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The West Wind Departure of Murray Poppins
2nd PlaceThe West Wind Departure of Murray Poppins

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Exit (Basic Editing)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF-S Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 VR
Location: Roof top in Markham
Date: Jan 19, 2007
Aperture: f7.1
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/800 sec
Galleries: Humorous, Action
Date Uploaded: Jan 19, 2007

This shot was taken at a job I was working on last Friday. I had the idea in my head, so I brought the same props from "Quite Perplexing". This was a tough roof to get on, as we have had freezing rain and lots of snow on top of the roof. Not to mention, the roof that my model is standing on is three stories high and very steep ... yikes!

I got my model (By the way, thanks Jarod) to jump as high as he could, and keep his feet together to look like Mary Poppins. "Ya right" I think that was his reply. I shot this from the ground, yelling "Jump higher, Jump again!"

It was quite the spectacle. In the end, the shot ended up looking exactly like the image I had in my head. .

I hope this does well!



Thanks to everyone who commented and voted on this shot. Further, thanks to all the kind words following the close.

It was a hoot setting up and shooting this. I will post the actual height and "what happened next" shots...

Please note that at no time was my model in any danger. The slope of the roof behind the scene was quite shallow. We were up there doing a repair job so all of our saftey equipment was in place. This shot demonstrates the magic of a camera angle.

Thanks again to all... Love this site!!!


Place: 2 out of 142
Avg (all users): 7.2098
Avg (commenters): 8.8857
Avg (participants): 7.2115
Avg (non-participants): 7.2093
Views since voting: 10423
Views during voting: 496
Votes: 224
Comments: 97
Favorites: 26 (view)

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12/23/2007 09:50:32 PM
Very Intresting shot and very creative. Great work
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02/11/2007 09:53:51 PM
I Love the play on the title!!! Very creative and warped sense of humor:-)"Murray's" pose is perfect with the very small exception that his feet are not all the way turned out like in many of the Mary Poppins illustrations;-) Nonetheless, even without the title, the image STILL strongly invokes the idea of the childhood classic Mary Poppins. Love the expression on Murray's face as he catches the west wind to take flight. I can hear his voice stating in a crisp and proper tone (like Julie Andrews Poppins) "Tis quite a good day for flying. Close your mouth you are not a cod fish. Now carry on with your business. Spit Spot!" Again the sepia tone was a good choice for it adds to an old time nostaligic feel to the photo.
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02/05/2007 02:09:45 PM
Very creative photograph, not to mention a bit dangerous. ;) Congratulations on winning the red ribbon!
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02/04/2007 06:28:40 PM
Adding this to favorites. Very clever.
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02/04/2007 10:51:53 AM
Terrific execution and fantastic imagination. I guess one could nit-pick the details but thats not really necessary or fair, just a great entry.
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02/03/2007 09:00:15 PM
Hey Cole. Here you are once again proving that when you mix imagination with amazing talent, wonderful things happen. Outstanding work as always!
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02/03/2007 04:02:47 PM
This is a really cool and original shot. Good job!
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02/02/2007 10:06:38 AM
Great shot, Cole. I love your imagination. :)
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02/02/2007 06:05:02 AM
Congratulations! I'd love to get inside your head. Your creativity always astounds me.
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02/01/2007 07:08:58 PM
Beautifully done!! Congrats on the red ribbon!!
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02/01/2007 07:07:38 PM
Amazing shot!
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02/01/2007 10:15:19 AM
You are so creative, great job! Congrats.
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02/01/2007 12:25:03 AM
Always a treat to see what you are going to bring to us next. Congrats!
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01/31/2007 11:39:49 PM
Their lawyer will re-title this "Exhibit A"...when the roof leaks during the rainy season ;)

Message edited by author 2007-01-31 23:47:08.
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01/31/2007 10:05:06 PM
Congratulations on your red ribbon, what a great imagination you have along with the talent to put it all together.
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01/31/2007 07:41:00 PM
hard too find models with guts like that(i give hime props for that 1)...love the shot
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01/31/2007 07:31:52 PM
Gotta love this one! Congratulations!
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01/31/2007 06:30:07 PM
Way Cool!! Congratulations on your Ribbon and a fantastic idea!
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01/31/2007 01:45:58 PM
Now that's cool!
Congrats! Your friend deserves a big treat for this...
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01/31/2007 01:42:46 PM
Perfection! Congrats!
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01/31/2007 12:44:41 PM
Uha, love it... Great capture and it sounds like it was fun making it also. Well deserved ribbon, congrats :o)
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01/31/2007 12:10:57 PM
I love this shot. I always feel that good photography should surprise and delight, and this really does.

I'm reading your account of taking the shot: "This was a tough roof to get on, as we have had freezing rain and lots of snow on top of the roof. Not to mention, the roof that my model is standing on is three stories high and very steep ... yikes!"

That borders on the irresponsible, does it not? Isn't one of the photographer's most important responsibilities the safety of the model?

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01/31/2007 12:00:09 PM
It's amazing, not a footprint in the snow.
How did you manage that, lower him from a helicopter?
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01/31/2007 10:42:40 AM
Man oh man your model did a killer job posing for this!!! His expression doesn't even give it away. My first impulse is to say "I hope you had a really really good model release".
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01/31/2007 10:40:33 AM
I must have looked at his one a ton of times - how did he not slip& fall with that ice there!? Amazing work by the stuntman (not model in this case I think!) and thank you for the notes on how you did it :)
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01/31/2007 10:38:59 AM
Ha, I knew it was you. Great job!
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01/31/2007 09:59:20 AM
You're too clever with the title!!! Great finish. I'm glad this did so well for you!!
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01/31/2007 09:55:18 AM
THIS IS A-MAZING!!!!!!! Mega congratulations on this MOST deserving ribbon! Your photos ALWAYS make me smile!!!

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01/31/2007 09:47:02 AM
Way to go brotha. Yet again your imagination just puts us in awe. Very cool idea, and wonderful job bringing your imagination to life. Well done.
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01/31/2007 08:55:10 AM
brilliant. I'm sending this one to my mother who is particularly fond of Mary P.
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01/31/2007 08:39:33 AM
i'm thrilled to see this ribbon. :)
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01/31/2007 07:57:35 AM
geez, wow, hope you bought him a beer or two for this stunt!
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01/31/2007 07:52:08 AM
crazy - congrats.

good thing he had that umbrella in case he slipped !
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01/31/2007 06:25:06 AM
Congratulations!!! What a cool image. You are amazing.
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01/31/2007 06:21:26 AM
Congrats on the red. I can't imagine asking anybody to jump up and down on an icy roof. I don't suppose you have a shot entered in the free study of him falling off? :P
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01/31/2007 06:03:09 AM
Excellent job, especially in Basic Editing...looks somewhat dangerous so it'll hopefully remain one of a kind!
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01/31/2007 05:34:42 AM
That's some buddy and not even any royalties to share ;-) I could not quite figure out how the shot was done, so the set up worked very well.
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01/31/2007 05:17:49 AM
Hey Coley,

You did it again... I'm your aunt "Pauline's best photographe freind" ... She's so proud of you...

Congrats for your work and your fantastic imagination...
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01/31/2007 05:00:07 AM
carry in with the fantastic work coley, I'm luvin' it!
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01/31/2007 04:22:42 AM
Congratulations! What a story! Jarod is one brave guy..
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01/31/2007 04:05:05 AM
Cole I think you could take any set of props or idea and ribbon with it twice. Twice with one tree, twice magic juggling, twice with one costume. I am awaiting the return of the Ice Princess to the front page :D. Congrats on your red, the photo is amazing.

Message edited by author 2007-01-31 18:01:36.
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01/31/2007 03:46:10 AM
It's just an amasing picture
Congratulations for you model and for ability not only to jump high but also to fell on his feets afterwards
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01/31/2007 02:50:04 AM
Congrats on your red, Coley, very well deserved!
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01/31/2007 01:28:08 AM
im really happy to see this win!
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01/31/2007 01:24:42 AM
Love the surrealist feel to this...Great, just great.
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01/31/2007 01:23:37 AM
Awesome! I had you pegged as the hands down blue on this one - I do so love your imagination and envy your ability to execute what you see in your head. It's always a delight to see what you can do!
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01/31/2007 01:19:10 AM
Congrats! This was one of my faves!
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01/31/2007 01:09:11 AM
Very nice! I am glad he didn't get hurt (fall or go through the roof upon landing!) Congrat's on an imaginative (and impressive) win as always!
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01/31/2007 12:57:00 AM
Hah! Who else could this have been? Congrats on ribbon!
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01/31/2007 12:45:58 AM
Well done! Very cool! Great editing, presentation, score, & finish. :-)
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01/31/2007 12:43:33 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon!!!! Well done!
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01/31/2007 12:36:22 AM
Knew it right when I saw the thumbnail it had to be Coley!!


Message edited by author 2007-01-31 01:04:09.
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01/31/2007 12:27:27 AM
Congratulations on another ribbon with one of your fantastic (in more sense than one) images :)
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01/31/2007 12:27:19 AM
C.O.N.G.R.A.T.U.L.A.T.I.O.N.S..... on the "RED" RIBBON.....

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01/31/2007 12:22:50 AM
Wow, sounds like you had a good friend there in doing that for ya! Glad it did well 'cause it could have been JAROD'S EXIT!!!! Yikes is right! *grin*
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01/31/2007 12:19:17 AM
You are completely Mad!!
I LOVE your work, so much thought and whimsy...awesome
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01/31/2007 12:18:22 AM
Outstanding! I hope he's insured. :) Congrats!
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01/31/2007 12:08:41 AM
wooooo! Nice job! :D
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01/31/2007 12:08:11 AM
Congrats on your very well deserved ribbon with this delightful and funny shot!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/30/2007 11:29:16 PM
Very cool and original. Dangerous too, maybe? One of the best in the challenge. Good luck!
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01/30/2007 05:30:01 PM
Very clever idea. One of my favorites in this challenge.
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01/29/2007 06:49:43 PM
good stuff, gave it a 10
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01/29/2007 12:29:03 PM
This is an amazing photo! I love it! One of the best of the batch.
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01/29/2007 11:43:46 AM
bumping, exit well done!
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01/29/2007 06:17:22 AM
LOL, nice idea and execution.
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01/28/2007 01:51:40 AM
I love it! So clever, and the expression on his face is perfect. Well done!
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01/28/2007 01:05:34 AM
That's not Murray, it's Charlie! And he has some explaining to do.
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01/27/2007 05:52:14 PM
Such a fun quirky image. Very well done. Back to bump you up to 9.
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01/27/2007 01:21:23 PM
Brilliant execution of a clever concept. 10.
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01/27/2007 12:09:05 PM
I suspect this will take the blue. Very creative, excellent composition, toning works perfectly. Good luck!
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01/27/2007 06:37:55 AM
Great imagination.
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01/26/2007 11:34:50 PM
Wow risky jumping on a snowy roof, I like it.
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01/26/2007 11:53:24 AM
Cool... I hope he didn't slip off on his way down.
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01/26/2007 11:20:11 AM
I really like the idea behind the subject matter used. I also like how the subject is off center.
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01/26/2007 11:17:10 AM
I love the creativity of this image. Excellent editing as well. The different textures of the snow against the roofing, and the different heights of the top of the house create a lot of interest as well as produce an image that is pleasing to the eye. Great job on this one!
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01/25/2007 11:21:03 PM
ROFLOL!!! Too funny!! 10
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01/25/2007 10:09:57 PM
This is a wonderfully inventive and illustrative image! It entirely captures the challenge. I hope he landed safely....
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01/25/2007 07:51:24 PM
Careful! Love this shot! Bumping it to 9!
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01/25/2007 05:22:22 PM
Want to know haw you did thise one for basic. Like it my top five.
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01/25/2007 03:41:50 PM
haha thats cool
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01/25/2007 11:49:37 AM
haha! this is a really great image. the photo is really simple but it falls right under the 'exit' theme. a little blank space off of the top would position your subject better.
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01/25/2007 09:46:13 AM
very good idea and good realization. i have some doubt for the flying but i think that is a small jump of mister puppins :) 8
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01/25/2007 07:17:51 AM
You're a crazy man, jumping on a snowy roof like that (or you have a crazy model)! This is outstanding. So creative, wonderful composition. 10.
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01/24/2007 11:26:45 PM
this is fantastic <3
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01/24/2007 11:17:09 PM
no words...except 10 :)
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01/24/2007 10:43:48 PM
Not a drain, door or sunset! Very original!
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01/24/2007 06:15:38 PM
WOW.....I HOPE HE WAS TETHERED.you are Good really good
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01/24/2007 05:41:00 PM
Ok, now I want to know HOW this was done!
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01/24/2007 04:38:37 PM
One of my favorites...sure would be interested in how you did this!!
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01/24/2007 03:25:02 PM
This has to be a contender...perfect
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01/24/2007 11:44:52 AM
i really like this but it looks greenish and i would prefer crisp black and white 9
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01/24/2007 09:54:51 AM
Excellent! But you are crazy to be jumping on/off your roof!! LOL
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01/24/2007 07:33:34 AM
Hope this one isn't DQ'd (although I am curious how it was acomplished within the Basic rules) - funny, clever idea, and looks good.
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01/24/2007 05:45:12 AM
Well, I hope Murray Poppins didn't break his leg on the way down.
Will be interesting to see exactly how you did this. ;>þ
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01/24/2007 04:59:41 AM
How on EARTH did you do this with basic editing...you must share after the voting is up.What fun!
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01/24/2007 04:39:25 AM
this is my fave in this challenge. :) I thought for a while I could have taken this:) funny. good luck!
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01/24/2007 02:23:22 AM
My choice for the Red Ribbon. Cool concept
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