspects: Focus, exposure, lighting, and other special effects (done by the camera), and post processing are all considered in this category.

Meets Challenge: This is based on my interpretation of if you, have/have not, met the challenge. This is fairly simple but quite important for this site.

There are many sites that can give you assistance in achieving better skills in photography, but I think the best way to learn is to take pictures and show them to other people. Believe me when it is a good one you will know it.

Good luck!

07/24/2002 01:00:00 PM
I've never seen one if these before all of our data has to be retrevable in real time.
I realy have to stretch to get texture out of this picture if pattern.
07/23/2002 01:12:00 PM
I didn't know that people still used these things. I thought that with the advent of 120gb hard drives we didn't need these old robots. Great photo!!!
07/23/2002 09:19:00 AM
Has nice lines and the lighting makes it interesting.
07/22/2002 11:30:00 PM
Definitely a unique interpretation of texture. I like the patterns and "rhythm" this picture seems to have. Just for your information -- the inversion of this is really neat, at least in my opinion. karmat
07/22/2002 01:28:00 PM
I don't understand the "texture" element of this photo.
07/22/2002 09:55:00 AM
Wow. So many tapes. What are they for? Not much room to get in there for repair, cleaning, etc. Wonderful perspective, nice work. Kee
07/22/2002 07:44:00 AM
So this is what Ops are doing whilst the console fills with red messages! The far end is too bright, but I cant see you dealing with that whilst sneaking about on the nightshift.
07/22/2002 06:33:00 AM
it looks especially when I squint my eyes

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