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 Infinite winter
Infinite winter

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Infinite (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Iceland/
Date: Nov 2, 2003
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Nov 2, 2003

Place: 4 out of 104
Avg (all users): 6.9773
Avg (commenters): 9.0625
Avg (participants): 6.5694
Avg (non-participants): 7.4667
Views since voting: 2256
Votes: 132
Comments: 24
Favorites: 7 (view)

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05/14/2004 07:20:10 PM
Mjög góð mynd
11/11/2003 03:17:26 AM
Yeah, that what Heida said :-)
11/11/2003 01:52:28 AM
what a beautiful photo. Looks like it could be a drawing or painting...such artistic expression here. Good job!
11/10/2003 07:12:41 PM
Stórkostleg mynd... djöful að ég skyldi ekki hafa kosið í þetta sinn. Til hamingju kallinn, tekur þetta næst
11/10/2003 03:18:02 PM
Alveg mögnuð, til hamingju
11/10/2003 10:18:55 AM
Þetta er geðveik mynd Næstum eins og málverk! Til hamingju með grænan ribbon ;)
11/10/2003 09:59:57 AM
this was my favorite. love the mood and composition.
11/10/2003 07:18:28 AM
Frábær mynd! Leiðinlegt að hún skildi ekki komast einu sæti ofar. (Brrrr, kalt fyrir vestan...)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/09/2003 09:46:41 PM
The tones here are so clear and moody, and there is such a diverse range of them, it makes for an amazing shot. 9
11/09/2003 06:07:18 PM
This is a nice landscape. I like the soft feel and lighting. Good focus and depth of field.
11/08/2003 07:13:54 PM
Gorgeous photo. I love the way ice looks in black & white. This has a very haunting look, the play between the moving water and the frozen water is great. That little house nestled in adds even more interest. Simply beautiful. That said, I find the connection to infinite tenuous based only on the photo (doesn't say infinite to me) - its mostly inferred by the title - but I *can* see the possibility of an never-ending winter occurring somewhere in the frigid north. Very lovely shot. 8
11/06/2003 10:34:35 AM
ATABOY!!!!!! =10
11/06/2003 08:16:33 AM
This a beautiful. The tonal range is outstanding. To me, the heart of the image is the icy handrails and rocks so I might have liked to see them larger within the frame. The darkness of the area around the cabin is a distraction. It's really too bad the corner of the handrail got clipped out. Sorry to sound so negative. I do really like this and keep thinking how wonderful this would look full size, hanging in a gallery.
11/05/2003 10:48:22 PM
What a spot, makes me cold just looking at it. I love the icicles in the foreground and the little house in the midground. This shot really looks like it is a painting vs, photo it has a real surrealism feel to it IMO. Excellent work.
11/05/2003 07:35:21 PM
Very nice shot. Has a dreamy quality. Not sure it meets the challenge all that well, but very well done.
11/05/2003 06:59:57 PM
Wow! The range of textures - the shiny ice, the spikey grass, the choppy waves, the misty hills, the range of white to black. Nicely balances composition with the rails coming down from the curve of the shore to the rock and ice along the bottom, the lonely hut peering out of the dark bushes. I wish the left most edge of the rail wasn't cut off...but that is a little thing. Is this Iceland? This is something I'd hang on the wall! 10
11/05/2003 05:45:40 AM
Great Shot, 10
11/04/2003 07:44:12 PM
Wow, a seemingly boring set of entries for this challenge is rapidly improving. the infinite winter part is a bit of a stretch for this challenge, but wow, this is a fantastic shot. it feels like a painting to me. The softness to this picture is perfect, the elements of a good photo are all there, I think I'm going to look at more of your work now... oh yeah, 10
11/04/2003 12:13:10 AM
This is infinitely icy. The black and white add the mood (frozen mood).
11/03/2003 01:59:52 PM
beautiful shot.. the ice is gorgeous :) = 10
11/03/2003 11:01:45 AM
Fantastic. Looks like a painting. Also looks really cold.
11/03/2003 06:03:52 AM
Amazing picture. Seems a tad shoehorned into the challenge, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Exposure couldn't be better. Love the icicles. Effective shutter speed. Stunning composition. Great sky. 10
11/03/2003 05:18:46 AM
Beautiful and good.
11/03/2003 02:36:36 AM
My oh my. Great shot! Ribbon winner for sure. This is going in my favorites as soon as the challenge is over. Nothing at all constructive to say. This is the best photo I think I've seen on here in a long long time, if ever. 10

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