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Shedding of Innocent Blood (God Help Them!)
Shedding of Innocent Blood (God Help Them!)

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Childhood Without Children (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DC4800
Location: home
Date: Aug 25, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Date Uploaded: Aug 25, 2002

Each time I hear news of children being abused it breaks my heart. It's happening around the world. "God help them" is my prayer.

Place: 160 out of 172
Avg (all users): 3.9469
Avg (commenters): 4.0526
Avg (participants): 4.0240
Avg (non-participants): 3.8667
Views since voting: 1326
Votes: 245
Comments: 39
Favorites: 0

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09/02/2002 12:19:00 AM
Now that this challenge is over, I want people to know that I wasn't representing my childhood here, but was reflecting on the children who lose their lives daily because of incidents beyond their control. Examples from recent news: Two young girls Kidnapped, raped, and murdered, children caught in the crossfire of drive-by shootings, a couple of young boys in foster care repeatedly raped and beaten. I won't go on. I'm terribly sorry if some of you found this "TOO depressing" but these children and many more never know the fun, and games, and innocence of childhood.
The lilies of the valley represent purity...and I am sorry that I couldn't find real ones to suit some of you. :-( The blood...oh yes...lol....the blood IS FAKE...I confess to using fake blood. Personally I thought it a better choice than the alternative.
Technically I know it's not a perfect image...that's why I'm here....to learn.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/01/2002 09:47:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background7,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7,
Challenge: Does your entry meet it?1,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 3,
Total Averaged Rating5. Autool
08/31/2002 03:11:00 PM
im sorry but this, in my opinion, has nothing to do with childhood...
08/31/2002 01:39:00 PM
this is your impression of childhood!?
08/31/2002 12:41:00 PM
The simple but strong colors really conveys a strong message here. Judging by your title, I am guessing you are referring to the tragedy of child abuse, or worse, murder. Something about hte image (not the message) bothers me though. I am not sure if it is the three differetn tones of white (flowers, foreground, background), the brightness of the red, or that the flowers look plastic. Please understand, I know some of that may have been intentional, or unavoidable, but I think fixing one or more of those things would have made this a very dramatic photo. karmat
08/30/2002 06:57:00 AM
It's a fine idea but the plastic flowers spoil it for me. I feel this shot should be speaking about honesty and fragility but the fake plastic flowers are neither honest nor fragile. Was this intentional? Intentional irony? I like your lighting, your background and your framing. 8 - floyd
08/30/2002 04:54:00 AM
Maybe I missed something here...? What the hell is the point? I don't get it.

Loose composition.
08/29/2002 11:18:00 PM
Good photograph; I'm not sure I get the connection between the blood and the flowers though. Please feel free to PM me to explain and include your title in the message. - ClubJuggle.
08/29/2002 04:06:00 PM
Definitely evokes feelings of sadness and sorrow as childhood sometimes is......The idea is unique, The fold line on the right side, and the shadowy areas on the right of the backdrop are distracting. Perhaps you could have cropped tighter or used different lighting to get a more even effect. Personal opinion, but, I think I would have cropped much tighter to make the blood the focal point rather than the flower. This week I tried a trick I read about in the forums and taped a small piece of tissue paper over my camera flash to soften the light. It seemed to work because I have several positive comments on the lighting of my childhood photo. =5 syamjonimi ;'-D
08/29/2002 12:45:00 PM
well done shot, but the subject matter doesn't do much for me. without the title, it makes very little sense. (and even with the title, the picture does't really seem to say much.) technically and compositionally, nicely done.
08/29/2002 12:35:00 PM
I really like the idea, and a lot of the execution. However, the relevance the pic has to the challenge (without the title) is hard for the viewer to follow. The pic needs the context, in other words. 3 Jak
08/29/2002 09:03:00 AM
too contrived
08/29/2002 08:01:00 AM
Ummm, what? Seems a bit morbid for the challenge.
08/29/2002 12:28:00 AM
Disturbing photo. Not sure what to think - is it about lost teeth or child murder? 7 - because it attracted my attention more than the others.
08/28/2002 04:29:00 PM
You lost me here, so many words to help me not understand.
08/28/2002 11:41:00 AM
Very poignant.
Good colours and interesting composition.
6, Kavey
08/28/2002 03:54:00 AM
Yikes! Powerful, disturbing... a solid 10
08/27/2002 11:31:00 PM
I'm having a hard time with this shot. Not because it's not a happy, happy picture, but because I just don't see the connection with childhood. The idea is just a little too abstract for me, and I hate having to rely on the title.
08/27/2002 10:10:00 PM
Creative approach (hope you don't get too beat up in the ratings with this!) -- I would like this better if the background paper were not so noticably wrinkled. The blood somehow isn't convincing either....and the plastic flowers don't help!
08/27/2002 08:00:00 PM
Seems melodramatic as a whole. Not that all childhood memories are pleasant or trying to reprent unpleasentness is bad, but this just seems to abrupt.
08/27/2002 09:37:00 AM
I am definitely missing something (like the point of this picture). Maybe it's just me
08/27/2002 07:03:00 AM
Disturbing to me, but well thought out.
08/27/2002 06:07:00 AM
I find it hard to comment on this photo technically because my reaction to it, every time I look at it, is the same. I find it offensive. I am pro-life, but I always feel that this approach is inappropriate. lhall
08/26/2002 11:15:00 PM
That plant looks fake! And that fake blood looks like paint!
08/26/2002 10:26:00 PM
Oh, c'mon! This DOES NOT meet this challenge!!
08/26/2002 08:06:00 PM
This reminds you of childhood? Hmm.... interesting.
08/26/2002 07:58:00 PM
A little too ambiguous for me.
08/26/2002 04:31:00 PM
Wow and people say my shot is cold. This might be a little much. (6)
08/26/2002 02:54:00 PM
Dramatic image.....shocking and all too real. Nice job. Score 6 Justine
08/26/2002 12:22:00 PM
I am sure you are getting plenty of comments on the eerie nature of this being a childhood photo so I won't go there. I am not sure where the "blood" is coming from... is it the flowers, is it something else? I also would have liked to seen a more solid background, and little less shadow on the leaves.
08/26/2002 12:22:00 PM
I think I am seeing the point to your photo. About how many children, for whatever reason are hurt, lost, of killed daily. This may be a personal photo for you, and if so, I am truely sorry. This photo doesn't appeal to me personally, however, it has appealing aspects. The angle is good and I like how it fills the frame. The focus and lighting are ok. The shadow under the leaf right in front is a bit distracting, but not horribly. Overall, well done. Good luck in the challenge.
08/26/2002 09:58:00 AM
great shot..but I find the subject morbid and sad.,..
08/26/2002 09:33:00 AM
I don't get it.
08/26/2002 09:02:00 AM
The drama created by the title and the bloodstains in this photo still doesn't relay an image of childhood to me. I have no doubt that you have a childhood intention with this photo, but i just can't see it from the photo.
08/26/2002 02:46:00 AM
a shocking and compelling photo which makes a poerful statement with its contrasts
08/26/2002 02:43:00 AM
Bleeding flowers? I am very confused.
08/26/2002 02:36:00 AM
This image backfires big time on me. I understand what you are trying to convey but that is a very heavy, heady subject and if you set out to do that you have to do it very well. This is trite and phony and as a result, unwittingly no doubt, it belittles exactly the big tragedies that ought not to happen to children at all. The lillies of the valley are plastic (phony) and the blood is fake and lies there in a phony pattern. The background is just some cheap piece of cloth. Everything here is just phony. It takes a pro to do imagery on the subject you chose and I realize you meant well but the only sentiment it invokes in me is irritation. Sorry. Journey
08/26/2002 02:03:00 AM
This is nicely done. The only thing i might have changed is making it a little brighter. Its just a little bit to dark on the left side. 7.
08/26/2002 12:57:00 AM
Thought about it. Don't get it. At all.

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