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Born under the February moon, the fish is cunning and flighty
Born under the February moon, the fish is cunning and flighty

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Zodiac (Basic Editing I)
Collection: challenges
Camera: Canon PowerShot G1
Location: Mystic aquarium, Mystic Connecticut.
Date: Jan 24, 2004
Galleries: Animals, Floral
Date Uploaded: Jan 25, 2004

THis is the best I could do. It not so good. But the title is good.

Place: 118 out of 120
Avg (all users): 2.9163
Avg (commenters): 3.3462
Avg (participants): 2.7105
Avg (non-participants): 3.0057
Views since voting: 1207
Votes: 251
Comments: 26
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/03/2004 10:35:04 PM
Although colors and subject matter is interesting here, focus is badly needed.
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02/03/2004 05:12:37 AM
Out of focus
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02/03/2004 02:04:27 AM
Great colors and contrast! Too out of focus though.
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02/02/2004 04:06:28 PM
This is a little out of blurry
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02/01/2004 12:30:37 PM
too much blur & motion for me; and the one stationary fish isn't enough contrast against background. great concept though!
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02/01/2004 11:09:17 AM
A tripod or more light might have improved this image. It is a bit too blurry, in my opinion.
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01/31/2004 02:41:31 PM
Great colors, but very out of focus.
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01/30/2004 05:43:57 PM
I think it could be a great shot with agreat motive... if it wasen't so out of focus and blur.
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01/30/2004 04:25:23 PM
Lighting and focus too poor to allow the details to appeal. Composition seems completely haphazard.
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01/29/2004 10:44:23 PM
Lots of colors, but too much blurr. The slow shutter doesn't work here for me.
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01/29/2004 08:55:51 PM
Great tank. Great fish and water plants..to bad its just so out of focus.
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01/29/2004 07:36:15 PM
nice colors.... I wish it were more in focus
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01/29/2004 02:30:42 AM
entire photo is blurry.
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01/28/2004 10:08:08 PM
aquarium pictures are difficult (i have tried!) - the fish are blurry due to too slow a shutter speed (difficult wihtout a LOT of light) but the plants are blurry too - focus issue i think, but tht ecamera may have moved. The exposure is uneven too - overexpsed on the left/top and under on the right/bottom.

Get the lights on, and the cam on a tripod, and wait without moving. the fish will settle done a bit, and then take 100 pictures. you may, may just get 1 good one.

I find it to be one of the most challenging things to photograph, although the local zoo aquarium pics i took are not too bad.
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01/28/2004 06:04:34 PM
a little blurry. looks like a great tank though...
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01/28/2004 05:59:21 PM
Blurred and seem to be overexposed
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01/28/2004 05:49:20 PM
Very districting background and fish is at really bad angle. Although fish is sharp, rest of photo being so out of focus is really distracting.
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01/28/2004 05:11:03 PM
Looks like camera shake has spoilt this for you. The idea is good but you need a firm support like a tripod to make this shot successful.
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01/28/2004 01:47:02 PM
seems very out of focus to me.
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01/28/2004 12:58:09 PM
Disorientingly blurry, I'm afraid. If you'd downsized it a bit for sharpness, it could have been a much better picture, but as it is it looks like you were waving the camera around with the shutter open and makes me feel more seasick than anything else. :-> Great colors and lighting, though.
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01/28/2004 11:32:56 AM
This will be a great shoot if has focus and not so overexposed.
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01/28/2004 11:11:12 AM
Good idea! Too bad your shutter speed was way too slow.
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01/28/2004 11:07:21 AM
Too blurry. Fast shutter speed and better focus would've made this shot better.
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01/28/2004 10:32:22 AM
No focus, confusing. I had to look for a while and then read the title before I figured out it was an aquarium.
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01/28/2004 12:57:42 AM
would be nice but way too blurry
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01/28/2004 12:11:35 AM
...perhaps try using a tripod next time, but nice colors!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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