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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fruits and Vegetables (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-D30
Location: office
Date: Sep 8, 2002
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Macro
Date Uploaded: Sep 8, 2002


Place: 10 out of 201
Avg (all users): 6.8220
Avg (commenters): 8.2250
Avg (participants): 6.7552
Avg (non-participants): 6.9008
Views since voting: 2187
Votes: 264
Comments: 43
Favorites: 3 (view)

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09/16/2002 02:25:00 AM
This is a most beautiful photo indeed! My absolute favorite of the week and I am surprised it did not do better. Congrats!
09/16/2002 12:38:00 AM
yellow, this is a beautiful photo... it was one of my 10s this week... congrats on a great piece of work :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/15/2002 11:22:00 PM
I admit I don't understand the title, but I think it's a wonderful photo anyway. Excellent lighting and a good composition. The DOF is very well chosen. One of my favourite photos this week. -stephan
09/14/2002 07:24:00 PM
I love this shot. The lighting and the golden coloring of the corn makes this an outstanding shot. 10
09/14/2002 02:12:00 PM
I would say the lighting is what makes this shot stand out among the macro crowd. I love the composition. If the DOF were not _so_ narrow, it might be even better.
09/14/2002 10:39:00 AM
Nice colors and lighting.
09/14/2002 09:34:00 AM
i like this. excellent use of shape and color
09/14/2002 03:17:00 AM
Great shot and composition--colours are beautiful focus good andrewm
09/14/2002 02:15:00 AM
Good shot. I like the way the light and the focus converge on the middle kernels. 6.
09/13/2002 06:45:00 PM
Very nicely done! (I was going to do something like this, cept that the single ear of corn I purchased was awful...wouldn't even feed it to the dogs...lol). What really captures my eye is the dof, especially the top right corner...almost as if the corn is burning or melting at the top. Great color and composition. At first I rated this a 9, but now a 10 (people say I'm a pushover, but there has to be some of us lol) Great Work
09/13/2002 06:15:00 PM
i love the color and focus of this shot great bckgrnd - 10 sgtpepper6344
09/13/2002 05:46:00 PM
09/13/2002 04:44:00 PM
what a great wasy to show off such a normally ordinary veggie! i love the lighting and the DOF is fab. nice job! 9--amitchell
09/13/2002 03:01:00 PM
A second viewing has raised my opinion of this photo. The kernals are very clear and distinct, the "hair" is just plain great! Nice touch. At first, I didn't like the glare on the kernals, but after thinking about it, it works for me. Score raised from 7 to 9. Swash
09/13/2002 10:55:00 AM
Even tho it strictly isn't a fruit ot veg, I'll still vote on it as if it were. I like the low DOF to make only the middle in focus. Good use of a black background aswell. Very nice lighting.
09/13/2002 06:03:00 AM
Just a little too dark in lower right for my preferences.
7, Kavey
09/12/2002 04:19:00 PM
beautiful focus and lighting! great black background. 8--shutterfly
09/12/2002 05:56:00 AM
Great job- nice lighting. :)
09/11/2002 10:03:00 PM
I hope the rude comment regarding your corn on the forum didn't upset you. It's a lovely composition..the colors are great. I grew up on corn and it was always a vegetable to us. Keep up the good work (7)
09/11/2002 05:18:00 PM
Technically excellent. Bumping this one up for the photographic value. I like how the lighting and focus fade away from the center. Nice Job! ~indigo997
09/11/2002 01:08:00 PM
Cool shot, nice use of negative space. I like the composition and the lighting, especially like the "lost edge" on the lower edge.lhall-8
09/11/2002 11:10:00 AM
cool shot 8
09/11/2002 11:07:00 AM
wonderful macro
09/11/2002 11:04:00 AM
Wonderful macro shot...I have done dozens of lifestyle ads in my work and this is the kind of shot I like to use...a littel more depth of field on the lighted part of the corn (maybe 5%) would have made this perfect..still..beautiful..9..hokie
09/11/2002 09:47:00 AM
lovely photo... great composition, texture filled, great lighting and great use of limited dof... my favorite this week. (10) ~mcmurma
09/11/2002 09:27:00 AM
Nice, I like the corn silk left on. It adds to the photograph.
09/11/2002 08:27:00 AM
I really like what you've done in this photo. Makes me want to floss just looking at it. The lighting and focus are great. 9
09/11/2002 01:56:00 AM
Somehow the lighting doesn't make htis corn look real. 5 sjgleah
09/11/2002 12:38:00 AM
I dig it. Excellent shot. I'd love to have this framed in my Kitchen.
09/10/2002 09:33:00 PM
This one is really great and one of my favorites this week. Nice work!
09/10/2002 06:03:00 PM
This is absolutely beautiful... I love the soft lighting and I also love the way each kernel of corn across the top has a nice light reflection in it... the shallow depth of field also adds a very nice touch to this photo. Great macro work... = 10 - jmsetzler
09/10/2002 05:53:00 PM
A little melting butter on the top would have been the "clincher."
09/10/2002 12:54:00 PM
Very nice shot and I appreciate the title as well.
09/10/2002 03:44:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background good,
Technical: Focus, Exposure: out of focus and soft may be you intended this
Appeal: good idea but hasn't quite worked
Total Averaged Rating 6. sulamk
09/10/2002 12:15:00 AM
I really liked this photograph, I like the use of lighting and the focus of the corn husk hairs. Good job!
09/09/2002 08:42:00 PM
Corn never looked so good!
09/09/2002 08:32:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background8,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 9,
Total Averaged Rating8. Autool
09/09/2002 05:56:00 PM
I really like this...would have been a 10 had the dof been 'perfect' by dpc standards :P 8 Lisa
09/09/2002 03:33:00 PM
Beautiful photo~
09/09/2002 02:53:00 PM
Ok, this will sound corny (no pun intended) but the lighting of this and the composition has a really romantic feeling to it. It is a sharp enough focus to be clear, but still has a softness about it. great work. karmat
09/09/2002 11:23:00 AM
Great technique...(7)
09/09/2002 09:37:00 AM
striking. love the even tones, and the softness works for me. great composition.
09/09/2002 05:45:00 AM
I like the texture and coloring, very nice.

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