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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pencil (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot Pro 90 IS
Location: My house
Date: Aug 18, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/25
Date Uploaded: Aug 18, 2002

I don't know how the hell I came up with this idea. Maybe I was hungry or something. Anyway, hope you like.

Place: 12 out of 185
Avg (all users): 6.4944
Avg (commenters): 7.0667
Avg (participants): 6.4338
Avg (non-participants): 6.5573
Views since voting: 2326
Votes: 267
Comments: 64
Favorites: 3 (view)

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08/26/2002 09:01:00 AM
Thank you everyone for your great comments.

Yes, I know about the highlights on the right side of the sandwich, but there wasn't much I could do about it and get the light the way I wanted it (well, at least not with my setup). I used a white board to try to get some more light on the pencils, but as you can see it didn't work so well. The shadow is there on purpose, to make the sandwich stand out more, but I can see why some people don't like it.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/25/2002 05:23:00 PM
With a nice big glass of milk of magnesia.
08/25/2002 12:00:00 PM
Very original. Good job! Makes me hungry until I see the pencils. :)
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08/25/2002 11:58:00 AM
this is excellent :) It's definitely one of the more creative concepts I have seen this week. It falls outside the ideas that I thought of for sure :) The color in the green napkin is very nice... the 'pencil' sandwich looks like the pencils are supposed to be there :) great work :) - jmsetzler
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08/25/2002 11:46:00 AM
I really like this image... Very original, a tad over-exposed on the bread, perhaps but it doesn't ruin it for me. 8 sjgleah
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08/24/2002 09:49:00 PM
08/24/2002 05:07:00 PM
08/24/2002 10:28:00 AM
I love it! I wouldn't change a thing. I especially love the pencil shaving crumbs.
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08/23/2002 01:09:00 PM
This is my favorite photograph of the week. I initially rated it a 9, but will now bump it up to 10. On Tuesday I was eating lunch while voting, and your photo appeared on my screen just as I was biting into a sandwich. I almost choked! Very creative idea, wonderful composition. The white bread seems to lose a little detail because of the exposure, but overall giving you extra points for the creative idea and the composition. LanSnake
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08/23/2002 12:38:00 AM
Funny idea! I even like the crumbs on the napkin, but I do think the quilting of the placemat is distracting. A solid background would have been effective. Secondly, although I especially liked the clear glass plate, extra care should have been taken to prevent the glare on the glass.
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08/22/2002 04:02:00 PM
Yow - great concept and shot but a nasty thought. :)
08/22/2002 03:15:00 PM
I understand the need for fiber, but is that really necessary? ;-)
The lighting is pretty good, and most of the replections work well. The shadow across the plate, however, is a bit distracting.
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08/22/2002 02:15:00 PM
Cool picture, but gross!
08/22/2002 01:40:00 PM
Looks good with a little mayo and mustard.
08/22/2002 11:51:00 AM
LOL. very humorous image. i take it u used natural light. i think i want to see some more light on the pencil pts. use a reflector perhaps? pievce of white board
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08/22/2002 09:23:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background7,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing5,
Challenge: Does your entry meet it?10,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4,
Total Averaged Rating7. Autool
08/22/2002 06:37:00 AM
Great creativity = crappy sandwich. Very nice work.
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08/22/2002 01:20:00 AM
nice concept
but where is Taz?
08/21/2002 04:50:00 PM
great idea, I can almost taste it!
08/21/2002 04:06:00 PM
Bravo. I never would have thought of that. I just hope you didn't get any splinters ...
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08/21/2002 04:01:00 PM
Well, this is about the most creative shot I've seen here for this challenge so far!
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08/21/2002 03:06:00 PM
Very well thought out. I like the green of the napkin, but the light is a little strong on the sandwich for me, though. karmat
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08/21/2002 01:37:00 PM
Mmmmm... pencils.
08/21/2002 01:17:00 PM
interesting idea. but it looks a bit crunchy for my taste. the blown highlight on the sandwich is distracting, but overall i like the composition. well done. (6) ~mcmurma
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08/21/2002 12:54:00 PM
Pencils. Does a body good. Set up is great. I like the creativity here. Lighting is good, however the bread to the right side is a little bright. Not overly bright, but I wouldn't want it any brighter. Reflections in the plate and fork are subtle enough that they aren't distracting. The angle is ok. I'd like to see it at a more flat angle also for comparrison, but then again, it might be a bit boring and plain at a flatter angle. Great job and good luck in the challenge.
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08/21/2002 12:02:00 PM
Very creative. Nice idea!
08/21/2002 11:33:00 AM
Nicely done. If I was going to be picky, I'd say that the lighting on the sandwich isn't very consistant. Kind of bright on the right side. But I'm not that picky. 7
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08/21/2002 11:14:00 AM
The pencils in the "bite" look like you really ate them! Clever idea. The napkin is a good touch as is the white placemat. There's nothing like it in the challenge - congrats on your cretive treatment!
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08/21/2002 10:34:00 AM
Yuck - I don't want to know how you got this arrangement - Yes I do - No I don't. I love the idea. I would like to see the picture a bit brighter. The fork is dark - and there is a mystery shadow across the plate that is unfortunate (7)
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08/21/2002 04:03:00 AM
Just a thought, Why do you need a fork to eat a pencil sandwich?
08/21/2002 03:29:00 AM
Enjoy your meal!!!! Great idea.
08/21/2002 02:01:00 AM
08/20/2002 10:04:00 PM
love your presentation
08/20/2002 09:42:00 PM
Great composition,use of pencils,glass dish,napkin, and cutlery.
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08/20/2002 08:41:00 PM
Nicely don't, but I think I'll have something else to eat! :)
08/20/2002 06:57:00 PM
A very cool idea, well set up. Nothing hugely wrong in my eyes, so I'm going to nit pick you a bit. The bread is slightly blown out on the right, the lower crust is a tad too dark (hey, decide what you want, lighter or darker! That's a comment from you to me....) Not thrilled with the crop, but no ideas how to make it better. 9 Swash
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08/20/2002 06:45:00 PM
great idea.
08/20/2002 04:40:00 PM
Composition - very good
Technical Aspects - very good
Meets Challenge - yes
Visual Impact / Originality ΓΆ€“ high / very good
Other comments ΓΆ€“ Top 5

Jim msp
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08/20/2002 02:57:00 PM
08/20/2002 02:30:00 PM
great idea. too much light on the bread. yummy
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08/20/2002 02:20:00 PM
Great idea, great shot...
08/20/2002 12:48:00 PM
Original idea and I love the way the broken pencils show the "bite" mark. Would try and lose the dark edge at the top left and the knife, or put it with the fork, where it is it just looks like a dark line.
5, Kavey
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08/20/2002 10:24:00 AM
oh now this is a hoot!!
08/20/2002 09:06:00 AM
straight into the 'weird' catagory. Well lit nad taken shot, though a little too dark
08/20/2002 02:11:00 AM
very creative idea
08/19/2002 09:58:00 PM
I love the idea! The shadow falling over the sandwich is a little distracting, as is the table at the upper left. The green napkin adds a nice bit of color.
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08/19/2002 07:11:00 PM
Wonderfully wacky!! I think the composition could of been imporved and the background, but well done, clever!!!!! Score 7 ~Kee
08/19/2002 06:28:00 PM
I almost commented, "WHERE IS THE PENCIL?!"
I'm glad I took another look! That's great! 7 -lennier
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08/19/2002 06:17:00 PM
very cute. i bet it was yummy.
08/19/2002 05:38:00 PM
I think that Sandwich would be a little on the dry side. i would add some librel amounts of Mayo, amyve that would help
08/19/2002 05:17:00 PM
the idea is great but I think the composition could've been so much better. why a transparent plate? good effort.
08/19/2002 04:06:00 PM
This is wacky! What made you think of this. All I can remember is my college modern art professor saying "and, *why* did you choose to make a giant sized tape dispenser?". My answer: "why not?". So, in the spirit of modern art and unique composition, I give you an 8 because the highlights on the right are a bit over exposed. - that fixed would make this a 9 in my mind. thanks for sharing!
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08/19/2002 02:10:00 PM
Excellent photo, great idea. Love the vivid green.
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08/19/2002 01:56:00 PM
i've eaten sandwhiches that taste like that.
great idea. 10
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08/19/2002 01:02:00 PM
Creative. Nicely done, but definitely a sandwich I don't want a bite of.
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08/19/2002 12:57:00 PM
A bit too chewey IMHO. ;-)
The lighting, though dramatic, doesn't do justice to the pencils.
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08/19/2002 11:48:00 AM
One of my favorites this week. Creative, good photo and made me chuckle and think!
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08/19/2002 08:16:00 AM
Great picture and definitely original!
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08/19/2002 03:55:00 AM
Nice idea, made me smile. Well executed picture. I would've used a less ornate fork though so it doesn't distract the eye too much!
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08/19/2002 03:01:00 AM
That's almost as bad as eating nails. Ouch. 5
08/19/2002 01:48:00 AM
My 11-year-old brother actually had this idea. He'll be very proud that someone actually did it :o) Nice job with the bite.
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08/19/2002 01:21:00 AM
ouch! could have titled it "jaws of steel"
08/19/2002 01:06:00 AM
how did the pencil sandwich taste? Great picture.
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08/19/2002 12:53:00 AM
owww..how'd that taste?

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