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Monte de Espuma
1st PlaceMonte de Espuma

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Night Shot IV (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Tokina AF 12-24mm f/4.0 AT-X Pro DX
Location: Apache Junction, Arizona
Date: Apr 7, 2007
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 400
Shutter: 330s
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Apr 8, 2007

Lost Dutchman State park in Apache Junction, Arizona. This was shot during the Phoenix GTG.

Open jpeg in photoshop
cloned out one hot pixel just above the mountain on the left side
brightness & contrast
hue & saturation
highlight & shadows
more curves
re-size & save for the web
ETA: I forgot crop :-P

I got real lucky and I love this shot! Thanks to the GTG Gang!

WOOOOO HOOOOO! What can I say but thanks DPC! And a real special shout out to the GTG Crew! Doc a little mojo must have rubbed off on me! :-D

Place: 1 out of 266
Avg (all users): 7.6095
Avg (commenters): 8.5172
Avg (participants): 7.1860
Avg (non-participants): 7.8032
Views since voting: 12888
Views during voting: 484
Votes: 274
Comments: 99
Favorites: 23 (view)

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12/31/2007 02:05:56 PM
Originally posted by fastforward:

Did you use a neutral density on your lens or was this just the ideal exposure time for the lighting levels at the scene? Thanks! N

It was just ideal. It was about 9pm when the shot was taken. There was very little light except for the stars. I was shooting in bulb mode and just sort of flying by the seat of my pants. After the exposure recorded I checked the LCD and new I had a winner. I say it is better to be lucky than good. :-)

Thanks for the question!
12/31/2007 09:37:11 AM
I know this is a night shot, but how did you manage to shoot a 5.5 minute exposure wide open at 400 ISO and not overexpose? Did you use a neutral density on your lens or was this just the ideal exposure time for the lighting levels at the scene? Thanks! N
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06/20/2007 09:42:56 PM
Awesome result here, and so, so deserved this "Blue" ribbon.....
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06/03/2007 05:49:27 PM
Add to fav! Congrats again :).

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04/23/2007 06:27:27 AM
Congrats ona fantastic shot and your ribbon!

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04/22/2007 01:51:21 PM
Congrats Erick! Way to go with a well deserved blue! This sure is beautiful; my one wish before leaving AZ is getting a night shot of the Supes. I'll just enjoy looking at yours. :-)
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04/21/2007 01:19:41 PM
Yes. I thought that. I'm in no way ridiculing the nice photo. It just looks tilted even with the cactus removed.
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04/21/2007 01:13:36 PM
David the cactus is tilted as it was the way it grew on the uneven terrain. The horizon however is level.
04/21/2007 01:07:31 PM
Am I the only one that thinks it looks tilted?
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04/21/2007 12:25:50 AM
E - I loved this the moment I saw it. GORGEOUS! The colors are brilliant, DOF and aspect make this so appealing. (Guess you didn't find the mine, huh. ROFL!)
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04/20/2007 08:59:04 AM
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04/19/2007 05:09:09 PM
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04/19/2007 04:27:11 PM
Hey Wazz, congrats! :D
But could you do something about all those little streaky things in the sky? ... *ducks*
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04/19/2007 05:43:12 AM
I am hitting myself over the head right now for not being able to go.

Great photo!
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04/19/2007 03:03:01 AM
congratulations. great photo ... yea i agree about the crop which would make this photo even better for composition sake, but overall great photo.
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04/18/2007 11:46:01 PM
Beautiful shot and congrats on the blue!!!
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04/18/2007 10:17:18 PM
Congrats on the Blue Wazoooo!!!

hey that rymes!

Seriously though, great shot!
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04/18/2007 08:08:38 PM
You wish you sucked liked me.
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04/18/2007 06:29:14 PM
Wow, I really like this. Congrats.
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04/18/2007 06:25:58 PM
Hellz yeah... bout time ya got some respect around here!
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04/18/2007 05:36:00 PM
I knew exactly where that was when I saw the thumbnail! I love the Superstition's and hike them on a weekly basis. I've always wanted to get a night shot. I think it's time I head up there at night.

Great shot and I'm glad you didn't follow the "rule of thirds" on the cactus placement... i think that would have taken away from the picture.
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04/18/2007 05:14:26 PM

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04/18/2007 05:08:55 PM
Congratulations on the Blue with this amazing shot!
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04/18/2007 03:08:11 PM
sweet Erick!!! :0)
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04/18/2007 11:58:33 AM
Spectacular! You set the new standard for Superstition night shots (don't tell a couple other people here I said that)!

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04/18/2007 11:51:34 AM
Stunning. Simply stunning.
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04/18/2007 11:39:12 AM
Fabulous picture, I should have gone to that GTG in Phoenix. I'll try to make it next time, I love Phoenix! How about GTG in Pinetop, AZ......
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04/18/2007 10:35:56 AM
Go Arizona!! Far out and congratulations!!!! Awesome shot - totally inspired.
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04/18/2007 10:28:54 AM
Doood!!! WTG with the blue!!!
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04/18/2007 10:27:51 AM
Like I said before, love the foreground detail...congrats on winning the blue ribbon!
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04/18/2007 10:27:40 AM
DUDE!!! WTG!!! :-) Awesome image.
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04/18/2007 09:59:54 AM
Hey! Way to go Erick!!!!!! And you weren't even bragging all week in the portrait challenge! 7.6!! Wow! But deserving of every point of it! Congratulations!

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04/18/2007 09:22:25 AM
w00t! Congrats on the blue Erick! Great score, and well deserved!
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04/18/2007 09:03:41 AM
Sweet shot my man...truely breathtaking...love those stars...Well done

Second ribbon...first Blue. That calls for a celebration...

Message edited by author 2007-04-18 09:04:45.
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04/18/2007 09:01:13 AM
Congrats, this is beautiful! What idiot gave this a 1???
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04/18/2007 08:42:01 AM
Congrats! Great Shot! Way to represent D80's! Haha
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04/18/2007 08:28:34 AM
WOW! amazing! How on earth did you go about calculating the exposure settings for that!!
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04/18/2007 07:39:17 AM
Congratulations on the first blue ribbon by a D80. I'm going to try some of these shots next week at the Red Rock GTG. I'll remember your settings and see if I can capture something as well done as this.
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04/18/2007 07:29:01 AM
Way to go Waz!!! Excellent image and an outstanding score. Well done!
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04/18/2007 06:54:26 AM
Awesome job Waz!!!! Congratulations on a wonderful picture!!
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04/18/2007 05:58:00 AM

It's cool you don't like it but perhaps before knocking it you could have looked at the specs of the shot.

I think a 330s exposure at sunset would have blown out the shot so one would ascertain that a 5+ minute exposure with star trails must be a night shot.

Just for the record this was taken at approx. 9pm long after sunset.

Thanks for your congrats anyways...
04/18/2007 05:00:01 AM
Looks okay overall, but it just appears overly processed to me. IMO

Saturation and contrast are really high here. Doesn't look natural.

I don't even know if this photo fits the theme either.

This is more of a sunset shot. Definitely not a night shot.

sunsets are easy.

True night shots are much harder

Congrats anyways
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04/18/2007 04:27:37 AM
Helluva score to go with that there pretty blue ribbon! I do have to say on first glance it looked like that cactus was flipping you off... :-) Nice job and congrats!
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04/18/2007 03:22:12 AM
there ya go... the D80 has a blue ribbon now
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04/18/2007 02:57:17 AM
Congrats on your first blue, Waz, great shot!
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04/18/2007 02:10:09 AM
Erick... congrats on a great blue ribbon victory with a great Arizona landmark vista!
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04/18/2007 01:26:52 AM
Mister MOJO RIDER! :D Keep on ridin! Congrats Wazzzzz! 'Twas a matter of time. :)
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04/18/2007 01:12:21 AM
Congratulations Erick...you thoroughly deserved first place. This was my top pic...great score!
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04/18/2007 01:07:54 AM
congrats!!!! beautiful image, well done!
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04/18/2007 12:43:41 AM
Yeah Erick, way to go! Congrats on the Blue ribon and the top D80 shot!! Great night shot.
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04/18/2007 12:40:49 AM
Way to go Erick! Congrats ;)
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04/18/2007 12:32:39 AM
Congratulations, Erick! Great shot.
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04/18/2007 12:25:07 AM
Way to go, Erick! You made it, dude! :D Very very very nice shot and deserving of your first blue!
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04/18/2007 12:24:41 AM

Way to go Bro!!
A gorgeous shot , well worth he blue!!
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04/18/2007 12:21:53 AM
Congrats on the blue, man!
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04/18/2007 12:14:27 AM
Way to Go!! Congrats!
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04/18/2007 12:12:15 AM
Congrats bredda! Crucial image!

One Love!
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04/18/2007 12:10:48 AM
Great shot! Congrats on the blue. :D Aren't the Superstition Mountains awesome? :)
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04/18/2007 12:08:30 AM
Nice capture! Great competition.
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04/18/2007 12:05:55 AM
Woo hoo! Waz with the blue! I knew that shot was a good one!
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04/18/2007 12:05:27 AM
congrats awesome shot
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04/18/2007 12:05:24 AM
Congratulations, what a beautiful photograph!
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04/18/2007 12:04:38 AM
WTG, Erick! Big congrats on your Blue! Great shot!
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04/18/2007 12:03:52 AM
Congrats on a great shot fabulous light in this one
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04/18/2007 12:03:32 AM
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04/18/2007 12:03:20 AM
Congrats on your Blue! I voted you in my top three for this challenge.
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04/18/2007 12:02:41 AM
Congratulations, this is an outstanding shot that definately deserved the blue!
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04/18/2007 12:02:25 AM
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/17/2007 11:25:57 PM
Oh, my my my...stunning...my only negative is that the cactus could have been a little more to the left (rule of thirds)...this is one of the best in the challenge, so good luck with this...just don't beat me! ;-)
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04/17/2007 09:46:34 PM
Oooo, that one *did* come out great... even the LCD preview doesn't do it justice. Love it.
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04/17/2007 09:31:23 PM
Great job, one of my favourites.
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04/17/2007 07:08:42 PM
The streaks in the sky actually detract from the photo - even though it is a nice effect. It is almost like two picture put together. Excellent lighting on land.
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04/17/2007 05:06:02 PM
If only the cactus were further to the left ;)
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04/17/2007 04:52:30 PM
Beautiful shot... a lower POV might have even improved the impact.
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04/17/2007 01:33:00 PM
Wow, this is amazing, I love everything about it!
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04/17/2007 12:04:35 AM
I like this one
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04/16/2007 12:29:10 PM
Very pretty! I might have darkened the picture ever so slightly to make the stars stand out. But nice colors!
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04/15/2007 01:39:55 PM
An easy 10,what I like about this photo is the simplistic of it,turned out PERFECT.I hope you win.
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04/14/2007 10:14:21 PM
Amazing colors!!! 10.
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04/14/2007 07:52:59 PM
Simply beautiful. A great testament to God's creation.
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04/14/2007 03:51:27 PM
Superstition Mountains? I LOVE that place. :D
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04/13/2007 08:56:28 AM
I love this shot, probably my favorite so far. The only thing is...I would of liked to see the cactus more left. Maybe a thirds rule would of been nice. GL. I'm sure I won't be the first person to mention this, and I know all to well how aggravating it can be to hear the same thing over and over, but apply the changes to a future shot, and you will have yourself a 8+ from me. Take care.
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04/13/2007 01:28:35 AM
Hmmmmm... this image has one of those Jason-like titles. ;) Beautifully captured Superstition landscape. The lone cactus is perfect, though I'd consider a ROT positioning and/or crop for it.
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04/12/2007 01:42:34 PM
The sky is alright, but I'm way more fascianted by the rich detail and tones of the foreground. Beautiful photograph!
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04/12/2007 01:13:32 PM
Im guessing approx 15 min exposure. Nice colors and detail. My fav.!
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04/12/2007 12:53:04 AM
Looks like a cover for a Zane Grey novel. I like this. The technique of the time exposure really works here. Well done.
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04/12/2007 12:05:20 AM
love the long exposure
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04/11/2007 07:40:21 PM
Holy toledo! This is stunning! You get a 10 from me. Love the star trails.
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04/11/2007 06:02:03 PM
Great perspective and wow those sky colors are just awesome! - 8
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04/11/2007 05:27:36 PM
This is absolutely perfect! 10
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04/11/2007 05:11:08 PM
Enter your comment here, and then cast your vo//www.dpchallenge.com/challenge_vote_image.php?IMAGE_ID=494276#
8 te...
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04/11/2007 04:34:49 PM
Great colors and motion.
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04/11/2007 04:23:07 PM
Nice capture. colors are just grate! 8 from me
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04/11/2007 10:44:30 AM
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04/11/2007 08:34:14 AM
Wonderful shot you have here, very well done,
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04/11/2007 07:16:14 AM
Something about the color of the stars is weird to me. But overall, it's a beautiful shot - 9
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04/11/2007 05:28:28 AM
Cool shot, love how the stars look like there shooting.
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04/11/2007 03:52:26 AM
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04/11/2007 03:21:09 AM
wow... great shot! how is there so much star movement... what was your exposure time? color is beautiful!
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