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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Textures II (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4300
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Date: Feb 12, 2004
Aperture: f7.6
ISO: ISO 100
Shutter: 1/351
Date Uploaded: Feb 13, 2004

Brooklyn Bridge in the Shadows with sunset

Place: 308 out of 406
Avg (all users): 4.6250
Avg (commenters): 5.1667
Avg (participants): 4.4051
Avg (non-participants): 4.9796
Views since voting: 906
Votes: 256
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/24/2004 12:40:24 PM
This is a great shot! However, it doesn't speak 'texture' to me at all.
02/24/2004 09:57:29 AM
and the texture is....?
02/23/2004 10:20:43 AM
i know everything has texture, but for a challenge strictly on textures I think they may need to be more pronounced.
02/22/2004 05:28:13 AM
Lovely photo, but in looking at it I would not have guessed this was about texture.
02/22/2004 03:04:43 AM
Neat, but I want to see the texture closer up! Good job...
02/19/2004 08:13:31 PM
You're right. Texture doesn't have to be a macro. I'm sure your score is under rated.
02/19/2004 05:48:31 PM
i feel happy when i look at this phot You make me happy
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/19/2004 11:43:13 AM
This more scenery than a Textures photo
02/19/2004 12:57:50 AM
There are the textures in the ropes. They make lots of nice patterns. I wish this were cropped up a bit. maybe to not show te benches. that way our eyes are automatically drawn up to the bridge and the ropes. The benches really aren't adding anything for me here. I love the lighting. really created itself here, and you have placed it nicely. ~Heather~
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02/18/2004 11:04:41 PM
This is a nice shot, but there's too much distraction IMO, especially the building to the right and the smaller building to the left. Textures are there, but not strongly presented I think.
02/18/2004 06:47:39 PM
Its a nice silhouette, but I dont see the "texture"
02/18/2004 10:00:18 AM
This is a nice shape against a pretty sky. But the whole point of silhouettes is they show the subject as a pure shape, without detail or texture. And texture is the point of this challenge.
02/18/2004 09:26:26 AM
Nearly great - but your composition baffles me. Why cut off the nearer bench? And having done so, why leave that gap above the bridge? get that bench in, and lose the gap and you have a composition of great balance, a kind of double leading-lines trick that would really hold the eye. Perhaps your title gives the game away though - a silhouette being almost the antithesis of texture in a photograph. However you have caught some elements, in the buildings across the river, and the sidewalk in the foreground. Strong suspicion of it being an accident, given your title, but I score this 7.
02/18/2004 06:07:12 AM
Like it.. also because u hit the theme realy well. (8)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/18/2004 03:29:46 AM
Very nice, at first I didn't think this was a good example of texture, but then I could see it.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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