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While you were out
While you were out

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Furniture (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Pentax *ist DS
Lens: Pentax DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 AF
Location: Auckland
Date: Mar 4, 2007
Date Uploaded: Mar 4, 2007


Place: 24 out of 163
Avg (all users): 6.1649
Avg (commenters): 7.8571
Avg (participants): 6.1781
Avg (non-participants): 6.1565
Views since voting: 1093
Votes: 188
Comments: 17
Favorites: 4 (view)

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05/09/2009 09:33:35 AM
Rina, I just came across this today and can't believe this didn't score much higher. It's wicked.
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03/26/2007 12:29:18 AM
Oh, man, is that a great idea! And soooo on target (my six year old won't stop jumping on her bed no matter how many times I yell at her). :)
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03/22/2007 06:20:53 AM
Fantastic idea and title!
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03/22/2007 04:27:07 AM
so cute, brings back fond memories.
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03/17/2007 09:17:46 AM
Oh my goodness I LOVE THIS! I didn't vote in this challenge so I'm just now seeing this and it brings a wide grin to my face. Absolutely adorable!! Outstanding idea and the motion blur is perfect. Many is the hour that I've watched my little ones jump and flip and fly on our bed! Yeah - we let 'em jump but we do act all agast when we are at friends houses and our kids go to jump on their furniture! "Why wherever would they get that idea? It's simply not done!". You've got a fantastic emotive shot here and I must add it to my favorites. Beautifully done!
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03/12/2007 09:48:51 PM
you go girlie!!! stunning idea and capture..made me laugh...even though I'm willing to bet after your hour of shooting dear sweet Max was like "enough already!!!" GREAT JOB!!!
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03/12/2007 03:06:27 PM
Great shot. Brings back memories of when my parents used to go out, what am i talking about i still do it these days when my girlfriend goes out. Shhh don't tell her.
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03/12/2007 08:58:06 AM
you got a nine from me i loved the motion blur!
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03/12/2007 01:32:21 AM
I gave this a 9 as the motion blur on Max yelled FUN to me. I remember bouncing on beds as a kid, not quite jumping onto them like this but bouncing :)

Nice shot!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/11/2007 04:53:15 PM
Ah, The famous nanny-cam. Great tones. I like the motion effect.
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03/11/2007 12:04:55 AM
evocative image - well done! I like how the subdued colors contribute to the surreal nature of the capture.

<< 9 >>
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03/09/2007 03:35:36 PM
Great shot!
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03/06/2007 11:56:59 PM
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03/06/2007 12:46:29 AM
Great capture. I really like the light in this one. Also the fact that the bed seems "clean/made" really makes you wonder for a second. Good use of the frame. One minor thing, looks like the child was "burned in later due to the shadwos around the frame. Highly rated.
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03/05/2007 03:37:11 PM
Great capture - How very Poltergeist - Like it a lot - Great movement don't think I would change a thing - 10
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03/05/2007 03:37:17 AM
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03/05/2007 12:21:37 AM
I like the desaturation in the edit...great title and an excellent image
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