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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: All Alone (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A40
Location: Alley
Date: Oct 21, 2003
Galleries: Fashion, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Oct 21, 2003


Place: 6 out of 319
Avg (all users): 6.9875
Avg (commenters): 8.7241
Avg (participants): 6.9398
Avg (non-participants): 7.0467
Views since voting: 6045
Votes: 240
Comments: 41
Favorites: 48 (view)

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05/12/2005 01:37:52 PM
Absolutely wonderful photo. Well done!
04/27/2005 08:40:40 PM
Great photo .. Love the composition .. Great lighting ..
02/03/2004 10:30:51 PM
Beautiful picture! Great composition, colors, background, model and poise. You have a lot of talent! Excellent work!
11/02/2003 12:02:02 AM
Excellent shot. Very emotive, and the softness is wonderful. And I'm very impressed with the interaction you achieved with the light and shadows.
10/30/2003 09:19:39 AM
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10/29/2003 06:20:34 PM
Location: Alley ?
Can you be more specific...just curious
great shot, wonderfull tones, awardingly adequate for this challenge.
10/29/2003 10:16:55 AM
Prediction: You WILL win some ribbons...and some modeling contracts. Thanks for another wonderful shot!
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10/29/2003 10:05:42 AM
incredible, yet again. I love the pastel-like tones and your girl, as always, perfect. good job. deserving of a ribbon. LM
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10/29/2003 01:52:39 AM
nicely done. love the misty quality of the backdrop.
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10/29/2003 01:15:52 AM
Lovely composition, and warm colors...
Just beautiful!! for me this must be in the top three... congratulations anyway!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/28/2003 11:14:33 PM
Great photo! 8
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10/28/2003 08:53:51 PM
lovely composition.. this is extremely nice... great work :) = 10
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10/27/2003 11:16:34 PM
Very Nice
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10/27/2003 07:48:44 PM
This woman has a grace about her that is lovely. Is she a dancer? You should have entered this into grace! Lovely shot...
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10/27/2003 06:58:56 PM
You have managed to capture solitude on a street nicely. The background compliments your subject and her pose. Well done.
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10/27/2003 12:06:40 PM
beautiful and sensual.
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10/27/2003 12:59:32 AM
Oh my, this is gorgeous! If this is not a model, then it is PHENOMENAL! A very enjoyable image!
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10/26/2003 11:56:26 PM
Indeed. :)
You got some really nice, crisp focus on this, and the tones are beautiful. Well done!
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10/26/2003 11:19:47 PM
Beautiful image. Has a sadness yet is very peaceful as well. Lighting is harsh in back but I think it works for this image, model has a nice soft glow to her. I like the composition, would prefer the white thing in the right side to be cropped out - not sure if I like the clothes in the window either, adds some interest but also draws my attention away from the subject. Excellent focus. Simply wonderful. 10
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10/25/2003 10:25:18 AM
The model really appears alone. Her position almsost makes her appear wanting. Perhaps for a love lost. Damn some of you people are talented; you can take simple photo like this and elevate it to perfection. 9
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10/25/2003 12:25:32 AM
wonderful background....colors are exceptional...great job capturing the mood of the subject.
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10/24/2003 06:37:37 AM
This must be Blurry! Abselotely wonderful! The best picture in this challenge! I love the mood in it and the lightning and the colors And everything! Congratulations!
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10/23/2003 10:19:45 PM
The ground behind her legs appears blown out. The shot could have gotten an 11, but now I̢۪m giving you a 10.
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10/23/2003 04:34:47 PM
She's pretty
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10/23/2003 04:05:22 PM
excellent, I like the softness the colors. The
but is there any reason why a young woman as beautiful as this one should ever feel lonely... I can see the shadow of two guys drooling at her on the right side (good thing you cropped them out).
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10/23/2003 02:19:12 PM
Good setup maby to much whit colour under her feet. 8pt
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10/23/2003 12:16:21 PM
What an outstanding image. It is magazine quality in my opinion. Your image captures exactly what the challenge is asking for....alone and lonely. My only constructive criticism would be that the focus seems a little soft, yet in a way, it may be the very thing I love about the picture. Well done. 9
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10/23/2003 05:03:10 AM
Beautiful subject! I like the compostition and lighting here a lot.
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10/22/2003 09:37:33 PM
My favorite shot so far. Absolute 10. Congrats on your blue ribbon :) Jacko. 10
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10/22/2003 07:24:56 PM
the lighting, pose, and textured background all work together to make this quite lovely 9
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10/22/2003 05:13:01 PM
needs tighter crop on both sides
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10/22/2003 04:18:10 PM
I would have croped a little bit (1 or 2px) of the left side ... you can see some very thin white line but great picture -10
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10/22/2003 02:47:48 PM
Absolutely wonderful One of the best portraits I've seen. Graceful pose, beautiful light, stunning location. Marvellous. Shame we can only score to 10+

I would love to know more about this - was the light all natural or did you use any reflectors or assistance ? Is the processing just all pretty much from the camera or is some of the softness added later ?
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10/22/2003 02:27:16 PM
very nice color!
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10/22/2003 12:53:34 PM
I love the colors and lighting (it has a wonderful, romantic feel to it) but I think your subject should be off to the left a little. However, I do like the person's shadow on the ground so maybe not. Until you notice that, the picture doesn't feel right but you don't want to lose the impact of that shadow. Perhaps soften the bright white light on the pavement and instead of cropping off the right of the picture, leave more to the left.
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10/22/2003 11:40:05 AM
I like the composition and the light, I feel, is excellent. Nice shot.
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10/22/2003 09:16:27 AM
The lighting on your subject is fantastic and I think you have definitely captured the mode of 'alone'. I subject's face says 'alone', so I think you could have cropped tighter and removed much of the door on the right. It's very good, but I think it has even more potential!
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10/22/2003 05:06:19 AM
Her pose says it all. Very nice.
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10/22/2003 04:35:52 AM
Excellent, perfect expression on the model, nice lighting, well done.
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10/22/2003 03:45:54 AM
Beautiful shot, great use of light and very nice suttle colors. Fits the challenge perfectly=10
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10/22/2003 12:38:59 AM
this is fabulous. her pose, the emptiness of the setting--just wonderful. 10
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