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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: December Free Study (Advanced Editing I*)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Akranes /Iceland
Date: Dec 29, 2003
Galleries: Sky, Nature
Date Uploaded: Dec 29, 2003

Auto contrast

Place: 40 out of 193
Avg (all users): 6.2559
Avg (commenters): 7.6190
Avg (participants): 6.2302
Avg (non-participants): 6.2941
Views since voting: 1344
Votes: 211
Comments: 23
Favorites: 1 (view)

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01/20/2004 08:36:31 AM
wonderful sky!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/13/2004 12:01:37 AM
SUPERB !!! How did you do this, with a yellow filter? You've united the provincial and universal here. The colors give it a surreal and eerie feel. Exceptionally well done.
01/12/2004 02:43:48 AM
No idea how you got the effect here, but see it has been validated, but it is really effective. Nice work.
01/09/2004 07:01:18 PM
Great composition. Awesome Aurora shot. The green makes your eyes sweep from left to right toward the boat. Beautiful.
01/09/2004 03:11:20 PM
Great shot, almost looks like a shot for a extra terrestrial movie, I like the green illumination, it makes the shot look more interesting, it also makes the boat show up more as the main subject, I like this 9
01/09/2004 06:32:17 AM
Wow... wow... what a fantastic picture! One of my favs of this challenge. It´s awesome. 10
01/08/2004 05:40:42 AM
Very nice scene to capture those northern lights in. The distracting element for me is the purple color on the boat in front. (don't know if it is DPC legal, but could it have been removed by desaturation magenta and/or blue, without affecting the other colors ?).
01/06/2004 04:06:03 PM
Excellent Work, might have just made the whole thing a fraction darker, but otherwise I think this is a great shot. Good Luck, Todd. 9
01/06/2004 07:28:29 AM
Lucky you. Nice shot.
01/05/2004 09:37:31 PM
Fantastic. Great composition. And it didn't hurt to have a little help with the lighting!
01/05/2004 03:12:19 AM
beautiful colors, nice job.
01/03/2004 10:01:38 PM
Wonderfully surreal-looking. I'm wondering if it is the lights in the sky that give everything else the odd color cast - like the yellow tones, and the purple color on the boat, am guessing that it is. Terrific shot.
01/03/2004 05:37:29 PM
Dramatic - well lit (except for under the boat)
01/03/2004 02:52:39 PM
Focus is a little off on the boat. Needs to be more clear.
01/02/2004 11:54:43 PM
Awesome colors.
01/02/2004 06:47:08 PM
Töff norðurljós, virðist vera tekið á mjög löngum tíma og þau verða eiginlega yfirþyrmandi, samt ekki hehe :)
01/01/2004 11:46:09 PM
Stunning! I predict a winner! 10
01/01/2004 06:54:13 PM
Interesting. I'm not exactly sure how it was done, but I do like it.
01/01/2004 04:00:59 PM
Þetta er topp 5 mynd, án efa. - 10
01/01/2004 02:40:31 PM
Very nicely done dediting on this image... it is beautiful.
01/01/2004 12:01:07 PM
Great pic, the hue seem adjusted a lot on the entire picture tough (6)
01/01/2004 11:50:51 AM
I love it!!! Beautiful choice of colors. 10
01/01/2004 06:45:52 AM
Mind telling me how long your exposure was? We saw some beautiful red and green lights the other night, but I didn't have my camera. We're trying again tonight if it's clear. Very strong color in this one. Focus on the bottom is a bit soft for stationary objects.. any idea what caused that?

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