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The Swings
The Swings

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Childhood Without Children (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-3000Z
Location: Eastmont Baptist-Montgomery, AL
Date: Aug 25, 2002
Aperture: 1:2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/500 sec.
Date Uploaded: Aug 25, 2002

Photoshop functions used:
sharpen, auto contrast, desaturated yellow, blue, and green, increased saturation of red, and despeckled.

I desaturated out the red, green, and yellow to take the accent off of the background colors of the sand, edge of the playground, and grass. I wanted the swingset to stand out prominantly in a surrealistic way.

Place: 58 out of 172
Avg (all users): 5.4226
Avg (commenters): 6.7895
Avg (participants): 5.3719
Avg (non-participants): 5.4746
Views since voting: 971
Votes: 239
Comments: 20
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/01/2002 08:28:00 PM
The shadows in the back are a little much. I would have shot this earlier in the day. 6.
08/30/2002 05:36:00 PM
Nothing better to depict childhood than swings. At least 15 other people thought so. lol. I like the pattern to these swings and how they are spaced out. The red poles kind of contrast the bluish tint of the swings. I know they are really black, but looks like the sky is reflecting in them. The angle you chose is very nice. Good luck in the challenge.
08/30/2002 05:15:00 AM
Nice shot, nice isolation of just a few elements. Would like the red uprights to be more vertical and there seems to be a lot of dark shadow at the top/ back of the shot.
6, Kavey
08/29/2002 10:05:00 PM
Best of the swing shots. Nice angle and the colors complement each other. The angle of the poles somewhat distracting but if straitened, the chains on the left would be off. I don't know which would be better.. otherwise I like the framing.
08/29/2002 07:35:00 PM
the best of all the swing photos.

08/29/2002 12:47:00 PM
Nicely framed. I think I would have cropped out that last little bit of path and gate at the top too. Cool colours and focus. Well done.
08/29/2002 12:45:00 PM
Good link, color contrasts excellent
08/28/2002 07:52:00 PM
I would have crop the top or frame it just a little diferently but the color contrasts are great and I like the shot a lot. 7
08/28/2002 01:04:00 PM
I like the simple colors and composition. I assume you wanted to include the entire swing at the top, but if it could have been cropped so that the blue "divider" thing wasn't showing, I think it would have been better. karmat
08/28/2002 12:27:00 AM
good perspective and DOF
08/27/2002 09:02:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background8,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing8,
Challenge: Does your entry meet it?5,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4,
Total Averaged Rating6. Autool
08/27/2002 08:35:00 PM
the red and blue colors are nice.
08/27/2002 02:32:00 PM
The best of all the swing photos this week. I love the diagonal leading lines and the great DOF. 8 BAMartin
08/27/2002 10:59:00 AM
very nice colors and composition. 7
08/27/2002 05:24:00 AM
Good composition and lighting, and I love the red poles, I think they are critical to this photo. I find the "stuff" at the very top edge to be just a little distracting. lhall
08/26/2002 10:44:00 PM
Best one so far of 'swings'. Nice job on the part of the photographer as far as composition, lighting, interest, etc. Good job!
08/26/2002 08:35:00 PM
Stronger shadows would have looked really nice in this picture.
08/26/2002 12:40:00 PM
grrr, make the poles straight and I'll give you a ten
08/26/2002 02:35:00 AM
the best thing about this photo is the use of color and the shadowey background, O like it!
08/26/2002 01:41:00 AM
The color makes this one stand out.

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