DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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2nd PlaceAngie

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude IV (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f2.8D
Location: Calgary
Date: Jan 24, 2007
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Portraiture, Nude
Date Uploaded: Jan 25, 2007

Yeah...I prolly sold out a bit with this one. I'd do it again, too ;)

Given that this is an online *contest* it seems to me that the goal would be to win - or to try at least. That means going for mass appeal, and in this case I think a more commercial approach to the challenge made sense (and looking at the top scoring images I'd say I guessed correctly).

All that said, this isn't my favourite personal style of shot...but typically I don't submit my *favourite* stuff to challenges, because what I like doesn't tend to have mass appeal.

So yeah - I stooped a little. But I make no apologies for it. I set out to win a ribbon and a bet with Kiwi - and I did both of those things, so I'm content.

My January free-study is another story. I went against the theory and submitted something I LOVE over one that would likely have scored better - don't think you'll see me on the front page of that one :P

thanks for all the comments - both in favour and against the shot...I appreciate it all.


Place: 2 out of 121
Avg (all users): 7.6624
Avg (commenters): 8.5156
Avg (participants): 7.4886
Avg (non-participants): 7.7023
Views since voting: 54170
Views during voting: 2029
Votes: 471
Comments: 145
Favorites: 89 (view)

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08/29/2008 11:20:11 AM
wow... nice body.. and ofc nice picture :) well done :)
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07/17/2008 08:12:27 PM
The Rolling Stone's sum up my feelings about this shot in this line from their tune, ironically entitled, "Angie".

'...there aint a woman that comes close to you'

An incredible beauty....mmmmwwwwaaaaahhhhhh!!!
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07/17/2008 03:24:06 PM

that is like driving at night
and suddenly you are blinded by
2ENORMOUS headlghts
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07/17/2008 02:19:50 PM
I wont be pretending, ill just say should be said. That is a hell of a body with two hell of a tits. The model abviously knows this (this is a self photograph) and is proud, she eas all rights to do so. the attitude shows that as well. I think that most hetrosexual men would agree with me when i say that i would have nothing against sleeping with that model, she looks really good.
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12/31/2007 10:55:11 AM
amazing image
i must have come back numerous times to see this one of my all time favs on here
btw congrats on the well deserved ribbon
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12/17/2007 07:11:04 PM
Magificent exposure
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11/24/2007 05:01:15 PM
I really like this photo but I feel you missed something here. She has very fine body lines and I would think that as beautiful to the eye as she is there is more you could do with her besides put her in a typical college boy turn on pose. You are a very good photographer I can see that but try her in something a little more natural next time.


Message edited by author 2007-11-24 17:03:49.
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07/08/2007 11:11:09 PM
It must have been a bit cold in the old studio; nice lighting though :}
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02/13/2007 02:19:32 PM
I think you ALL have it wrong. Oman Otter, while you make a good arguement, I think the wording should be STUNNING tits. They certainly are.

And Pedro, from the photography standpoint, very well done. Let's just all agree that this is appealing on many levels. Look at how many views "nudes" gets anyway on the DPC menu anyway.
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02/12/2007 05:20:20 PM
I think this photo is fantastic, the lighting is perfect and I have to agree with OmanOtter, the surgeon did nice work. lol
The lighting on her right hand is a bit bright but I don't think it distracts the viewer from the focus of the photo at all. I do think the word "tits" demeans this photograph in all ways. Breasts would be a more classy and I feel appropriate term. :) It is very nicely done.
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02/12/2007 02:31:54 PM
I can accept all that. And it IS an excellent photo -- masterfully presented. But you could make an awful lot of money marketing it to college-age men - even more if you re-shoot it with her holding a bottle of beer. And that's the thrust of my defense of Hughie's comment. I know that you, as photographer, want feedback on how well or poorly you photographed her. But you chose her for a purpose, and you posed her the way you did for a purpose. You achieved what you set out for -- which is much more than to just shoot a good photo. Your photo appeals to the core of (especially young) male sexual desire. You reached into our collective male libido and smacked us over the head with our deepest desires. If all Hughie could manage to get out was a breathless "Nice tits!", it's no wonder. His brain was probably on overload and it was all the poor guy could muster. I can't say I blame him.

And, yes, it's also because you presented and captured her attributes so damn well. She doesn't get all the credit, and neither does her surgeon! You crafted the presentation and captured the scene. Well done.
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02/12/2007 02:54:26 AM
don't get me wrong - I'm not denying that at all. Obviously she was chosen with a purpose. Of course I want you to *think* that when you see it. However, my interest still lies in the photograph when it comes to the comments I receive. I don't need someone to point out her finer features - I'm fully aware of what they are. I want to know if I presented them well - is it well lit? Is it sharp enough to satisfy people around here? Could I have done it any better? I know what i'm trying to represent, and I want to know if I did it successfully. A simple two words telling me what they think about her does nothing to help me with that. If it were a horrific photo, she'd still have nice ones.

And IF they're only compelled to make comments about the subject and ignore the photo, I'd hope they would have a bit tact than the comment in question. I believe your assessment of the photo is correct - but i still don't care if someone thinks she has nice tits. I appreciate your input either way. :)

02/11/2007 10:59:12 PM
Forgive me for being skeptical about some of this, but I believe that if a photographer only cares about lighting, exposure, etc..., then it is unlikely that s/he will choose a model whose physical beauty is so exceptional. You can take just as perfect a photo with what Fotomann describes as an "untraditional model." I have seen several such photos and none of them score well. Now, there are many wonderful nudes out there with beautiful models where my reaction would be more in line with what some of you are saying. I have and usually do comment on those kinds of nudes in the more socially tasteful way that some of the commenters here are asking for. However, my point here is that this photo is not such a shot. This photo, in my opinion, is the kind of thing that college age men hang on their walls as a poster. So it evokes exactly the response given by Hughie.

Nice photo. Well done photographically. But there is another aspect to this that we seem to want to deny.
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02/11/2007 07:48:17 PM
Originally posted by OmanOtter:

I have to disagree. In this case, with this particular picture, "Nice tits!" is probably the most apt and honest comment a heterosexual man could make. The nature of this picture is such that "Beautiful breasts" "wonderful model" "nice hair" etc... would all just be euphemisms for what any heterosexual man would really be thinking -- "Nice tits!" Yes, that's what this shot is all about. And I think that's what it's purpose was -- not that there's anything wrong with that. It's a fantastic photo, and, yes, those are some damn nice tits!

I appreciate the point you're trying to make...and IF it were a tit-judging contest, then yes - that would be an apt comment (and yes...they ARE :)). however, in a photography competition I'm more interested in how they're presented photographically than I am in how they're formed structurally.

Frankly I'm not that concerned with how anyone feels about her glandular appointment.
02/11/2007 01:59:30 PM
I thought this was a competition, with like real comments from real photographers. i like the composition. The lighting is good but the hands may be a bit bright. A little distracting. But a good photo of form and lighting even though. As far as the t... go well bring yourselves out of the dark and give some real critiques.
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02/11/2007 01:46:52 PM
Originally posted by smyk:

"tits"... I hate that damn word! guys can be so damn....not classy sometimes. That word should be banned from male vocabulary...sorry am I starting an argument here? Sorry. I'll stop.

I have to disagree. In this case, with this particular picture, "Nice tits!" is probably the most apt and honest comment a heterosexual man could make. The nature of this picture is such that "Beautiful breasts" "wonderful model" "nice hair" etc... would all just be euphemisms for what any heterosexual man would really be thinking -- "Nice tits!" Yes, that's what this shot is all about. And I think that's what it's purpose was -- not that there's anything wrong with that. It's a fantastic photo, and, yes, those are some damn nice tits!
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02/10/2007 12:25:13 PM
That looks like a whole lot of fun! Congratulations on the ribbon, it looks awesome!
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02/09/2007 09:38:51 PM
Nahhhh...no sell out here. This image, is a world class image, right down to the light breaking off of the...left...right...left..right (pawdrix is doing somersault's) nipple. I'm awed by what you can do.
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02/08/2007 07:11:16 PM
Nice Picture Pedro!
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02/08/2007 08:25:19 AM
"tits"... I hate that damn word! guys can be so damn....not classy sometimes. That word should be banned from male vocabulary...sorry am I starting an argument here? Sorry. I'll stop.
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02/08/2007 07:59:32 AM
Congrats!!!! Well-deserved even if you did sell out ; )
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02/08/2007 06:12:07 AM
Originally posted by hughie:

nice tits.

02/08/2007 06:06:33 AM
nice tits.
02/07/2007 08:58:46 PM
As far as I'm concerned, this can stay on the home page permanently :)
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02/07/2007 10:01:36 AM
Very Alberta, I like it :) Congratulations.
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02/07/2007 08:16:34 AM
Congrats Pedro and in color, how aboot that!
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02/07/2007 08:10:36 AM
Excellent ! Great pose and beautiful lighting ! Congratulations :)
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02/07/2007 07:40:24 AM
Great shot! congrats on the ribbon!!
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02/06/2007 11:53:11 PM
This should've been blue!!!!!!!!!!
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02/06/2007 09:02:16 PM
Originally posted by rscorp:

If a case of beer had been on the line, I'd have done the same thing :)

Originally posted by Pedro:

Originally posted by Artyste:

I have to agree with rscorp with the whole "Joe Six-Pack" thing.. but hey, I *also* know that sometimes "You do what it takes".

Not that I'm not disappointed at the stooping ;)

I don't disagree with this or Robert's comments at all - it was a conscious decision to go mainstream on this one...partly as a test of my commercial skills (since I do shoot this kind of thing commercially now) and partly cuz I just felt like it.

Fear not, regular P-stuff will be forthcoming :)

I would have done the same thing for a box of cracker jacks.
mmmm... cracker jacks.
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02/06/2007 02:31:36 PM
always knew you could score when you wanted to!
...and now a visit to your profile contains a bonus...:)
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02/06/2007 12:22:37 PM
Just realized I hadn't added my own congrats. Got a 9 from me. :)
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02/06/2007 11:50:35 AM
If a case of beer had been on the line, I'd have done the same thing :)

Originally posted by Pedro:

Originally posted by Artyste:

I have to agree with rscorp with the whole "Joe Six-Pack" thing.. but hey, I *also* know that sometimes "You do what it takes".

Not that I'm not disappointed at the stooping ;)

I don't disagree with this or Robert's comments at all - it was a conscious decision to go mainstream on this one...partly as a test of my commercial skills (since I do shoot this kind of thing commercially now) and partly cuz I just felt like it.

Fear not, regular P-stuff will be forthcoming :)
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02/06/2007 11:45:17 AM
Originally posted by Artyste:

I have to agree with rscorp with the whole "Joe Six-Pack" thing.. but hey, I *also* know that sometimes "You do what it takes".

Not that I'm not disappointed at the stooping ;)

I don't disagree with this or Robert's comments at all - it was a conscious decision to go mainstream on this one...partly as a test of my commercial skills (since I do shoot this kind of thing commercially now) and partly cuz I just felt like it.

Fear not, regular P-stuff will be forthcoming :)
02/06/2007 10:50:36 AM
great pose and lighting beautiful model, congrats!
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02/06/2007 02:11:45 AM
I have to agree with rscorp with the whole "Joe Six-Pack" thing.. but hey, I *also* know that sometimes "You do what it takes".

Not that I'm not disappointed at the stooping ;)
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02/05/2007 04:53:49 PM
Pedro, I'm going to have to be the odd man out here. I love your photography a lot because you capture so much emotion and personality in the people you photograph. This one to me, while technically fantastic, looked like an appeal to Joe Six-Pack.

I mean, the lighting, colors, etc are fantastic. Technically you couldn't have done a better job. But to me it doesn't come close to having the soul or artistic feel your shots usually have. This looks like a shot for the Maxim or a men's calendar or something like that. I hate to be the lonely voice that wasn't thrilled with the photo, but I figured I'd give you my opinion anyway.
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02/05/2007 04:32:23 PM
Great lighting here! Congrats on the well deserved ribbon, Pedro! ;-)
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02/05/2007 02:29:01 PM
Had a hunch this was either yours, Martin´s or Gary´s and mean that as a compliment. Lighting is ace!
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02/05/2007 01:13:06 PM
A big congrats man! You called it and you for sure made the right choice. :-D
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02/05/2007 01:12:36 PM
I had this one picked too as a winner. Congratulations! You're awesome!

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02/05/2007 01:10:30 PM
Congrats!!!!beautifull shot, one of my favorites... BUT.. I won the bet :D I`ll be waiting for my prize, and I hope it`ll be good! :D
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02/05/2007 12:30:54 PM
I voted 10 for this too!!!!!
I like the pose and the style!!!
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02/05/2007 11:38:08 AM
Had no time to comment during the challenge, but this was in my top 5 The only shot I scored higher did indeed beat you. :)

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02/05/2007 09:57:13 AM
Congratulations on a great shot.
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02/05/2007 08:31:02 AM
Great model and light. Pose is excellent as well. Part of me wants to see more of her face, but it works without that as well. Nice warm rich tones. You did it P'.
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02/05/2007 08:26:33 AM
Sweet shot P, love the lighting and the hat :) Congrats
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02/05/2007 08:25:25 AM
You da man P man! :-)
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02/05/2007 05:25:10 AM
How come is it that whenever you and I have a bet on a challenge for a crate of beer that you always beat me? Good work man! Come and get the beer :)
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02/05/2007 04:22:48 AM
WOOHOO! Good work Peter
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02/05/2007 02:48:49 AM
Congrats on another well deserved ribbon!
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02/05/2007 02:42:48 AM
congrats on the ribbon dude and sorry for letting you down:)
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02/05/2007 02:10:22 AM
Love the light! Top three are no surprise, look at the names! Nice job Pedro.
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02/05/2007 01:46:09 AM
Good to see you back on the front page where you belong P!!! Congrats on your well deserved ribbon!
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02/05/2007 01:32:54 AM
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

There are 11 people who need their heads examined. :)

I count a minimum of 40 :-) No way this shot is average or below.
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02/05/2007 01:31:18 AM
What can I say P-Ness? Very hot! Congrats.
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02/05/2007 01:12:12 AM
I loved this shot when i first saw it and love it even more now. Her pose is spot on, the outfit is very sexy imo ;) I love the cowgirls lol. Lighting is great. A+ ;) Gratz again
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02/05/2007 01:04:00 AM
winx.. nicely done mistah man!!! Nice to see you back on the front page!!!

Give Angie my congrats too.. :)
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02/05/2007 12:50:45 AM
There are 11 people who need their heads examined. :)
Congratz! This has pro written all over it.
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02/05/2007 12:46:09 AM
Congrats on the red. This was one of my favorites in this challenge.
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02/05/2007 12:16:29 AM
Great all round. Well done.
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02/05/2007 12:11:20 AM
This is the type of look I would try to achieve if I shot nudes. Great shot and congrats on the ribbon!
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02/05/2007 12:09:57 AM
Hey Pedro, congrats!!!
I knew this one would be top 3 !! Cheers!
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02/05/2007 12:09:53 AM
not bad! congrats! :)

Message edited by author 2007-02-05 01:07:06.
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02/05/2007 12:07:52 AM
Congrats....Great work!
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02/05/2007 12:05:50 AM
Congrats I gave this one a 10
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02/05/2007 12:05:31 AM
tole ya it was a great pic! congrats on the ribbon!
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02/05/2007 12:04:42 AM
Congrats On Ribbon
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02/05/2007 12:04:21 AM
Yea Yea yer cool, we know

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/04/2007 09:17:19 PM
where did you find that girl? 7
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02/04/2007 10:53:18 AM
I don't see how this meets the challenge.

From the lighting, the composition, to the pose, to the uhm, lighting, this is a fantastic image. This is in my top 3. Totally could be a professional magazine shot.
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02/03/2007 10:03:43 AM
Wow, great shot. I'd like to see a tutorial for your setup of this one
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02/03/2007 06:59:58 AM
Fantastic shot! One of my tops with a 10. The lighting is beautiful...
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02/02/2007 06:18:16 PM
An awesome image! Love the lighting and the colours. The pose is perfect, a bit of wind helps add some movement. composition is great. I guess I'm trying to say it's one of my top picks.
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02/02/2007 03:00:57 PM
I really like the crop of this shot. The lighting is very good. I like the dark/contrasty feel. The pose is great and I like the pants/shirt/hat she is wearing. I like her blowing hair as well. Good job.
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02/02/2007 10:11:25 AM
nice lighting, pose
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02/02/2007 09:34:48 AM
very nice
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02/01/2007 10:37:36 PM
beutiful lighting, this is just gorgeous. The pose, the movement of the hair, the spot light with the vignetting on the sides. Wonderful.
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02/01/2007 10:07:11 PM
Great lighting and colors. Very attractive model. Excellent work!
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02/01/2007 09:46:18 PM
Spot on lighting and great feel with this one. Great work and good luck.

Message edited by author 2007-02-05 00:10:27.
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02/01/2007 06:08:46 PM
I love the pose and the lighting. The beautiful model doesn't hurt either. Love it.
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02/01/2007 05:03:58 PM
One of the best. Really nice. Good Luck. 10
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02/01/2007 04:23:22 PM
Easily one of the best here, great model, pose, lighting. deserves a ribbon
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02/01/2007 03:17:04 PM
Hey! I didn't say she could wear my shirt!
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02/01/2007 01:48:49 PM
Very nice image. The pose seems natural with a high glamour feel. Good use of lighting and composition.
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02/01/2007 12:31:39 PM
I like the lighting, pose with the windblown hair is fun. Something sexy about a lady in a cowboy hat and jeans.. its simple, down home kinda sexy. Of course the body is tight and firm and the shadows / highlights play beautifully off that.

Nice work and magazine worthy.
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02/01/2007 09:02:42 AM
this should ribbon in my opinion. one of the best of the challenge.
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02/01/2007 05:02:55 AM
I like this - very strong shapes and lines. I'm not absolutely sure, but maybe the hands are a little too bright?
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02/01/2007 01:13:53 AM
Love the way the hair move and the cowboy hat, fit well the dark shirt and jeans.
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02/01/2007 12:22:23 AM
I am not sure if you meant it, but I really like how her right nipple glows in the middle of the areol. Very nice work!
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01/31/2007 10:21:06 PM
really nice lighting 8
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01/31/2007 10:07:00 PM
Why is my girlfriend gettin' naked for other people?! >:[
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01/31/2007 08:31:10 PM
Ride 'em cowboy ;) I really like this, although there could have been a tad more lighting on the right side (her right), She has quite an amazing body and it is shown well in this picture. 7
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01/31/2007 03:53:28 PM
Beautiful shot.
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01/31/2007 03:26:19 PM
Yowza... fantastic model and an excellent shot. Wonderfully lit, too. She may not be wearing much now, but I suspect she'll be wearing a ribbon at the end of the voting! - 10
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01/31/2007 11:23:46 AM
even though this is a perfect photo technically, it's a bit too much fashion for me. or maybe a bit too much in-your-face. not sure. but, bacause it's technically well done, a high vote from me.
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01/31/2007 09:37:44 AM
This is not fair. You are a professional. Congradulations in advance for your ribbon. (10)
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01/31/2007 02:35:02 AM
reallly sexy shot!
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01/31/2007 12:40:22 AM
WOW this is fantastic. Great lighting, great pose, great background. 9
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01/30/2007 08:31:59 PM
Great body, good lighting but a little bit grainy on the body.
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01/30/2007 06:02:34 PM
far out and awesome .... love this photograph ... such beautiful warm rich tones ... beautiful pose, great lighting .. just excellent .. =9
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01/30/2007 04:47:58 PM
sexy ruggedness.
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01/30/2007 03:23:05 PM
Gorgeous lighting, looks like it should be in a fine arts magazine !!!
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01/30/2007 12:41:12 PM
Nice glamour shot. Well lit and processed.
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01/30/2007 12:15:02 PM
Very profound and sexy. I'm not sure if it was your intention or not but I like the way her (viewer's left) right nipple caught a highlight against the shadow and her hair seems to be blowing. Tastefully well don w/wonderful light! Good job!
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01/30/2007 07:05:12 AM
great! I think that this image will be in a very high position. 10
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01/30/2007 06:25:14 AM
Nicely captured.....
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01/30/2007 05:22:21 AM
classic glamour shot, like the hat and the wind in her hair. irregular border is very distracting.
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01/30/2007 01:21:14 AM
Wow, nicely done.
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01/29/2007 08:58:38 PM
I love the lighting and the color of the back drop. Perfect choices for the models hair & skin color. Plus, she's stunning so that seems to help too.
;-). This is a 10 for me.
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01/29/2007 08:50:03 PM
beautiful form, effective lighting, excellent composition.. nicely done!
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01/29/2007 08:21:21 PM
Absoultly wonderful lighting, this is my pick for the blue. I will be disapointed if it doenst win. Great shot. 10
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01/29/2007 08:19:31 PM
This is a great capture of attitude, 9!
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01/29/2007 07:01:27 PM
great pose
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01/29/2007 06:00:17 PM
The body of the model is very good. (this is what my artistic mind says).

(And you know what my pervert mind would say).
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01/29/2007 05:24:48 PM
When a master photographer shoots a phenomenal body, the results are impressive indeed. The blue is as good as yours!
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01/29/2007 03:50:47 PM
Very professional looking shot. Gets my vote.
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01/29/2007 02:50:50 PM
the lighting is impeccable as wells as focus and composition. However for a nude challenge she sure has quite abit of clothes on :P. In all seriousness, it is a really good study in the human form, I hope this does well for you.
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01/29/2007 02:35:31 PM
pedro? this is fantastic. Love the processing the pose, everything 10
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01/29/2007 02:32:20 PM
Very professional presentation.
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01/29/2007 02:32:07 PM
more cheese cake than traditional nude study has that buy me feel about it just a little uncomfortable with this, others would disagree,It rates high with me on the technical ability side with good lighting and composition 8
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01/29/2007 01:32:26 PM
Ribbon!- score very high on the wow factor. Amazing work- congrats
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01/29/2007 12:48:16 PM
stunning model!
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01/29/2007 12:37:15 PM
exellent colors and lighting! -8-
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01/29/2007 10:46:13 AM
This gotta ribbon. One of my top 3 this challenge for sure! Very dynamic and erotic.
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01/29/2007 10:07:52 AM
ok so this is like incredibly hot,and sexy,and gorgeous and....well you get the idea...you also get a 10
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01/29/2007 09:48:08 AM
lively and dynamic... love it...
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01/29/2007 08:29:33 AM
One word should explain my reaction: WOW! Everything in this photo works.
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01/29/2007 08:24:42 AM
great lighting. ribbon..i hope
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01/29/2007 07:01:09 AM
One of my fav. but is a classic pboy shot.
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01/29/2007 06:39:03 AM
Glamour! 8
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01/29/2007 05:29:37 AM
Great shot!! lighting is perfect as is the pose.
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01/29/2007 04:34:48 AM
OK this is looking like a kiwi shot, great model nice tones and lighting, definately one of the top shots in this challenge
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01/29/2007 03:59:49 AM
so sexy, it even sheeeeeeeeshes
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01/29/2007 03:23:55 AM
Nice lighting on this one
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01/29/2007 03:03:24 AM
Favorite by far 10
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01/29/2007 03:02:41 AM
Hawwwt! Love it!
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01/29/2007 01:31:17 AM
Excellent work!
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01/29/2007 01:19:07 AM
awesome, maybe a ribbon... only thing I'm not so sure about is the white border so far down from the top, I see you wanted it evenly spaced with the bottom, but it comes too close on her hat, great colors, comp., model, pose, lighting, etc though, 10
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01/29/2007 01:16:49 AM
This has commercial appeal. I can see this in a men's magazine. Nice lighting. I like the movement of her hair.
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01/29/2007 01:11:08 AM
love the lighting and the composition .. well done
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01/29/2007 12:31:53 AM
Okay, where is the beer or truck advertisement....
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01/29/2007 12:25:44 AM
Very nice shot, one of my favs in the challenge. Love the lighting and the wind blown hair adds some action to the pose. Good luck!
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01/29/2007 12:17:58 AM
I think the bright white on the border is a major distraction but the lighting and rich colours of the photo make up for it in terms of score. 9
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01/29/2007 12:16:39 AM
One of the rare professional looking shots in this challenge. Great pose and lighting. Top 10.
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