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A rare privilege
2nd PlaceA rare privilege

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Exposed (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE F100
Location: Geneva Switzerland
Date: Oct 12, 2003
Galleries: Vintage, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Oct 12, 2003


Place: 2 out of 110
Avg (all users): 6.8601
Avg (commenters): 8.0909
Avg (participants): 6.9296
Avg (non-participants): 6.7917
Views since voting: 6489
Votes: 143
Comments: 48
Favorites: 15 (view)

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09/07/2005 08:56:22 PM
I love the rich amber/red hue in the wine. The warm color instantly draws the eye and makes the palate salivate as we drink in this photo. I love how the background shows some more bottles hanging on a wall for it gives us a sense that we are standing in a wine cellar surrounded by the promise of "bottled" pleasure. I love how you set the composition for the lighting! The light falls through the wine glass to have a warm red/orange light cast a spotlight on the date of the wine on the bottle.
08/16/2004 02:20:05 PM
Congrats on the ribbon...that is amazing...as well as beautiful.
10/23/2003 07:24:05 PM
Congratulation on your ribbon, nice work
10/22/2003 07:39:20 PM
another beautiful photo, JJ...congratulations!
10/22/2003 12:45:38 PM
My mouth waters when I see this photo... Chateau d' Yquem is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE wine! Yummy. My dad has quite a bit of this in his wine cellar, but it definitely is a RARE priveledge when he opens up a bottle (even of recent years let alone 1923!). YUMMY! I believe we've had some from around 1900's can't quite remember, but for his 50th birthday we opened a bottle of 1949, his birth year. Beautiful photo! I hope that you might offer this one as a print, as it might be a good present for my dad's wine cellar! YUM YUM! I bet you enjoyed drinking that. Beautifully done JJ! Congrats!

10/22/2003 01:56:51 AM
How elegant and tastefull, JJ! I like :-)
10/20/2003 01:51:55 PM
The lighting here is awesome! You sure know how to make an average shot look extreme. Very nice, JJ! Congrats!
10/20/2003 01:31:18 PM
you sure could use one more ribbon;)..

Congrats, it was the one I voted the highest!

Message edited by author 2003-10-20 13:33:58.
10/20/2003 09:44:47 AM
congratulations, I know it was you ...
10/20/2003 09:26:26 AM
Just great - love how you've used the light to focus attention.
10/20/2003 07:54:45 AM
truly beautiful - atypical for this site.
10/20/2003 07:49:16 AM
Beau travail JJ! Un autre ruban pour la collection. Très beau travail. J'en connais plus d'un qui sont jaloux de ta collection de "bouteilles". Miam!
10/20/2003 05:25:20 AM
Congratulations JJ!!!! I will join the party ok? :-) Great job!
10/20/2003 04:47:45 AM
Congrats JJ. I'm on my way down to help you drink the rest of those bottles okay?
10/20/2003 03:25:06 AM
Thanks to all taking the time to write on my piture. This was a small half bottle of what had been a great drink last year. Found a small glass to give the impression the bottle was larger. I had to mix liquids to imitate the unique amber color of old Yquem. The light was a hand held 100 watt bulb and socket + the cellar's ceiling light. This extraordinary sweet wine, if kept in good condition will still be sublime after 150 years in the dark. I still have a few bottle from the beginning of the century that my grandfather bought at the time. unfortunately I cannot afford leaving the same treasure for my grandchildren to come. The prices for this wine have gone totally crazy.
10/20/2003 03:07:36 AM
Excellent photo, I love the detail and the way the light shines onto the date. Congratulations :)
10/20/2003 02:38:12 AM
I'd love to believe this was opened just to get this photo ... what better reason could there be :-)
10/20/2003 01:11:51 AM
Image renversante et ruban bien mérité !
10/20/2003 12:06:07 AM
Unique beauty in this one. Congrats.
10/20/2003 12:05:51 AM
Very well deserved ribbon indeed :)
10/20/2003 12:04:15 AM
Congrats, a well deserved wine.....er win! ;)
10/20/2003 12:04:12 AM
Wow! That's perfect. A creative and meaningful set-up. A well deserved ribbon. Congrats.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/19/2003 10:28:14 PM
Very nice picture. Great exposure, focus. only things I would change/fix is the blown area on the glass and the little specks at the top of the glass. Looks like it came from a wine magazine.
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10/19/2003 06:20:16 PM
I like how you exposed the year on the bottle with the light coming through the glass- nice clean shot
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10/19/2003 12:49:04 PM
Beautiful shot, my personal favorite from this challenge, fantastic texture and great use of the refraction through the glass to highlight the date on the bottle. Good Luck, Tom.
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10/18/2003 07:13:41 PM
I like the composition of this photo and the lighting. I am assuming the light through the glass highlighting the date was intentional. Nice work.
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10/16/2003 07:33:54 PM
Ok, that's just cool! I love how you reflected the light off of the glass to highlight the date! Ingenious! It immediately draws my eyes right to the focal point in an otherwise busy shot. Good luck!
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10/16/2003 11:19:31 AM
1923 not bad! this is wonderful photo, the light on the bottle is nice! excellent work 10pt (if you get a ribbon then you must open the bottle!! :O)
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10/15/2003 11:09:12 PM
Talk about perfect light! Nice work! 9
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10/15/2003 10:25:39 AM
Wonderful idea for this challenge! If I'm reading this correctly, the old wine is now exposed to the light and to the taste buds? I love the colors on this, the light reflecting on the date on the bottle, the curved bottles through the glass, so well done! The only thing I would have done differently if I were able to take shots like this is crop the top to just above the top of the wine glass. Then you can still see the dust on the top of the bottle and the bottoms of the other bottles in the upper right are quite as distracting. A 9 for this one!
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10/14/2003 11:50:42 AM
What clever lighting! I love the dusty bottle texture that contrasts with the clarity of the wine and glass. A beautiful photo. At first I found bottles in upper right background distracting, but on second look I love the whole thing.
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10/14/2003 11:19:39 AM
The clear winner! Very well thought out........have often wondered what it would taste like
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10/14/2003 10:10:42 AM
Very well set up with the light through the glass.
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10/14/2003 08:14:47 AM
Excellent composition and choice of lighting, in the right spot!
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10/14/2003 12:49:42 AM
I am guessing you filled the bottle with new wine? lol
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10/14/2003 12:36:57 AM
Very well setup shot. Good use of light. The reflection in the glass works very well.
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10/13/2003 09:38:04 PM
Top left corner is distracting other than that looks good :)
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10/13/2003 09:04:36 PM
How was it? Nicely done.
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10/13/2003 07:33:08 PM
I am just green with envy, to even be near that bottle!
Very good idea, well presented. I would suggest the glass be cleaner. That is the one thing I would improve.
Irregardless,, 10
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10/13/2003 02:40:35 PM
This looks just so perfect to me. A very refreshing way of interpreting the challenge. 10.
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10/13/2003 02:29:38 PM
Great job with the reflection of light on the date of the bottle. Excellent reflection of the wine bottles in the full wine glass. Great Composition.. Im sure you enjoyed every drop!!!
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10/13/2003 01:51:40 PM
Exposed....[?] I guess I'm missing the main idea. Exposed to the taste? Exposed because it's rare, and now it's been opened. That would be my guess. Over all shot is very good. The color, light and composition is very good.
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10/13/2003 12:33:43 PM
the background is a little distracting, but apart from that this is a great shot=8
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10/13/2003 11:16:03 AM
Beautiful shot. This is one of the best still life images I have seen here recently. I particularly like the way the lighting highlights the '1923' on the wine bottle. I'm no wine afficianado, but would this old wine be turned to vinegar by now? Beautiful work and excellent composition overall... = 10
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10/13/2003 08:24:38 AM
This is one of the two tens I gave in the exposed challenge. The set-up and composition was the first thing that hit me when I clicked on the thumbnail. Secondly, the play of lights and shadow, which is very effective here. Thirdly the reflections of the bottles in the glass. All these points work in harmony together producing this wonderful pic. My hat off to you. This looks very much like the style of jjbeguin - 10
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10/13/2003 03:58:02 AM
Good points:Light and reflections superb
Bad Points:teh oven or whatever it is in the bg is distracting
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10/13/2003 02:48:58 AM
Very nice idea. Excellent execution, well lit, great colours and what a lovely label. It's a winner! [10]
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10/13/2003 02:21:26 AM
Interesting choice! I like the composition, the rich color of the wine is beautiful and the way the lighting is set so it highlights the date is perfect. I'm assuming that was purposeful. :) I even like the dusty quality of the bottle, helps tie in the 'exposed' aspect of the photo. 7
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