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In a Well Balanced World
In a Well Balanced World

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motion Blur II (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon MF 24mm f/2.8 AIS
Location: Seltjarnarnes
Date: Jun 22, 2006
Aperture: f/11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jun 22, 2006

I've discovered what drives forward to make good photographs. It's competition. In all the challenges between Rhythm and Architecture including Rhythm and Architecture I was competing with "TNCameron". It ended with that I got my currently highest score the Architecture challenge. Then he went on a looong trip to South-America and is still on it. I wont come home before the beginning of August.
Now David, another friend of mine, wanted to become member and submit a photo to the motion blur contest. He is really good at panning and stuff like that. He primary photographs airplane and because of that he'll probably submit a photograph of an airplane to the challenge. Now we're competing and see who will get higher score. I really wanted to win but don't know if I do.

Anyways, there a two humans on the picture. The yoga guy is named Siggi and the running dude is an old man that was running by. It is taken at Seltjarnarnes near Grótta which I photographed for the night shot challenge. It was a really nice sunset when we were photographing. That explains the nice lighting. I also postprocessed it a lot to make it better. First I used the highlight/shadow filter to get more detail. Then I made very many layer masks with curves, level and hue saturation to bring up the good things. I also added some orange photo filters to make the colors hotter. When I was done I realized that I had overprocessed the sky so I exported another photo from the original raw file with a little bit other exposure. I added it to the photoshop file and layermasked it so it would only appear to the sky. I made some curves to sky to add contrast. Finally I did the same old workflow, flattern, minimize and save for

Place: 28 out of 177
Avg (all users): 6.1168
Avg (commenters): 7.9048
Avg (participants): 5.7568
Avg (non-participants): 6.3333
Views since voting: 2608
Views during voting: 452
Votes: 197
Comments: 28
Favorites: 0

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07/06/2006 06:01:15 PM
*Critique Club*

This is an amazing photo! I really like it. The only thing actually that stands out to me as odd in this photo is the large dark object to the right of the photo. It seems out of place, and while I realize you probably couldn't move it, I still wish that maybe it hadn't been there. Just the smaller rocks would have been awesome.
I love the sky and the balance between the sky and the ground. The focus on the grass is great.
Focus and clarity throughout the image is perfect. I think you did a wonderful job technically with everything.
The editing is great. The detail in both the sky and the ground is amazing.
You did a great job of getting the horizon line nicely levelled and I like how the horizon line is down low within the photo. I like how you have put so much sky in ths shot, I think that it helps enhance the peacefulness of the photo.
My first impression of this photo was that the kid was still able to maintain sanity even in a hectic world. My nitpic would be that I would have Siggi not smiling. Maybe have a more relaxed look on their face. otherwise, I think this shot fits the challenge well and is technically well done, and has that visual appeal that viewers love.
Overall great job, not much more to say! Congrats.
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07/03/2006 10:44:51 AM
i think you should have scored higher..
  Photographer found comment helpful.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/02/2006 10:00:13 PM
omg, what's she going to do with that giant eggplant?
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07/02/2006 09:31:47 PM
All the elements work very well in your photo. A very good photo.
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07/02/2006 08:44:00 PM
beautiful photo
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07/02/2006 07:41:38 PM
I don't get it? It's a nice capture, though.
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07/02/2006 02:44:14 AM
interesting. i'm not sure whether that large mount thiny to the right adds or subtracts from the composition. i like it tho.
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07/02/2006 02:20:15 AM
A lovely shot - very spiritual. All the elements come together nicely, although I would have cropped it a little differently:
1. I'd have got rid of at least half of the sky. It definitely enhances the mood and is essential to the overall effect, but there's just too much of it.
2. I think I'd have cropped more tightly on the right, and have given the blurred running suject some more space to run into on the left. (I would need to try it to know if this would really have improved things, though.)

But still a lovely shot.
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07/01/2006 05:15:47 PM
Nice Colors
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06/29/2006 06:48:22 PM
wow! what cool scenery and an awesome sky! interesting idea. 8
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06/29/2006 05:26:28 PM
Good. I like the effect of the sky here, it dominates the background and enhances the meditative state of the person in the foreground.
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06/28/2006 07:53:23 AM
Hey...this is great...the lighting is perfect.
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06/27/2006 10:20:59 PM
I like the wonderful sharpness, and the great colors. I also like the fact that he could sit still long enough to be sharp on that rock.
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06/27/2006 06:17:57 PM
Special -
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06/27/2006 05:05:44 PM
this is very cool. the sky looks great.10.
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06/27/2006 04:06:31 PM
I like the overall processing of the image. I'm not getting why the blurred runner is in the photo with the peaceful one though.
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06/27/2006 06:29:36 AM
original idea which works for me I like it 7
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06/27/2006 06:22:04 AM
This is excellent.....
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06/26/2006 09:21:02 PM
I like this. The sky and the grass have come out great. I like the idea. The only thing I am not too sure about is the big black rock, but even that has texture and isn't just a mass of black. Overall I think it's really good, and if I were voting I would give it a 9. Good luck.
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06/26/2006 08:47:31 PM
I like the sky, the left and middle figures. But I cannot quite figure out what the right hand thing is. I wish it was not there since it only takes away from this image. I must be missing something, right? Your idea of a peacefully composed mediating person on a rock surrounded by moving people is superb though. Could have been a real winner and, IMO, worth reshooting.
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06/26/2006 06:55:22 PM
Utopia is a long way off, but this image is great in my top shelf vote
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06/26/2006 06:13:41 PM
Excellent idea, great job pulling it off.
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06/26/2006 02:00:48 PM
Impactful photo, the PP reaches out and grabs you yet is not overdone. Super cool sky!
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06/26/2006 11:16:59 AM
Clever image. Wonderful shot of the clouds. What's the thing to the right? Looks like a huge cucumber sticking up out of the ground. Should have waited for your knees to dry out. ;^)
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06/26/2006 10:29:52 AM
flott mynd á eftir að skora hátt! fékk hæstu einkunn frá mér 9 enda klárlega besta myndin í keppninni ad mínu mati! Gangi þér vel
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06/26/2006 08:54:00 AM
I like the fact that I had to study it to figure out what was going on. Well done. Even the centering works.
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06/26/2006 07:42:17 AM
Great picture but I think the person running doesn't enhance it, I would like it much better without it :)
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06/26/2006 01:39:48 AM
love the sky and the colours .. composition seems little off though .. perhaps better landscape?
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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