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"GOD must be a Penn State fan, otherwise the sky wouldn't be Blue and White!"
"GOD must be a Penn State fan, otherwise the sky wouldn't be Blue and White!"

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Group Portrait (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8D
Location: Hell
Date: Oct 2, 2007
Aperture: ???
ISO: ???
Shutter: ???
Date Uploaded: Oct 2, 2007

Okay- I know you all have become acustom to critiquing photos that look like snapshots but that was part of the bet. Look- Penn State lost to Michigan, I made a bet, this was what was at stake. It should have been Sandra taking the photo of herself, but because the officials on the field mysteriously had a +$20,000 balance in their bank account immediately following the game, I guess I have no choice but to take the criticism and the poor rating to kill my average and like it, because I am a man of my word and a bet is a bet and I'm not one to back out of a bet.

So thank you for digging in the loss a little deeeper and twisting the knife with all of your comments. They are very much deserved. Love ya'll and will still love ya when all is said and done. (Except for Sandra that is!!)

Thank you for your patience!!

Place: 85 out of 86
Avg (all users): 3.1289
Avg (commenters): 3.0400
Avg (participants): 2.7931
Avg (non-participants): 3.1667
Views since voting: 1422
Views during voting: 577
Votes: 287
Comments: 67
Favorites: 3 (view)

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11/18/2009 07:59:25 PM
Just looking at the great photo again...alot of fun..and we're both still laughing...
10/26/2007 11:24:08 PM
Congrats for a most excellent performance! I really do respect you for living up to your end of the bargain, and I don't understand the people who can't see the joke. :) So here's a fave for ya.
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10/26/2007 10:50:23 AM
What a scream... and to lose even because of U of M - ouchie!
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10/26/2007 10:04:00 AM
I gave you a 4 just for sheer guts! No chance I would have DGed you for this! LOL!!!
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10/11/2007 08:12:33 PM
62 comments...WOW!!!!
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10/11/2007 03:25:04 PM
Originally posted by Nowhere_Man:

(For the record, I could have swallowed this had there been even a TOKEN attempt at meeting the challenge requirements!)

Yeah... uh- it was a bet, and well.. the photo was meant to bomb. Everyone else seems to get the joke but you. Lighten up a bit- have a coke and a smile!!

Message edited by author 2007-10-11 15:26:03.
10/10/2007 11:06:28 AM
Can't believe there aren't more negative comments about this. I voted on every image in this challenge, except this one. To vote a 1 would have meant acknowledging it as an actual entry, when actually it has nothing to do with photography or the challenge. If DPC had to be involved at all, this should have been in the forums. (For the record, I could have swallowed this had there been even a TOKEN attempt at meeting the challenge requirements!)
10/10/2007 12:50:02 AM
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/09/2007 11:46:42 PM
Hmm...sorry. Can't find anything to DQ you for. You could have cloned a halo in or something. I dunno. Sorry to hear you lost the bet though.
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10/09/2007 11:09:37 PM
Good composition. Excellent coordination of sign and expression along with hand gestures stresses the message. Excellent title. Not to judge that the hands aren't from two other people I won't DNMC this. 6
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10/09/2007 11:09:13 PM
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10/09/2007 06:37:41 PM
lol...loser! I'm a Notre Dame fan, imagine how I feel.
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10/09/2007 10:29:36 AM
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10/09/2007 09:14:20 AM
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10/09/2007 04:22:20 AM
I have no idea what to do with this - no vote
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10/08/2007 11:29:57 PM
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10/08/2007 10:48:26 PM
Doesn't meet the challenge, but since you lost the bet I guess you don't care. Ha Ha
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10/08/2007 10:06:33 PM
group portrait? sorry..dnmc
10/08/2007 07:12:59 PM
ok, why bother entering this.. please PM me and explain how this fits the challenge and how you not just a time-waster.. no need for it really. not even going to give you the 1 here.
10/08/2007 10:50:35 AM
There's some kind of inside joke here.

Cute. I'm gonna pass on this vote.
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10/07/2007 11:28:04 PM
ha ha ha ha... thats too bad... :) better luck next time?
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10/07/2007 06:02:47 AM
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10/06/2007 11:12:54 PM
Missing the group in portrait but not in the photo. The group is on your sign. Sorry no DQ from me.
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10/06/2007 06:58:05 PM
Long lost Michigander enjoyed this shot.
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10/06/2007 05:14:35 PM
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10/06/2007 03:03:12 PM
not sure what this is about or why you entered it into the group photo. I'm giving it a 3 because I don't think it's a very good image.
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10/06/2007 12:28:22 AM
Lol - I'm not a footbal fan and this in no way represents the challenge, but it is humorous.
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10/05/2007 10:11:16 PM
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10/05/2007 09:34:20 PM
LOL... Very good sportsmanship!!!! But not even that will save you from getting an 1.....
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10/05/2007 08:03:24 PM
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10/05/2007 07:50:44 PM
HA! Ha! Ha! Ha!
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10/05/2007 07:36:42 PM
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10/05/2007 06:40:35 PM
You know that this is going to finish low for all the reasons that do not need to be pointed out, so I will applaud you for following through. Good on you.
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10/05/2007 03:44:20 PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque orci sit.
10/05/2007 02:10:15 PM
Go Buckeyes! lol, nice sign
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10/05/2007 01:35:24 PM
Ouch! Too funny!
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10/05/2007 08:23:51 AM
sorry you lost te bet, good luck with rebuilding your reputation.

One good thing: I tink some other picture in this challenge is deliberately aiming for the brown ribbon, but you'll beat him to it! :P (1)
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10/04/2007 10:37:59 PM
Despite the fact that it took a 'group' of guys to create the competition experienced by this loser, yes... this is DNMC. But DQ... naw! Michigan DOES Rule!!! (and it is Maize and blue, not blue and white! ;)

Nice clear shot, well setup, good color. I would give it a 10 but would have to drop it to a 4 for the DNMC. But, due to the excellent statement about Michigan... a 7. (DPC voting purists please don't hate me)
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10/04/2007 07:53:53 PM
10/04/2007 04:04:52 PM
whooo hooo ... Michigan Rules!!
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10/04/2007 01:44:50 PM
I Love it!
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10/04/2007 12:56:33 PM
Umm - DNMC
10/04/2007 07:00:16 AM
where are the other 2 people
10/04/2007 06:49:16 AM
Ok obviously this was not a serious entry so i'm sure you won't be disapointed with a 1. Hope you win the next bet and get to enter a real photo :)
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10/04/2007 05:22:33 AM
Portrait of a group?
10/04/2007 03:59:28 AM
lack of group loses you marks;)
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10/03/2007 10:51:01 PM
very funny :-)
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10/03/2007 04:15:17 PM
this has nothing to do with the topic
10/03/2007 04:10:29 PM
Not sure if this really follows the rules of 3 people
10/03/2007 02:01:27 PM
Hahahahaaaaa loooooser! :D
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10/03/2007 01:24:10 PM
I'm sorry, the rules say:

"Include 3 or more human beings in your photograph"
10/03/2007 01:20:14 PM
What does this have to do with the challenge?
10/03/2007 01:19:35 PM
Michigan SUCKS. GO BADGERS!!! Penn State getting another loss soon!
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10/03/2007 11:44:15 AM
I'm assuming you lost the bet and was going for the DNMC brown ribbon.
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10/03/2007 11:11:10 AM
DNMC, but I do agree with your sign. Hail to the Victors! Go Blue.
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10/03/2007 09:39:22 AM
Hilarious! (you could always self-dq...)
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10/03/2007 08:41:44 AM
This has anything to do with that thread I started? LoL too funny
10/03/2007 08:35:27 AM
Group, eh? Ummmmm...
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10/03/2007 07:20:15 AM
This is too funny! Good luck on the DQ, but really, I hope it stays in just for the fun of it. Sorry about the bet.
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10/03/2007 02:55:35 AM
hmm..looks like one of those out of the side challenges and side-betting :) okay, i give this a 10!
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10/03/2007 01:35:37 AM
Nice large lettering, easy to read, the back ground is a little busy, not as many people as you normally find in a group photo so I am assuming you hear voices or have multiple personalities. Overall a very pleasing image, If I were to vote on this it would a ten for the way you deflected the comments to sfarrell23!

Should have added some text to the image, that would have been the DQ you needed....
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10/03/2007 12:52:03 AM
sry about the bet man
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10/03/2007 12:47:20 AM
will give ya a vote for brown so hopefully you have something to show for this
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10/03/2007 12:43:06 AM
Strong contender for brwon!!! May be it is already expected.
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10/03/2007 12:42:40 AM
Now THIS is funny. This is really, really funny.
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10/03/2007 12:28:29 AM
lol....you instigated the bet Lars..it was your bet....lol...you're a great sport.
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10/03/2007 12:12:39 AM
Wow, I really don't see how this fits the challenge. Maybe if you think out of the box and say.....well I think it could be a group of words.LOL! Way to hold up to your end of the bet Lars. Go Buzzards!! Welcome to the 4 club!
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