You left a nice comment for one of my entries this week, so I'll leave a little constructive criticism for your recent 'Bond entry (please take the following with a grain of salt, I'm a better critic than participant here - lol!):
This one could use a bit more than just fixing the hand, IMHO - to me it looks a bit washed out. You've got all that black there - you should take advantage of it - love it, ya' know? Image could benefit from a little sharpening - particularly around your face (modest USM or high pass technique then a little contrast boost overall). Your key light was way too hot & hard and could have benefited from a little diffusion - since you can't do that now, I would try to burn the highlights down on the chips (well, mid-tones & highlights) to even out their exposure. The last thing I would do is maybe add a little vignette, perhaps, plus a saturation boost.
This challenge was using advanced editing rules so all of the above would have been legal. You got a very decent score in the challenge because of a great idea - great editing would have gotten you a bit more mileage!
Some of your black level issues (from my POV) might be from a slightly mis-calibrated computer monitor, so check that. Who knows, yours might be a bit dark & mine a bit light, but as a professional I try to keep mine up to spec!
Good luck & thanks again for the nice comment! |