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Seven Years Bad Luck
Seven Years Bad Luck

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Superstitions & Urban Legends II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Location: Cedar Falls, IA
Date: Jun 26, 2006
Aperture: F/7.1
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/2000
Date Uploaded: Jun 26, 2006

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Place: 14 out of 97
Avg (all users): 6.2297
Avg (commenters): 6.3704
Avg (participants): 5.8936
Avg (non-participants): 6.2786
Views since voting: 1371
Views during voting: 601
Votes: 370
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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07/05/2006 07:16:08 PM
Congratulations on your top 20 finish!
07/05/2006 01:57:43 AM
Thank you for the nice and helpful comments. To answer the common question, I broke four mirrors total and this capture came from the first one.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/04/2006 01:56:00 PM
This must have been a messy photoshoot. Good capture. Interesting high key and high contrast effect, too.
07/04/2006 12:01:00 PM
Technical: 2/3
Aesthetic: 3/3
Personal Tilt: 1/3
Wow!: 1/1
07/04/2006 07:15:38 AM
Great catch
07/04/2006 06:06:57 AM
that is a good shot... love it...
07/04/2006 03:37:40 AM
Perfect timing!
07/03/2006 06:06:13 PM
OMG - great one, but is it really worth it... I mean 7 YEARS :o) I have to say good luck AND good luck for the next 7 years to come..
07/02/2006 04:07:35 PM
Great timing on releasing the shutter. How may mirrors did you have to go through?
07/02/2006 05:48:54 AM
good capture :)
07/02/2006 02:31:42 AM
Good work.
07/01/2006 04:29:57 PM
wow! what timing! the best mirror shot, imo.
07/01/2006 02:28:37 PM
Nicely timed shot. I like the simplicity of the composition against the blank background.
07/01/2006 11:53:03 AM
Good reflexes to snap that one at the right moment. Did you get it in one drop?
07/01/2006 08:36:43 AM
nice shot
06/30/2006 11:25:52 PM
Great idea. I like how the shards of glass are flying off the mirror. Overall, the picture seems a little overprocessed.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/29/2006 03:40:13 PM
Nice shot. Something with the lighting is bothering me but I can't put my finger on it. Possibly lack of shadows.
06/29/2006 02:15:48 PM
Nice capture. Just doesn't seem to grab me though.
06/29/2006 01:44:58 PM
Good work capturing this moment. 8
06/29/2006 11:43:14 AM
Looks like you punched up the whites in PP a bit too much. A dynamic shot of the superstition though. I guess you really only had one take on this, eh? 6
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/29/2006 09:02:09 AM
Pretty well executed shot. Great idea. Subject well positioned in the frame (maybe a bit tight at the top). If you use Hue & Saturation you could pull down the blue/purple a bit to eliminate some of the bluish cast in the shadow.

Smile and keep having fun! ;^)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/29/2006 06:54:23 AM
good timing...how many mirrors did you break????
06/29/2006 02:36:09 AM
Why... is there a reflection of grass in one of those mirrors...
06/28/2006 10:47:06 PM
points for having the most original broken mirror entry. Shame its a bit overexposed. Would have been great to see a reflection in the mirror as it broken, that would have been hard to do.
06/28/2006 10:27:32 PM
Great shot and an original take (no face in the glass this time!). Well done. How many mirrors did you get through before you were happy with the shot?!
06/28/2006 05:20:21 PM
nice job capturing the action of breakign the mirror and not just the broken mirror. i feel less lucky just from looking at it. lol :)
06/28/2006 02:34:17 PM
Fantastic timing - I wonder how many mirrors you had to wreck for this photo :-) I'm often not a fan of high-key images, but the rest of this is too good to let that get to me. 9
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/28/2006 01:45:42 PM
The bad thing about this shot is that you probably didn't get a lot of chances to take it.
It's a little bit out of focus, but it's still okay..
I'm not sure about the white background.. it a little bit too white..
06/28/2006 12:51:59 PM
Best of the mirror pictures, top 5 scoring
06/28/2006 12:45:44 PM
wow, this is a great capture. how many mirrors did you have to go through?
06/28/2006 12:20:11 PM
Like the action caught here. So how many mirrors did you break to get this image? Its nice, just don't care for the over contrastiness of the shadow.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/28/2006 02:06:56 AM
How many mirrors did you have to break to get this great shot.....
Worth every one, if others vote like I do, and give you a "10".....
06/28/2006 01:08:17 AM
Good shot..
06/28/2006 12:50:10 AM
Great shot and one of the best in the challenge IMHO

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