Author | Thread |
12/08/2012 09:15:03 AM |
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12/08/2012 07:27:26 AM |
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10/11/2010 11:17:24 PM |
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06/28/2008 04:44:50 AM |
The colours in this one speaks to me.. I love this photo and it is nice and clear!!! |
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03/07/2008 12:22:43 AM |
Great setup with super colours. |
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08/27/2007 05:00:10 PM |
Sherpet, i absolutely LOVE this image.
The colours are so beautiful and vibrant
Thanks for sharing such a Fantastic photo.
P.s. i had a look through your portfolio, and would just like to say you are an AMAZING photographer and now im trying to convince family members to buy me a print of this image! xxx |
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03/12/2007 07:55:46 AM |
Wonderful colors. Love you image. Well done. |
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01/26/2007 04:45:11 PM |
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12/18/2006 05:45:10 PM |
Congrats on your pb and top 10 :o) Love the colors specially the BLUE which is my favorite color... |
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12/16/2006 07:41:54 AM |
Fantastic colors and great idea. Congrats on your PB and high place. |
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12/14/2006 08:09:18 AM |
wonderful colors!! great photo!! congrats sherpet!! |
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12/02/2006 11:28:16 AM |
Congrats for reaching the top ten with this fantastic shot Shez. I didn't vote in this challenge but I would've definitely ranked it up there. The colors are bursting and the composition is great. Good job! |
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11/29/2006 01:53:12 AM |
Congrats on the 10th place finish. Love your colors! |
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11/27/2006 11:28:23 PM |
Hehe i knew this was yours Shez ^_^ looove the colors and congrats on a new PB |
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11/27/2006 11:52:08 AM |
First, congratulations on a new "#1" on your top row, and a great score and placing!! But mostly, congratulations on such a beautiful image. You handled the color in this superbly, and the composition is wonderful. What gorgeous pieces those starfish are! Really a perfect picture! Adding to my favorites. |
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11/27/2006 08:14:11 AM |
congrats on the picture i like it and in the top tens too thats awsome keep up the good work
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11/26/2006 12:45:53 AM |
Hi, I'm Jeanne. Brand new to DPC. I just read your profile and just thought I'd let you know that your blue stars and smarties photo was my absolute favoirite. Great idea, stunning photo.
Jeanne |
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11/25/2006 08:44:44 PM |
Oh wow! This is soo beautiful! And those smarties make me hungry :P
Congrats on your new personal best! |
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11/25/2006 07:58:31 AM |
Congratulations on top 10 finish with this unique and colorful image...your imagination always amazes me! |
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11/24/2006 04:03:00 PM |
Very creative shot Shez. Well done mate. |
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11/24/2006 03:00:17 PM |
Wow! Congratulations Sherpet, top 10 :) such fun and vibrant colors, love it! |
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11/24/2006 07:30:04 AM |
Great finish and awesome colors and shapes. I think you chose the perfect crop & border for this. So very well done! Congratulations on your new PB sister! |
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11/24/2006 05:50:48 AM |
congrats on a new PB Sherpet!!
I see a lot of improvement in this shot, especially yhe post processing! Hold on to that! |
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11/23/2006 12:14:53 PM |
Congrats on your top ten finish Shez :~) |
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11/23/2006 05:49:40 AM |
Well doen Shez! Congrats on top ten and a new PB!!! |
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11/22/2006 11:18:19 PM |
Such a lovely, fun and vibrant image. Congrats on the top10 finish! :D
This was one of my favorites from the challenge.
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11/22/2006 08:23:34 PM |
wonderful wonderful placement!!! congrats! |
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11/22/2006 05:54:09 PM |
Congratulations on a Top Ten AND Personal Best!! Fantastic Work!! Very cool image! |
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11/22/2006 05:24:26 PM |
Hi Sherryl. Congrats on your high placement with this very cool image... well done! |
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11/22/2006 02:55:16 PM |
I like how the colors pop. Good composition. |
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11/22/2006 12:24:22 PM |
I really do like this photo, congrats on your top 10 finish! |
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11/22/2006 11:21:24 AM |
What a great shot by a fantastic sister whom I love very much!!! |
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11/22/2006 10:14:40 AM |
This is great! I love the bright colours set off by the blue of the stars. Smarties were always my favourite candy! Congrats on a well-deserved top ten finish! |
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11/22/2006 09:42:40 AM |
And a well-deserved score it is Shez! This was such a fun, vibrant photo! The minute I saw it in the challenge, I knew it was a winner!
Congratulations on a top 10 placing!
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11/22/2006 04:21:56 AM |
Congrats on your top ten! |
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11/22/2006 03:33:05 AM |
Woo Hoo Sherryl!!!!!!!!!!
Fabulous colors that pop off the screen, congrats on the PB and tenth place finish, very well deserved. |
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11/22/2006 03:23:19 AM |
Congrats Shez on your 10th place and new PB - as said, well done! |
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11/22/2006 02:30:08 AM |
Well done on this shot, it's really colourful. There's one thing about it that annoys me - you guys over there have the bright coloured smartied still! When I did my smartie abstract shot for Bokeh, all I could find were muted coloured smarties with no added colours.. It's not fair I tell thee! ;) |
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11/22/2006 02:00:41 AM |
Congratulations on your top ten with this bold colored beauty. Congratulations on your top ten finish. |
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11/22/2006 01:54:55 AM |
Congrats on a new personal best. Go Outcasts! |
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11/22/2006 01:37:00 AM |
A big congratulations on a top 10 finish and PB're a star!!! : ) |
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11/22/2006 12:51:57 AM |
Congrats on placing Top 10!!!!! Wonderful vibrant colors in this photo. Well done!
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11/22/2006 12:46:43 AM |
Congrats on a terrific image and your personal best! :) |
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11/22/2006 12:41:20 AM |
Excellent stock-quality image, Shez! Grats on the top 10! :) |
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11/22/2006 12:34:23 AM |
I am just so excited as this is a personal "BEST" for me, and yes, I am still eating the smarties, a handfull each and every night, while surfing our DPC site..... Thanks everyone..... |
11/22/2006 12:30:03 AM |
WTG Shez! Awesome shot and huge congrats from me on your top 10 finish. |
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11/22/2006 12:29:53 AM |
Very nice colors! Looks yummy! Well, except for the starfish...Congratulations!! |
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11/22/2006 12:28:08 AM |
a top 10 and a pb...awesome sherryl!!! |
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11/22/2006 12:16:54 AM |
Excellent--a Top 10 entry! Congrats, Sherryl! |
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11/22/2006 12:14:30 AM |
Wow another top 10, way to go Shez, congratulatoons. |
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11/22/2006 12:13:40 AM |
Well Done! This is a fun photo. |
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11/22/2006 12:09:16 AM |
Oh how AMAZING!!! Congrats :-D
(edit: how amazing your shot looks, I mean)
Message edited by author 2006-11-22 00:10:59. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/21/2006 02:26:47 PM |
Color and more! Like it a lot. |
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11/21/2006 09:12:00 AM |
Very brilliant and colourful, great job |
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11/21/2006 12:32:59 AM |
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11/19/2006 06:44:06 PM |
Very striking and vibrant. A top contender in this field. |
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11/19/2006 04:03:11 PM |
Amazing play on colors. This would make a very interesting print. 8 |
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11/19/2006 07:54:57 AM |
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11/18/2006 06:58:32 PM |
0-2 meets challenge = 2
0-3 creativity = 2
0-3 technical merit = 3
0-2 biased wow factor = 0
Total 7
Love all the color! |
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11/17/2006 09:31:10 AM |
i love the colors and the cropping of this |
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11/16/2006 05:33:58 PM |
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11/16/2006 04:05:27 PM |
What a vibrant impact this photos makes when it pops up on my screen! To me, this is "spots" at its best :) I sure can't see any flaws in this one -- plus, it's just so refreshingly appealing! Great job! 10 |
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11/16/2006 01:47:35 PM |
love the colours and the crop 9 |
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11/16/2006 09:50:02 AM |
Wow! You spent some time putting this together, that is if those candies had any kind of labels on them. :D This should go over well with the voters that like that bright, in your face, stock type photo. I think it's quite clever personally. Yes, a little bright, but it's still fun. Good luck. |
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11/16/2006 09:33:38 AM |
Wow...what a blast of color! |
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11/16/2006 07:50:31 AM |
A bit too over-saturated for my taste, but disregarding that it is certainly a strong composition, sharply focussed and fits the challenge well. |
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11/16/2006 03:15:50 AM |
Nice colour but border is not good. |
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11/16/2006 01:55:09 AM |
Very vibrant and sharp as a tak...good luck |
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11/15/2006 11:14:16 PM |
Love this! Great use of colour saturation as it really works for me. |
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11/15/2006 07:08:28 PM |
I need sunglasses to look at this one ;-) I like the spotted stars to add shape to the composition. And you certainly got intense colors! |
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11/15/2006 05:39:18 PM |
Feels a little over-contrasted, but I love the colors! |
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11/15/2006 04:03:06 PM |
nice use of simple objects to create an artistic image. Composition is really good. |
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11/15/2006 02:28:28 PM |
What a fun picture! Nice colours and shapes. |
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11/15/2006 01:26:07 PM |
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11/15/2006 12:32:12 PM |
Wonderful colours and excellent composition. Like it a lot :) |
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11/15/2006 11:06:16 AM |
Very good composition/idea well executed. |
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11/15/2006 05:11:11 AM |
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11/15/2006 04:50:52 AM |
brilliant colors, well composed and lit. nice work, shez |
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11/15/2006 12:58:43 AM |
Love the vibrant color, composition and crop. Nice job. 10 |
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11/15/2006 12:52:47 AM |
Wow - now those are some vivid colors! 'Tis a very creative way to represent the challenge theme. |
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