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 This image was disqualified from the Purple II challenge.
The Becoming Of The Masks We wear
The Becoming Of The Masks We wear

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Purple II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Location: Ontario
Date: Sep 26, 2006
Aperture: f11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160
Date Uploaded: Sep 26, 2006

Hi team. As some of you know, I had an entry in the 'Purple' challenge. I was asked for a validation and at that point noticed that I had blown it. I contacted site council, explained the error with the understanding that my image would be disqualified. After a brief waiting period, I've been informed that the entry has in fact been disqualified and rightly so, I might add.
The image entered was the final edited version I decided upon after a number of attempts at different styles etc. Unfortunately, the image I worked on for my entry was done on a file previously edited for other purposes. Both the original and the edited versions were side by side in my folder and when opening the file, I opened the wrong one and never realized I was working on an edited version. It was a careless and unintentional mistake and one I am willing to atone for.
Unfortunately this error will have a very serious impact on the team's standing this week particularilly since at the time of disqualification I was sitting at a score of roughly 7.4. After all the excitement and good will shown between all team members, I feel very saddened by the effect this will have.
Please accept my apologies. It was a very simple and honest mistake but that dosn't make me feel any better as mistakes like this, due to carelessness aren't the best ones to make. I already realize that you will all be very receptive to my apology... that's the type of good hearted people you are, and for that I am gratefull in advance. Wish there was a way I could make it up to you all.
Thanks guys and girls,

thegrandwazoo, chispa, Judi, timfythetoo, SJCarter, Philup and TomFoolery :)
Disqualification Details
Spot editing is not permitted in 'Basic Editing.' Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 1643
Comments: 26
Favorites: 5 (view)

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10/14/2006 02:03:41 PM
Man, what a bummer. This truly was one of the best.
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10/04/2006 09:33:55 AM
The best way you could atone is by acknowledging the many people who give comments to your photos. But, hey, that would be asking too much from you wouldn't it.
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10/04/2006 03:06:33 AM
Bad luck for the dq man, this was a ribbon winner in my book,

thanks for your honest explanation
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10/04/2006 02:12:03 AM
This is awesome man!
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10/04/2006 01:02:30 AM
Aw Qart, a great shot. So sorry to see the DQ. Would have been great competition and I would have been happy (well, ok, not happy) to lose to it.
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10/04/2006 12:34:25 AM
Ya wally...come 'ere so I can slap ya....sheshesheseh!! But as you saw....we are a team. And when one falls down...the others pick up the slack....we areA TEAM!!

UNTOUCHABLES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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10/04/2006 12:20:33 AM
Beautiful shot Qart! Cool and funky processing. Glad to see that one of my preferred scenarios played out my friend. You can rest easy.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/29/2006 02:45:33 PM

BTW...have you seen Neil Gaimon's "Mirror Mask"
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09/29/2006 11:11:06 AM
Really nice lighting.
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09/29/2006 05:50:17 AM
Great idea, love your lighting. Her facial expression is great.
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09/28/2006 11:48:18 PM
interesting in a good way
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09/28/2006 04:15:03 PM
Very, very nice - great photo and meets the challenge to a tee!
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09/28/2006 04:04:53 PM
very good shot !! 8
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09/28/2006 03:49:11 PM
Interesting, but it feels more like you just added color than actually taking an image of something purple.
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09/28/2006 01:38:29 PM
Great Concept, but the model's face a bit soft.9
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09/28/2006 10:12:54 AM
You may have entered the "purple" challenge but I'm sure you'll be receiving the blue. Beautiful lighting, creativity, and tones. 10
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09/28/2006 08:52:02 AM
ribbon winner for sure...has to be one of the better images in this challenge...only thing is the light on her cheek is distracting...superb 9
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09/28/2006 08:25:06 AM
get out! this is good.
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09/28/2006 02:17:23 AM
Love this one.....
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09/28/2006 12:19:33 AM
i would have liked to have seen less of the girl's face, but otherwise it's an awesome photo. 9
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09/27/2006 09:22:55 PM
wonderful shot 10
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09/27/2006 01:57:49 PM
Love the concept. I wish her face were more natural looking, not so "neat imaged" and maybe a little less purple.
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09/27/2006 07:50:00 AM
well done - best one i've seen so far
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09/27/2006 06:44:15 AM
Beautiful lighting and colour!
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09/27/2006 05:36:05 AM
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09/27/2006 12:47:42 AM
Very cool. I can't wait to see how you did that with basic. Gorgeous lighting. 9
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