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12/18/2006 11:54:28 PM |
I love this picture, I would change a few things but the meaning is well understood. Maybe a little more off the bottom of the pic. |
12/18/2006 04:56:34 PM |
Great capture! I'll let other people complain about the wrinkles on the sheet (they don't bother me much), but I wish there were more definition to the dog. The crop is good, but the lighting almost makes him look like a cardboard cutout instead of a real dog. |
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12/18/2006 05:58:55 AM |
good match, although the cat doesnt look like it likes anyone taking his moment. |
12/16/2006 11:26:29 PM |
I truly do like what you tried to do here... but would caution you that you will in all likelihood lose points for the amounts of wrinkles in your backdrop... they truly are a distraction. |
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12/16/2006 08:37:24 AM |
12/15/2006 03:59:23 PM |
6 - Different. Focus seems sharpest on the backdrop, which is also too dominant in my opinion. More refined crop on the left too where the dog's paw is coming into frame. |
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12/15/2006 01:48:25 PM |
I like the idea a lot, but the light on the right side mess it up for me. |
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12/14/2006 12:31:14 PM |
Back ground could use an iron but a great catch on expression! |
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12/14/2006 12:21:14 PM |
this may sound a bit harsh, the lighting could be improved, shaft of light above the cats head, and the gog is on the dark side, and all those creases in the backdrop. I do like the frame, and it's a great expression on the cats face. |
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12/14/2006 10:31:46 AM |
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12/13/2006 10:33:29 PM |
Wait! That looks like MY house! Gotta love it. |
12/13/2006 05:55:24 PM |
LOL. Nice capture of a great moment. |
12/13/2006 04:16:49 PM |
The dog is a little too dark and the background is really distracting |
12/13/2006 01:04:41 PM |
There is some great action going on in this capture as well as expression. Love the look on the lounging cat who looks up at the approaching offender -the dog. The cat really does look as if it is stating "This is MY studio time". The upraised tail is slightly blurred but that gives me the impression of it twitching in annoyance at the appearance of the dog so it plays well into the emotions and title of the photo. There are some things that could be improved to move this shot out of a good shoot to an excellent one. First off is lighting. The dog and half of the cat are in shadow. Better illumination of your two main subjects will show the viewer more details (one can barely see the eye of the dog against his black fur). Next, the background. I know it may be an absolute pain in the butt to iron, but a cloth background that is flat and unwrinkled would give the main subject's a clean and uncluttered background to pop off of visually. |
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12/13/2006 10:54:19 AM |
12/13/2006 08:54:03 AM |
Cute pose. Wrinkly background is a little distracting with that much light on it but you'd totally lose the dog with less light. |
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12/13/2006 12:59:45 AM |
haha i like this, the setup isn't that special but the situation is priceless i love it 6 |
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