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Smoking is Dead Sexy
1st PlaceSmoking is Dead Sexy

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Propaganda (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Diningroom table :)
Date: Nov 17, 2003
Aperture: f16
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/30
Galleries: Still Life, Studio
Date Uploaded: Nov 18, 2003


Place: 1 out of 133
Avg (all users): 7.5021
Avg (commenters): 8.6739
Avg (participants): 7.2133
Avg (non-participants): 7.6325
Views since voting: 15102
Votes: 241
Comments: 64
Favorites: 24 (view)

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12/27/2006 04:14:30 AM
thanks for IR ideas ...
decided to check out your work ... and this is the first that i decided to view ...
absolutely amazing ... and far out .. fantastic idea and result ...
12/01/2006 03:13:10 PM
exactly!:) great photo and I totally agree with the idea.
11/26/2003 11:31:06 AM
Hearty congrats on your first ribbon, Techno!
11/26/2003 11:11:42 AM
This shot ROCKS! Very creative. Congrats!
11/26/2003 10:31:35 AM
Congratulations, well deserved.
11/26/2003 09:39:03 AM
Congrats on the first place
11/26/2003 08:57:09 AM
awesome. congratulations
11/26/2003 08:37:00 AM
Congratulations! I emailed this shot to my son at college to entice him to quit smoking.
11/26/2003 08:36:39 AM
This is one of the coolest pics I´ve seen in here.

This one goes to my favorites
11/26/2003 08:00:20 AM
Congrats on a wonderful well deserved win ! As stated during the contest...this is very well done and well, it ROCKS !
11/26/2003 06:25:06 AM
Congrats on a well deserved win! I liked this shot a much! :-)
11/26/2003 03:24:09 AM
Sweet. You could sell this and if I was a Freshman with a Metallica shirt I'd buy 2.
11/26/2003 12:44:54 AM
my fav of the challenge...congrats on the blue ribbon!
11/26/2003 12:05:39 AM
Thank you everyone. Quite pleased, and for those that asked, yes I smoked them all, and no I don't practice what I preach. Sorry. To any kids out there... Don't start smoking. That is all.

Message edited by author 2003-11-26 00:08:16.
11/26/2003 12:02:50 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon! Great work and well deserved.
11/26/2003 12:02:21 AM
Wow!!! Congrats on your first ribbon!!!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/25/2003 11:51:26 PM
Wow...what a set up...very nice work.
11/25/2003 06:08:55 PM
The best. It doesn't even need a title.
11/25/2003 05:03:32 PM
Great idea, good dramatic capture. Would have liked to see a cigarette in his mouth. I am sure you tried it and maybe it wouldn't hold. Love the smoke from the skull though.
11/25/2003 02:14:48 PM
Good exposure, contrast, lighting and color saturation. Definetly a strong message. Good use of the smoke with the skull. 10!
11/25/2003 09:37:11 AM
Interesting ideas I like it a lot.
11/25/2003 07:41:00 AM
Oh yeah, that was my immediate thought upon seeing this....riiight.
11/24/2003 08:28:25 AM
WOW ! This is awesome ! Everything abut this photo is perfect. The subject, title, compostion, lighting....10
11/23/2003 08:23:36 PM
excellent lighting and focus. Interesting subject. One of the top 3 of this challenge.
11/23/2003 01:29:54 PM
I wonder, btw, if you "obey" you own words! High 8!
11/22/2003 05:31:17 PM
what a unique take on this week's assignment. Very good focus and lighting... overall a very effective bit of "propaganda".
11/22/2003 09:19:27 AM
nicely done...this is a great example of what this challenge is SUPPOSED to be about.
11/22/2003 05:47:25 AM
The propaganda is in the title, not in the image. The image tells the real story. A great image which could be used as a poster straight away, no improvements needed. I especially like the smoke coming out of the skull. 9
11/22/2003 03:05:52 AM
Terrific shot. Focus, color and composition is perfect. 10
11/21/2003 11:34:27 PM
Excellent shot!! My favoirte in this group for sure. Only did you have to smoke all those cigarettes...yuk, maybe they were propls only!! But then all that second hand smoke!! Very powerful and good jot. Meets the challenge will in my opinion
11/21/2003 06:42:08 PM
It's a little quibble, but I think I'd have preferred to see the skull facing the ashtray. This is still one of the best photos I have seen in this challenge so far.
11/21/2003 02:57:37 PM
so true!
11/21/2003 01:32:52 PM
This is just a great shot! I love the way the skull looks like it is smoking. The grossness of the ashtray & all the filled butts really adds to the effect & is complimented well with the title. THe lighting & composition is of course excellent! Great shot!
11/21/2003 12:07:29 PM
Nice effect to have the skull smoking as well and the cigarette. Post this around town! Well lit, nice focus. I might crop a bit more off the bottom left - make the cigareetes go right to the corner, the ash tray is in an odd position , and doesn;t really finish the corner. 8
11/21/2003 12:01:39 PM
Wow, love the smoke! Funny, love the title
11/21/2003 12:42:43 AM
Excellent combination of a strong message well illustrated with excellent lighting techniques.
11/21/2003 12:38:22 AM
You're so right. Great, powerfull image on the subject. Great fitting Title as well. The only thing is the pic is tilted a little too much to the left. Good job. 8.
11/20/2003 11:39:28 PM
Great idea and photo, almost made me want to quit smoking :-), only thing I don't like about this shot is the close crop on the left side where it cut of part of the ashtray. 9
11/20/2003 09:51:51 PM
Strong image! an excellent propaganda ... good luck! =9
11/20/2003 05:46:06 PM
Good idea and neat smoke rising from the skull
11/20/2003 02:24:56 PM
Well done. No words required to get the message across. Lighting fits the mood.
11/20/2003 02:02:12 PM
excellent in my opinion. the only minor things that bother me a little are the light reflections off the ashtray, but I still think it's a 10
11/20/2003 01:00:05 PM
powerful photo! Good lighting and clarity, wonderfully done...10.
11/20/2003 12:55:30 PM
Very effective, would make a great anti-smoking ad. The long horizontal cigarette really draws me. Good composition.
11/20/2003 10:54:39 AM
Message clear to understand. Macabre way of showing message makes image somewhat fascinating - that woud guarantee attention should it be shown on a billboard or similar. Balance doesn't quite work for me, too much empty space at right and not quite enough at left.
11/20/2003 08:59:56 AM
I love the smoke coming off the skull. My favorite shot of the week
11/20/2003 08:37:51 AM
I have seen many anti-smoking propagandistic posters and ads...you have a best-seller here. Excellent title (which could be applied to the image and then sold in a minute I would bet. well composed, lit, good focus...good job 10
11/20/2003 08:23:04 AM
whoa .. this is great!! I think this one speaks a lot.
Love the smoke rising from the skeleton - and where did you get that head?? Its very cool looking! Excellent job, I hope to see this one in the running for a ribbon!
11/20/2003 05:20:22 AM
I thought I had my favourite of the challenge, but this one matches it (same topic interestingly). Perfect lighting. Hard hitting message. The smoke coming from the skull is sensational.
11/20/2003 04:40:32 AM
Wow, this one is dreadfully effective! I love the composition and the smoke, I would be happy to see this one in the top 3, so good luck, go on! :-) Take 10 from me.
11/20/2003 02:19:12 AM
This is great. One of the few submissions that are dead on (pun intended lol) as far as fitting the subject. The smoke is a nice touch.
11/19/2003 10:49:10 PM
Nice job! Like the way you carried the smoke through the skull. Awesome!
11/19/2003 10:34:44 PM
Conveys the message clearly with a high impact. That's what propaganda is all about! Great lighting and technically perfect.
11/19/2003 07:01:57 PM
I've heard this phrase as propaganda before... I love the smoking skull though! I think I might have cropped a little off the right hand side. Still a powerful piece of propaganda, yuck look at those butts! -9-
11/19/2003 05:05:45 PM
A tongue licking an ashtray would have worked a bit better. But, yous shot meets the challenge and I like the idea.
11/19/2003 03:15:10 PM
Excellent composition, I like evrything in the photo; idea is the best.
11/19/2003 06:54:00 AM
good interpretation of a classic! although the framing could have been improved ... a little more to the left so the ash try is completely visible for example
11/19/2003 04:57:03 AM
Brilliant - great photo, fits the challenge - ought to be a winner
11/19/2003 04:29:34 AM
Good anti tobacco propaganda. They should buy your photo and spread it more. If I could give this one a 20 I would have given it. As I cannot, it is just 10. I am honoured to compete in the same challenge with this photo. I wish will be a ribbon!
11/19/2003 04:02:05 AM
thought the title spoke for the image, great job! Fading out into the black background helped, together with the aged skull, conveyed a sense of hopelessness. Now, Do u smoke in real life??? haha!
11/19/2003 02:04:49 AM
Like this one, good shot, good entry. 9
11/19/2003 01:34:24 AM
Not only was this a great example of propaganda, it was a very poignant and well-setup shot. Nice job.
11/19/2003 12:48:11 AM
what a nice theme? i truly admire your skill... very nicely executed 8.
11/19/2003 12:10:32 AM
Nice concept. Crop a little more off the right and see about getting the camera angle more pleasing. The ashtray feels like it's about to fall out of the frame. 6 -danny

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