Author | Thread |
09/08/2008 10:21:16 PM |
For a photojournalism this is an excellent shoot. It captures a moment in time and has great emotions. Congratulations on an fantastic capture in the heat of the moment :) |
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12/22/2007 01:59:17 PM |
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11/26/2007 06:54:19 PM |
snap shot, to many distraction 2 |
11/09/2007 04:16:27 AM |
Congrats on the ribbon and way to go with your new PB score, this will be tough to beat! |
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11/08/2007 01:26:18 PM |
Great photo. Congrats. I only wish you didn't have to see the day after.
So sorry your place is suffering so much from those fires.
We had similar situation here last summer, when Greece was on fire. |
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11/07/2007 12:19:55 PM |
Originally posted by L0nz: Do you have any out-takes for us to check out?
Actually I don't have any out-takes. I was playing around with different shutter speeds with the flames on shutter priority, letting the aperture be on auto. Just happened to get lucky that the firefighter happened to stepped into the frame. Had one chance and then there was other stuff between us.
Thanks again to all for all the wonderful comments! :D |
11/07/2007 04:43:38 AM |
Surely Sandy you're not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to give their constructive criticism just because most other people think this photo is perfect? I don't see any negative comments that aren't constructive in some way. Everyone wants to improve, right?
I like it but it's by no means technically perfect. I think the lack of sharpness could easily have been averted by using a sensible aperture, I just can't see why F40 is required. It's common knowledge that non-L lenses struggle with sharpness at the far ends of the aperture range, especially telephoto lenses. Several stops more open would still give a long DOF, and would also have meant that the extreme ISO and slow shutter speed wouldn't be necessary. It might even be interesting to go really open and have a shallow DOF, making the fireman in focus and let the bokeh work on the flames. Do you have any out-takes for us to check out?
However, I love the composition and the timing of the capture. Congratulations on a crazy high score :P |
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11/03/2007 09:34:05 PM |
Wow! I'm amazed at 2 things. One. . .this amazing photo. What great timing and opportunity to be in the right place at the right time to capture such a moving photo. The firefighter -- even silhouetted -- looks like he is looking down, defeated and overcome with the magnitude of what he is trying to do. It is great photojournalism and worthy of top honors!
But the 2nd thing I'm amazed at is that people would use THIS forum, in your moment of incredible accomplishment and victory to criticize your photo! Grrrrrrrrrr. . . .I want to smack a couple of people!
MEGA CONGRATULATIONS! 8.0485!!! And deserving of every fraction of a point of it!!!!!!
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11/03/2007 01:11:22 PM |
Great to see someone from western Kansas do so well on this site!
Don't worry about the negative comments after the challenge. This is a photo to be proud of. |
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11/03/2007 08:16:50 AM |
WOW!! Congratulations on your ribbon and such a whopping score!! Why mess with those pesky 6's & 7's? Just move straight on to the 8's!!! Very nice. |
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11/03/2007 07:36:29 AM |
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11/03/2007 02:35:01 AM |
Congrats on your first blue and a PB Andrea...great drama, AMAZING SCORE!!! |
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11/02/2007 07:00:29 PM |
It's a great image, I hope you can get a print to the station from which this firefighter is from. Well deserved blue! |
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11/02/2007 06:43:51 PM |
Congrats on your first Blue. Well deserved. |
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11/02/2007 03:27:21 PM |
What a terrific score and what a terrific image. Perfect for the challenge and a well deserved blue. Many congratulations. |
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11/02/2007 01:34:00 PM |
Congratulations on the ribbon, well deserved. Also nice to see the huge jump in score from your previous PB -- means there is hope for the rest of us who live in the middle of the pack. |
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11/02/2007 11:42:03 AM |
Congratulations, this had to be the winner ;-) |
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11/02/2007 11:16:40 AM |
Congratulations on your ribbon and on the outstanding score, wow what an accomplishment and very well deserved as this is a great shot! |
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11/02/2007 10:42:51 AM |
Congrats on your ribbon and your PB Andrea! I didn't vote in this challenge, but from the thumbnails, your photo stood out to me the most. The picture is very emotive, and I don't think it is OOF at all, it just looks like heat, which makes the picture that much better IMO. You can see how hot the ground is right where he is standing, so in response to someone elses comment on the person being anyone is impossible. Unless you have on the right equipment, you could not be standing where he is standing. Amazing photo, one to be proud of for sure. |
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11/02/2007 09:11:38 AM |
Congrats on your 1st Blue Ribbon this was my favorite. Great job and image. |
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11/02/2007 09:10:24 AM |
Fifty-five 10s (including one from me)...I'm floored at your final score. Many congratualtions on an astoundingly powerful image. |
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11/02/2007 09:01:12 AM |
Congratulations on your personal best score (WOW!) and blue ribbon!
An awesome emotive capture. |
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11/02/2007 07:27:43 AM |
Congrats on your first ribbon, Andrea! The shot is really perfect for the challenge. |
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11/02/2007 07:16:05 AM |
Congrats... score is too high, get ready to see this firefigther almost rest of your life on your front page :P
I am still trying ti get rid of my "golden egg"... I don't eat eggs anymore :P
good luck for upcoming challenges :) |
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11/02/2007 06:09:43 AM |
While it has all the components of making a fantastic shot, I agree Im somewhat surprised this one won. As pointed out it lacks sharpness, but, more importantly the firefighter aspect is not strong. Besides the helmet, which is not that obvious, it could be anybody. I dont agree with the criticism that recent acts influence the polls, as the topic challenge is photojournalism, recent acts are expected to dominate the entries. I would have rated it a 7.
Message edited by author 2007-11-02 06:10:58. |
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11/02/2007 06:07:59 AM |
Congrats! Well deserved Blue and you made it to the select group of 8+ scorers!!! |
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11/02/2007 05:48:12 AM |
Congratulations on your amazing score and first blue ribbon. Please ignore all those who are complaining that it isn't sharp enough. |
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11/02/2007 04:59:56 AM |
Congrats on your ribbon, but i can't believe this unsharp shot got a score of 8+. |
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11/02/2007 04:43:16 AM |
Congrats for your first Ribbon but I do not understand
1) Where is the focus point ?
2) Where is the sharpness ?
I think the actuality of recents fires of San Diego have too much influence polls (3 "fire ribbons"/3)
Message edited by author 2007-11-02 06:29:20. |
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11/02/2007 03:45:12 AM |
does anyone care that this should could be sharp and it isn't?
i'm all for out of focus shots when used intentionally and creatively, but for me this would be a photo that is an outtake while on assignment and would not get published, because it is an almost.
it's a good attempt at photojournalism work, but I can just see it getting shot down in real life right away, no offense. I've seen this done much better.
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11/02/2007 02:25:46 AM |
congrats, a score to dream of. |
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11/02/2007 01:54:47 AM |
Fantastic shot! Congratulations! That's going to be a hard score for you (or anyone) to top! |
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11/02/2007 01:11:48 AM |
i thought this might be from CA-fires. nice shot.
congrats on your blue and the highest rated photo with rebel-xt :) |
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11/02/2007 01:11:08 AM |
Hey, first ribbon... congrasts! One to be proud of. It definitely wasn't given to you. |
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11/02/2007 12:57:23 AM |
congrats!! although I didn't says so last night when I commented, I had this down as the blue, very well done. |
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11/02/2007 12:32:06 AM |
Monster score! Congrats on a picture with emotion. |
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11/02/2007 12:29:07 AM |
Great shot, very emotional. Congrats on the blue. Well deserved! |
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11/02/2007 12:10:30 AM |
OMG Score 8+ Excellent work! Congratz |
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11/02/2007 12:06:49 AM |
Very good job and congratulations on the blue... |
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11/02/2007 12:06:33 AM |
Nicely done. Congrats on the blue. |
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11/02/2007 12:05:27 AM |
Excellent result, and congratulations on the blue..... |
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11/02/2007 12:04:27 AM |
Congrats! A poignant image. |
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11/02/2007 12:04:25 AM |
Congratulations on well deserved blue ribbon!!
This is indeed a terrific image! |
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11/02/2007 12:03:42 AM |
congrats! Looks very hot there |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/01/2007 11:31:59 PM |
awesome! the fires for me, living on the east coast, remind me of the 9-11 attacks
this image hits deep, the enormity of the loss & devastation; & also the risk taken by those whose jobs are to save, to protect...
thank you for this excellent image!! 10+! |
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11/01/2007 05:38:14 PM |
a hero brilliantly illustrated. very good work. |
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11/01/2007 04:53:08 PM |
ooooh you missed the focus. =(
almost. |
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11/01/2007 04:25:57 PM |
Have bumped this from a 6 to 8 as this is a minimal editing challenge as well as this image portrays good photojournalism.. |
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10/31/2007 10:58:34 PM |
That's something! Image full of emotion!!! |
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10/31/2007 10:42:00 PM |
Exceptional framing and exposure - great out of camera shot. |
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10/31/2007 10:14:59 PM |
This is my favorite of the challenge, very nice capture. |
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10/31/2007 06:09:52 PM |
Very well executed. Hope you didn't get burned taking this shot. |
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10/31/2007 02:37:40 PM |
definitely top ten, at least! |
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10/31/2007 01:09:29 PM |
Amazing capture! I'd bet on this for a ribbon. |
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10/31/2007 11:56:34 AM |
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10/31/2007 04:53:30 AM |
Well captured, this is my pic of the lot 10 |
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10/31/2007 01:33:17 AM |
Too bad the picture is not sharp enough. It'll be a 8/10 |
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10/30/2007 06:45:18 PM |
Emotive. Classic shot that deserves to win. 10 |
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10/30/2007 03:06:45 PM |
I think that this an amazing photo!!!!!! If you really think about it, the way that the firefighter is just a shadow going through the flames, it could symbolize past firefighters that have given their lives fighting fires and have come back to assist to the living firefighters. Amazing job!! |
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10/30/2007 01:23:43 PM |
OK I have to offer my congratulations on this image as not only is it fantastic in itself, but it completely meets the challenge. I could absolutely see this as the front page image on a paper
Outstanding colours and the silhouetted image tells a great story of fatigue after hours of battling a fire. Really hope this ribbons for you - 10
Come back to add this to favourites and to say having looked at all of the images in the challenge again, if I could give this an 11 I would do. I swear if this does not get first place then you will be able to consider yourself robbed
Magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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10/29/2007 12:41:26 PM |
Very powerful image, both photographically and emotionally. Wonderful (scary) capture of fire; fantastic pov with the dark vortex by the brave fireman's head, as if he is willing the fire to be extinguished ... this to me is photojournalism at its (painful) best! |
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10/28/2007 11:47:40 PM |
I think the silhouette is a bit OOF...but I think I like it that way. Great composition too. Nicely done. |
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10/28/2007 07:19:30 PM |
Outstanding Image! - pick of the challenge for me. Great emotion in the image with is tough to do in this environ. |
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10/28/2007 03:19:37 PM |
Wish it were clearer, it's a very story-telling kind of photo. :) |
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10/28/2007 10:29:40 AM |
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10/27/2007 11:42:35 PM |
Impressive image, nicely captured. |
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10/27/2007 03:02:43 PM |
This is the kind of photo that needs no caption, no explanation. It just grabs your attention and pulls emotion out of you. |
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10/27/2007 05:57:36 AM |
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10/26/2007 10:37:54 PM |
I really hope this does well, but I fear for the out of focus fire fighter. I think this could be the winning shot if he were in focus. I really hope this does well though because its a great shot, with great composition and great colors. Nice work. |
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10/26/2007 09:28:19 PM |
Great shot! Scoring this high. Nit pick, the focus seems to be on the fire rather than making the fire fighter sharp. Good Luck. |
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10/26/2007 08:33:34 PM |
Best photo in the challenge! |
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10/26/2007 07:42:19 PM |
Well done. Definitely tells the story. |
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10/26/2007 07:04:46 PM |
could be a bit sharper but very powerful image. 8 |
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10/26/2007 05:03:31 PM |
Very nice capture and one you might indeed see on the front page. |
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10/26/2007 02:33:48 PM |
excellent image even though the silhouette is OOF - 9 |
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10/26/2007 01:01:23 PM |
You an almost see the desperation on his face without even see it. |
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10/26/2007 12:54:47 PM |
Very powerful picture. The hunched firefighter conveys very well how tough and tiring their job must seem. Maybe could be a tad sharper. |
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10/26/2007 11:26:39 AM |
Awesome shot! He looks defeated. 10 |
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10/26/2007 07:57:51 AM |
Well I believe we have a winner. |
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10/26/2007 07:39:29 AM |
excellent image - this should be on a cover |
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10/26/2007 04:54:20 AM |
i wish that silhouette was on focus |
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10/26/2007 02:49:42 AM |
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10/26/2007 12:26:40 AM |
can't believe you'd stoop to arson, just to have an entry ;-) |
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10/26/2007 12:20:41 AM |
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