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PAD B&W Day 2 Untitled
PAD B&W Day 2 Untitled

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Collection: PAD B&W May 2007
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Location: Washington, DC
Galleries: Urban
Date Uploaded: May 2, 2007

Viewed: 493
Comments: 26
Favorites: 1 (view)

Does the image grain work here? Honest critique is most appreciated!

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05/15/2007 09:15:40 PM
I haven't read the other comments, so this comment may be redundant, but I don't like the grain on this image. The main reason is that the girl/boy (?) looks quite young, and I think this harsh dark treatment is unflattering and not appropriate for a young person. Also the white halo in and around the hair is distracting to me.

All that being said. I think the capture is wonderful. I like the lighting and the expression. And I like the tone and contrast of the B&W. The lock of hair in front of the eye is annoying, but that is what it's supposed to be, as far as I can tell. (My grandson keeps his hair in front of his face too.)
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05/04/2007 05:54:57 PM
This is a great candid shot - both her posture and gaze work very well.
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05/04/2007 11:56:18 AM
I like the composition and lighting but I think it's too grainy. I'd like to see both of her eye's though.
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05/03/2007 04:36:52 PM
When I saw the thumbnail on the thread I was amazed at how great an image it was. The full-sized version didn't disappoint but it seems too grainy or over-sharpened...not really sure. Overall, its a wonderful picture with excellent composition! And I like the border, too!
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05/03/2007 04:02:09 PM
A bit oversharpened, IMO. The lighting and composition give this image great potential though. I could see doing several versions of BW editing on the original photo.
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05/03/2007 03:22:10 PM
The grain is very effective IMO, I don't care too much for the halos around the hair, does look like a dodge and burn done without enough care. The picture though is fantastic, great moment with tough but effective lighting. Looks like it was fairly harsh given the shadows yet you still got great skin tones. Really super image.


Just read Peter's comments and couldn't agree more.

Message edited by author 2007-05-03 15:23:21.
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05/03/2007 03:20:08 PM
i like the grain and strong contrast work really well on the vast majority of the photo. But as others have noted, the halo around the hair is a problem. I almost think the vignetting accentuates the halo effect a little. One option is to dodge in the background to smooth out the halo so the entire background is lighter. Another nice effort - and three that are REALLY different from each other...
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05/03/2007 03:10:45 PM
i like the grain and the expression. the halo around certain areas isn't my favorite though.
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05/03/2007 02:26:15 PM
A very hotly contested shot you've offered us. Now for my 2 cents (might be even worth less than that): I'm sure it was a beautiful photo untouched, I think it would be a beautiful art piece with a bit more manipulation. But I absolutely prefer how well it straddles the two in fantastic fashion just how it is right now.
Congrats. I think it is fantastic.
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05/03/2007 01:59:09 PM
Don't you dare get rid of that grain!!!! I will never speak to you again if you do!!!! OK maybe that's a little extreme. This shot is absolutely fantastic with one little exception. There seems to be a halo effect around the lower part of the dreadlocks. Other than that, this is excellent. Just my uneducated opinion.
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05/03/2007 07:35:30 AM
Super subject - don't like the grain so much, but the tone bothers me more. I'm guessing the dreadlocks are in real life black or brown, because I have children here at home that look like this - it seems really off to see them grey - but I have a bias so others who don't have kids who look like this may not be bothered.
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05/03/2007 12:13:16 AM
i like the image and i think grain is what makes b&w images great
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05/02/2007 11:14:17 PM
This child has such an interesting look. It is so intense and it looks like he is holding in so much emotion. You captured that so well! The intensity of the photo is powerful!

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05/02/2007 10:41:18 PM
I like it. I reminds me of old civil war photos where no one really looked happy. The photo style is similar.
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05/02/2007 10:14:18 PM
I think the grain is pretty minimal. Run neat image on it or remove it and see if you like it better. I think it adds to the shot personally. Love the hair!!
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05/02/2007 08:24:59 PM
I actually like the image, even though the grain is strong, and also maybe oversharpened, but in saying that, I still like what you have done.....
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05/02/2007 08:13:00 PM
I like the tones on the image. I don't particularly like the grain, though. It doesn't create a pleasing halo in the hair. The strands on the top of the head are especially distracting and pull down what could be a very strong and beautiful image.
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05/02/2007 07:27:58 PM
Good pose, interesting expression. I don't think the grain enhances the photo really, though it does give some life to the shirt. For me, the sharpening really sinks the shot though. Other than that, I like it.
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05/02/2007 07:25:24 PM
I love the capture a LOT and the grain doesn't bother me much but what's getting to me a bit is not the halo around the subject but the haloing directly through the hair. Good shot though.
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05/02/2007 06:57:52 PM
I like this and I can't comment on your post processing cause I'm in the learning class right now
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05/02/2007 06:15:28 PM
I like her pose but I am not fond of your processing. I don't like the grain or the haloing, sorry.
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05/02/2007 05:57:48 PM
I love this photo and it stand well on its own. So I feel that the grain is a distraction from the great angle and the lighting.
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05/02/2007 05:54:51 PM
i read artyste's comment ... its interesting the way different ppl perceive different art ... the things that are apparently wrong with the photograph are some of the very things that i like .. i like the grain, & the sort'v messy look, especially on his shirt, i just love his expression, and altho his eye's would probably have benefited if they had been more in focus, they fit with the rest of the image ... this works so well in black & white ...
edit after another look .. i just love the shadows of his hair just about popping on his shirt and i love the contrasts going on ... the frizz of his hair especially at the very top of the image is just about cute !! :) ... i've just got to add that his expression is amazing .. and in some ways the white shirt, buttoned up to the top, doesnt live with the look .. they seem opposed in some way, which just adds to the appeal of this photograph ..

Message edited by author 2007-05-02 18:00:47.
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05/02/2007 05:42:39 PM
I don't think the grain really works to effect here. What it does for me is makes it seem like some over-compensation has been done for a lack of inherent sharpness. If you note the eyes, they look "scrambled" almost, lack detail, and the grain makes them look artificially over-sharpened.

One thing that I've noticed over the last little while is the 'tone-map' effect in B&W images. I don't feel that it works very well, as the conversions tend to *really* highlight halos in greyscale, and help to increase the overall feel of non-reality, or hyper-reality. While this can work in an artistic way, and is more a matter of personal taste, I think when it's applied to a piece that begs for a more traditional application, such as this portrait, it's the wrong way to go. (I'm not saying tone-mapping *was* used, but this definitely has the look and feel of some kind of tone-mapped/shadows-highlights work). Just something to look for. The haloing around the hair especially shows this.

I think this also begs more for a rectangular crop, but that's *definitely* a matter of personal preference.

Having said all of the above.. what I do really like about this is the pose and expression. A candid moment, an almost angry, wistful look on the face. We're left wondering what this child is thinking and feeling, and why they are looking off where they are. What is over there..

A good step.
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05/02/2007 05:36:35 PM
OK for me if I am being completely honest the grain does not work, it makes a lovely portrait composition appear as if it has been taken on a very high zoom, the effect on the shirt is not that pleasing to the eye. It may be that you are caught between two stools here and you would have really needed to crank up the noise to clearly show that it was intentional (which I appreciate from your description it was)

Not a huge fan of graduated borders either

Please please understand this is probably being uber critical (as requested) the subject composition is great and you have got a lovely un-posed portrait feel to this
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05/02/2007 05:30:08 PM
Like this, some distortion going on around the subject but tha's all good too, well done
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