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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Something New (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-3020Z
Location: Rocheport Mo.
Date: Aug 6, 2002
Aperture: 3.000
ISO: 100
Shutter: 2.8
Date Uploaded: Aug 9, 2002

do they not call us green and raw when we first start out?

Place: 73 out of 168
Avg (all users): 5.0870
Avg (commenters): 5.5000
Avg (participants): 4.8828
Avg (non-participants): 5.2960
Views since voting: 741
Votes: 253
Comments: 19
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/18/2002 03:38:00 AM
this is a really nice shot, but the dark shadows take a lot away from it. you may want to try a fill flash next time to take away some of the deep dark areas, especially the one in the upper right corner. the other shadows are actually very nice and add something to the shot, but that one hurts it a lot. good focus and depth of field on this shot, though. nice work.
08/18/2002 12:19:00 AM
This photo looks like the rule of thirds was applied. I'm not quite sure it works here, but since i'm not a "rule of thirds" expert, I'll just set that aside. I know. I think I'd like to see a wider view of this. If you centered the tomato, then you would lose the really cool fuzzy stem to the left, so that wouldn't be good. I like the stem. However, if you backed up the shot a bit, you could accomplish both, the centering of the tomato and still keep the fuzzy stem. The lighting is a bit dark toward the top of the tomato, if only you could tell the sun to move a bit. lol. I have heard of a trick to help keep the reflection low on shiny objects. hold a thin cloth or thin paper between the subject and the light source. still allows for light, but makes it a little more mellow. Different colored cloths also make for some pretty cool color shading too. Anyway, Great depiction of something new. Good luck with the challenge.
08/17/2002 11:03:00 AM
interesting shot :) I'm not sure if there would have been a better way to do this one or not... I would love to see a little extra sharpness on the tomato... :) - jmsetzler
08/16/2002 02:09:00 PM
This looks like a tomatoe, but it is hard to tell for sure, (6)
08/16/2002 05:30:00 AM
nice title. bad shot (apple/tomatoe?)
08/15/2002 04:44:00 PM
The stem on the left is in better focus than the tomato, leading the eye in that direction. The tomato, too has too much shadow.
08/15/2002 11:18:00 AM
nice colors. i think i would have prefered the tomato to be in focus instead of the leave and stalk.
08/14/2002 11:03:00 PM
good play of darks and light..good depth.very sharp
08/14/2002 10:49:00 AM
Great idea, but the central image theme seems to be way out of focus, while the background is sharpâ€Â¦ If intentional, I don't think it works too well. Sorry to be so negativeâ€Â¦
08/13/2002 05:47:00 PM
Something new.
Composition - quite good
Technical Aspects - quite good
Meets Challenge - yes
Visual Impact / Originality – quite good
Jim msp
08/13/2002 08:25:00 AM
Subject too dark and out of focus.
08/13/2002 01:07:00 AM
I like all the detail in it, bue the contrast in the lighting is too hard for me, but still a nice shot.
08/13/2002 12:38:00 AM
good framing
08/12/2002 08:44:00 PM
Technical Aspects5
08/12/2002 07:04:00 PM
could have a future in BLTs
08/12/2002 05:01:00 PM
oooh I like this. I love the hairy stem on the left and the leaf below with it's glinting moisture (dew?) and criss cross of shadows. Just don't like the great big shadow on the tomato.
(You say tomayto, I say tomahto).
6, Kavey
08/12/2002 02:57:00 PM
Good focus, interesting use of shadows. I like the different green tones. karmat
08/12/2002 12:31:00 PM
I just love the shadowing in this pic
08/12/2002 12:36:00 AM
Nice composition, nice balance of light and shadow, and I love the reflections off of all the tiny little "hairs". lhall

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