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1st PlaceOverpainted

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Exposed (Classic Editing)
Collection: challenge entries
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Lens: Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX Aspherical DF for Canon
Location: Nottuln
Date: Oct 12, 2003
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Studio, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Oct 12, 2003

A sheet of yellow painted photo board on top of two tins of paint on top of a sheet of black photo board.

First I rolled a line of yellow paint on white photoboard then cut it out along the line. Then I painted the whole board yellow with the roller to get roller and photo board the same color.

A big thanks to Rolf D. for letting me use his idea, and of course to Nasti for setting up the lighting :-)

Place: 1 out of 110
Avg (all users): 7.6644
Avg (commenters): 8.8286
Avg (participants): 7.5342
Avg (non-participants): 7.7945
Views since voting: 19423
Votes: 146
Comments: 97
Favorites: 89 (view)

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07/29/2005 09:40:53 PM
Thanks for letting us know how you accomplished this great photo. I love the concept and use of color. You have given me inspiration!
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08/16/2004 02:17:42 PM
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11/15/2003 10:41:33 PM
now that is cool
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10/31/2003 04:08:04 PM
This is a brilliant shot, kiwi, congrats on this one! When we have seen your win with Wickey, the first he asked: "Wow! How did he do that?" and there is also an unanswered question: "Who were so dare to give you lower than 10?" :-)
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10/26/2003 01:18:43 PM
Originally posted by SharQ:

All cudos to you. But a picture like this is really all about the idea - once the idea is out there, it is too easy to copy. You say it was someone else's idea, in which case I think you don't really deserve a ribbon. Sorry.

Mind you - the image itself is great!

You're entitled to your opinion for sure, first time I heard that one though. If that is your theory then I guess many of the ribbon winners at DPC should give their ribbons back because they come from other ideas :-))) This photo may not have been fully my idea, but I still took the photo.

Message edited by author 2003-10-26 14:53:02.
10/26/2003 12:47:30 PM
All cudos to you. But a picture like this is really all about the idea - once the idea is out there, it is too easy to copy. You say it was someone else's idea, in which case I think you don't really deserve a ribbon. Sorry.

Mind you - the image itself is great!
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10/24/2003 08:42:05 AM
Ya show off ! 2 Blues at once. You rock with your talent as well as ideas ! Congrats !
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10/22/2003 08:25:07 PM
Your technical perfection and amazing originality come together to produce some of the best shots here on DPC....I am in awe!
Congrats on 2 great shots.
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10/22/2003 10:04:37 AM
That's fantastic! The colours are beautifully bold, the shot really clever yet so simple! most definitely a well deserved first place.
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10/22/2003 02:40:28 AM
Originally posted by natator:

Hey Kiwi ....

My girlfriend and I have been debating quite how you did the paint, or rather lack thereof, strip. Any chance of a mini "How did he do that?".

I wrote it in the description to this photo actually. But I can elaborate a little. The board on top was a white board to begin with. I dipped the roller into yellow paint and painted the curve you see there. With a paper knife I carefully cut the curve out (that was the most difficult part cos you need a steady hand). After that I painted the rest of the board yellow, and Bob's ya uncle :-)
10/22/2003 02:28:10 AM
Hey Kiwi ....

My girlfriend and I have been debating quite how you did the paint, or rather lack thereof, strip. Any chance of a mini "How did he do that?".
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10/21/2003 04:10:47 PM
Stunning shot and very creative. Worthy of first place, congrats!!
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10/21/2003 12:40:16 PM
Excellent shot!! I love it! :)

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10/21/2003 12:14:53 PM
Congrats on this excellent shot! Very stylistic and simple... the best kind of image.
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10/21/2003 11:02:05 AM
Very nice! I also think the bubbles add deminsion. If there wouldn't have been any, it may have looked fake.
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10/21/2003 06:35:20 AM
Although, somepeople would have prefered smoother paint, it would have made everything flat, and it wouldn't seem to have demsions as it does now.

I love the idea, and the colors! Really bold, the texture in the paint rocks. :P Hoorah for you and your 1st place ribbon, it's extremely well deserved
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10/21/2003 03:23:46 AM
Style to the bone!

Great job!
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10/20/2003 05:58:50 PM

PS I like the bubbles too - the texture shows the paint is real and not merely two circles of painted card - and, although that wouldn't be a problem, I don't think it would look as good as the real paint.

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10/20/2003 04:42:39 PM
Congrats kiwi!, This is such a great photo. I absolutely love the colours. Well done.
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10/20/2003 04:34:27 PM
kiwi! congratulations on another masterpiece and blue ribbon. this is a wonderful photo!
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10/20/2003 01:20:34 PM
kiwi, you never cease to amaze me! congrats on the well deserved blue. :)
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10/20/2003 11:29:27 AM
Another brilliant work of the master Mr. Gary!!!!!!

I love the composititon and the colours.... If Loretta bought your old camera, Can I buy your talent??? Hahaha... Congrats, again!!!
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10/20/2003 10:02:38 AM
Originally posted by kiwiness:

The one thing that bothered me about this photo is that the paint in the tins is not smooth and flat. It didn't matter what I tried there were always bubbles on the paint's surface.

I *like* the bubbles and think they add dimension. But you maybe could have faked the effect by painting circles of board and placing them in the tins, or using another substance to "pretend" to be the surface of the paint.
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10/20/2003 09:57:54 AM
Great work -- I enjoyed reading the details on this one, too!
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10/20/2003 09:40:22 AM
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10/20/2003 08:31:48 AM
Hey congrats G! Excellent work as usual!
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10/20/2003 08:21:59 AM
Go Kiwi! Excellent shot. Congrats!
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10/20/2003 07:53:56 AM
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10/20/2003 07:39:11 AM
Great, great, great work Gary! Congrats on another blue ribbon. I too cannot understand all the sub-5 scores. Can't please everyone I guess. You are making it sooo tough for the rest of us. Keep it up!
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10/20/2003 07:12:30 AM
Another great job, congratulations!
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10/20/2003 07:09:53 AM
CONGRATS! Great Idea and Execution! Well deserved!
I don't understand the 1 to 4 (few) ratings!?! :)

Message edited by author 2003-10-20 07:11:17.
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10/20/2003 04:36:36 AM
Thanx for all your comments and votes, much appreciated. I'm in a amazingly good mood at the moment :-)

The one thing that bothered me about this photo is that the paint in the tins is not smooth and flat. It didn't matter what I tried there were always bubbles on the paint's surface. So, I just had to accept it hope for the best.
10/20/2003 04:31:26 AM
I didn't have time to enter or vote in this challenge, but this is a great shot. Where do you get your ideas?
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10/20/2003 03:51:17 AM
Congratulations, baby! I knew it would win....great colours and lighting :-) Love from me to my ribbon hunter ......
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10/20/2003 03:31:28 AM
Great idea well executed. Grats
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10/20/2003 02:58:56 AM
Congrats gary, your best score yet! :D
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10/20/2003 02:06:13 AM
This was done beautifully. I knew it would definitely finish tops! Congratulations on the blue ribbon. A photo well deserving of it!
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10/20/2003 01:53:20 AM
Another one I missed commenting on during the challenge - well done Gary. I'm so glad you've got yet another ribbon!

Goood, strong, dynamic shot - well designed and set-up. My only criticism was that the hand is quite flatly lit (but I know how tough it would be to resolve). Excellent stuff.
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10/20/2003 01:09:40 AM
Aha! I THOUGHT I recognized that hand! Congrats! Très image d'amusement et pensée bonne hors d'idée !

Message edited by author 2003-10-20 01:14:03.
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10/20/2003 12:56:26 AM
*rolls eyes* Doesn't he have enough ribbons? lol
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10/20/2003 12:45:50 AM
I was so sure it would win, and I was right!!!
Congratulations, so creative and well done

Too bad that even amazing shots like this gets 1,2,3,4 !!
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10/20/2003 12:30:29 AM

I bow down to your royal majesty! Excellent work... AGAIN! Man you're making this tough!

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10/20/2003 12:26:31 AM
Well deserved! Great image.
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10/20/2003 12:20:36 AM
Fantastic image! So imaginative, colourful, well executed. Great job...congrats!
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10/20/2003 12:11:51 AM
Yes! (doin' the happy for kiwi dance!) I picked another ribbon. My eye must be getting better!!! LOVE THIS SHOT!

Congrats on the ribbon Kiwi! Well deserved!!!

Message edited by author 2003-10-20 00:12:35.
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10/20/2003 12:10:12 AM
wow! congrats! what im waiting is the result of the science....you'll get another ribbon for that...all the best...
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10/20/2003 12:06:48 AM
I am really glad this won, it is a sensational photo!

Hell of a good score as well, looks like it was in the lead by a mile the whole way.

Congrats :)
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10/20/2003 12:05:11 AM
This shot truly stood out. Big big congrats yet on another blue one!
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10/20/2003 12:04:22 AM
Way to go kiwi! Congratulations! Wonderful work! You deserved this ribbon for sure...again congrats
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10/20/2003 12:03:46 AM
Congrats on the ribbon. This is a wonderful photo
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10/20/2003 12:03:33 AM
AHA! Now I see it after reading how you did this! WONDERFUL! Congrats on the win, well deserved!
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10/20/2003 12:02:30 AM
Congrats. This is great.
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10/20/2003 12:02:07 AM
Another great win for Kiwiness. Congratulations.
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10/20/2003 12:02:07 AM
wow! awesome kiwi...nice job
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/19/2003 10:16:33 PM
Excellent set up. Great idea and execution. This will do well. Only thing I would change is having smoother red and blue paint.
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10/19/2003 06:51:10 PM
It will be interesting to know how you did this.
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10/19/2003 12:56:05 PM
Good idea, kept nice and simple. Good Job.
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10/19/2003 06:21:27 AM
Very creative. Love the colors.
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10/19/2003 02:13:55 AM
Now that's clever! Not only a good idea, but wonderful composition, too! Nit-picky: the colors in the paint cans have highlights I wish weren't there; I'd prefer to see them rich and pure. Super, super work here. 9
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10/19/2003 12:51:39 AM
Very creative and original shot... my fav for the challenge, a top three for sure!
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10/17/2003 07:40:21 PM
Almost an abstract, and the illusion of removing paint with the roller is very effective. Imho the hand detracts from the abstract quality - leaving it out (perhaps by cropping part of the roller handle) would make a more effective shot.
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10/17/2003 04:12:19 PM
Nice image. Yellow and blue are a terrific combination. I'm not sure that the "rust" color adds too much to the color contrast you've established. The concept is super but I would tone down the hand a slight amount. Nice use of the diagonal leading line.
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10/17/2003 12:00:04 AM
Interestingly good... I like it.
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10/16/2003 10:53:04 PM
This is so cool! I can't wait to hear how it was done. I'm looking and just quite can't figure it out! Exposing the other colors is great, though I would have used a secondary color for the top and the two reveled would the the primary colors that made that secondary color. Starting with an 8, will be back.

I'm back and to show you just how slow I can be sometimes, it just dawned on me that you were using ALL primary colors, DUH! Raising my score to a 9
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10/16/2003 07:44:56 PM
WOW! VERY NICE SHOT. Great creative thinking here. You got a 9 on my first pass... When I come back through, you may get my 10. Nice work. I\'ll congratulate you on your ribbon ahead of time.
Second Pass: 10!
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10/15/2003 10:42:23 AM
very cool...love the bright vibrant colors. 10
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10/14/2003 11:47:32 PM
great effect, nice bright colors
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10/14/2003 08:31:29 PM
Nice shot!
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10/14/2003 06:27:31 PM
I don´t understand how it meets the challenge, but this is the best pic so far. 10
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10/14/2003 04:39:02 PM
If this is not the winning photo this week i don´t know what is happening on this site!
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10/14/2003 04:20:24 PM
Simple yet elegant. The selection of primary colors here is inspired. I wonder how many people will recognize this amazing subtlety, that primary colors are hidden in all others. Incredible concept. Lighting and shadow are very good. Great execution. High technical quality.
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10/14/2003 01:28:26 PM
I think this is a tremendous idea. This is one of my favorites this week as well. I love the simplicity and the strength of the color. I would like to comment on the color though... As I look at this image, I ask myself if the overall presentation would be stronger if you had chosen blue as the surface color instead of yellow. That would possibly create a stronger contrast for your hand in the upper corner. It would also possibly make a nice bright yellow dot by having a can of yellow paint being 'exposed' as well. Great work... = 10
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10/14/2003 08:44:14 AM
Superb shot, my favourite this challenge. I really want to know how you achieved this. Great composition and lighting. Fantastic concept. 10
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10/13/2003 08:12:49 PM
Brilliant, my pick of the week. 10 Morgan
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10/13/2003 07:34:47 PM
Excellent concept and execution. I'm not inclined to try and correct anything. Very nice colour choice. 10
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10/13/2003 06:23:46 PM
wooow - good work
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10/13/2003 06:18:39 PM
Nice! Love this one like ti see how you did that
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10/13/2003 04:33:58 PM
This is an awesome shot! I like it alot.
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10/13/2003 04:10:20 PM
Now how was this done?

Strong primary colours and novel answer to the challenge. 10 from me. Apart from the pure photographic excellence the "Exposed" theme has more than one interpretation.
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10/13/2003 03:08:06 PM
Wonderfully done....vivid colors, light. Bravo!!! Winner winner!
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10/13/2003 02:25:09 PM
Great Idea!!!! I wish I had the brain's to think up somthing like this.. Great composition...Great color scheme... Exellent lighting.. Very bright and artistic!!!!!
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10/13/2003 02:22:27 PM
Very clever! Wonderful focus, clarity and color.
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10/13/2003 01:21:02 PM
excellent creativity, execution, focus and composition...what can I say this is #1 for sure 10+
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10/13/2003 11:24:01 AM
Excellent!! very nice 10 pt (ribbon)
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10/13/2003 08:37:15 AM
nice angle with the rolloer and cut through the yellow
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10/13/2003 07:59:00 AM
Excellent idea. I love the bright colors. Great composition and lighting. Good use of negative space. 10.
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10/13/2003 07:39:43 AM
Good Points: nice clean & sharp image! very original, very well composed, excellent idea, great color combo and nice frame to boot!
Bad Points:None at all - which is rare in this exposed challenge.
Score:10 and the best of luck to you.
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10/13/2003 04:13:01 AM
Excellent, very clever indeed. I am only left wondering if you left that one strip unpainted, or masked it somehow and then removed the mask (as in sticky tape, not photoshop. Then again, there may be a completely different way you achieved this one. The lighting is fantastic. Hopefully a ribbon here!
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10/13/2003 03:04:09 AM
Everything is perfect here, even the ribbon colors!!!!!
So simple, but so creative, a winner !
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10/13/2003 02:35:49 AM
Wonderful idea! I love the vivid primary colors playing off each other and the black. The hand seems a bit unfocused, but since my attention is drawn towards the paint cans, that isn't a huge deal for me. Great use of space as well. 7
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10/13/2003 01:41:24 AM
neat neat neat! the only quibble I have with this outstanding image is that the hand seems out of scale to the paint cans, as though they're very small or very far away.
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10/13/2003 01:18:56 AM
Very cool. Well done. Fun idea, good colours and excellent execution.
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10/13/2003 01:06:43 AM
Very nice trick. But a lot of yellow. Still I must give you a 10.
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10/13/2003 12:52:53 AM
nice, bright, vivid and sharp. Good job. a 10 from me.
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10/13/2003 12:42:37 AM
Very vibrant colors. Love the beautiful line that is opened up to reveal the blue and red paint cans. The framing works will with the shot. This would make for a great advertising for a paint brand.
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10/13/2003 12:18:07 AM
very clever and crisply composed
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10/13/2003 12:17:33 AM
Well done picture. Really like the colors and the lines.
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