Author | Thread |
11/09/2007 04:18:04 AM |
You know what, I actually like this version better than the "in camera edited one" but both are great, congrats on the ribbon, good to see your mug on the front page again! |
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11/07/2007 06:04:50 PM |
Congrats on this sad and thought provoking image.
Message edited by author 2007-11-07 18:05:03. |
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11/07/2007 04:32:21 PM |
nice camera. i was thinking about selling my car and everything else i own to buy one. ;D
Message edited by author 2007-11-07 16:32:46. |
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11/07/2007 10:46:50 AM |
This photo is absolutely incredible!! what a capture. |
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11/07/2007 09:54:50 AM |
I feel the one posted is better. The saturated one gives an impression of burning flames, whereas the original one suggests more smoke and ashes - witnesses to the destruction, which is focus here. |
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11/06/2007 11:02:21 PM |
good photo - I like this one better than the more saturated one
Message edited by author 2007-11-06 23:03:53. |
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11/06/2007 01:55:11 PM |
Tremendous shot - understated, but all the more powerful for it.
A really strong image. |
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11/03/2007 08:37:03 PM |
One cannot truly appreciate the war zone of a devastating fire (including the roaring sound, smell, and the frightening sight of just how fast a fire will travel and the panic of an evacuation) until one has been on the doorstep as so dramatically captured in this photo.
Congrats on your ribbon...but sadly so! |
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11/03/2007 08:21:46 PM |
geesh Brad 3,782 views SINCE voting...did you link this somehow to the TV slot?? the newpaper?? good for you!
oh, and I think the image looks great here, forget the in-camera boosts you posted in your comments(look almost TOO much). You were there, so tell..which one best captures what you saw/felt??
ETA: 6829!! views since voting (that has no doubt changed by the time I hit the edit button here!!
Message edited by author 2007-11-12 20:20:26. |
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11/03/2007 07:34:29 PM |
congratulations on this great shot. I saw the video of the news interview and the image there, you did great, I think you must be a closet professional. I hope this shot stays here in 2nd spot. |
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11/03/2007 05:37:00 PM |
Nice to see you back on the front page dood! |
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11/03/2007 04:08:05 PM |
Congrats on your ribbon! great shot, but really very sad. |
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11/03/2007 04:08:05 PM |
Congrats on your ribbon! great shot, but really very sad. |
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11/03/2007 08:17:50 AM |
Outstanding yet sad shot. Very well done. Congratulations!! |
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11/03/2007 02:36:37 AM |
BRAD THE CAMERA COLLECTOR! Conrats on the red with a fantastic score and image |
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11/03/2007 12:00:05 AM |
I had to check your portfolio to see if it's really the same Brad. New camera, new lens and all that! Now I check your portfolio and see that you have become a collector! Looks like you are all gorwn up now.
Congatulations! |
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11/02/2007 07:01:31 PM |
I prefer your image over the firefighter image because the latter was too cliche, whereas your "only the memories remain" shot had both emotional and visual power in a unique way. Having seen both during the voting process I knew the voting would be tight. This is a truly exceptional image and I think it should have been the blue ribbon winner in this challenge. Congratulations. Cheers, Sandra. |
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11/02/2007 05:04:22 PM |
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11/02/2007 03:30:27 PM |
This is one of the most moving and powerful images I've seen. A most excellent image. Congratulations on your red ribbon, Brad. |
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11/02/2007 01:58:08 PM |
Oh Brad! What a powerful photo! Sad. Moving. Beautifully done!
Deserving of every fraction of that 7.7573 score! (WOW!!!) To be the 3rd highest score that Brad Petersen gets. . .that is SOMETHING!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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11/02/2007 01:58:05 PM |
great shot, Brad, very evocative! Congratulations! |
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11/02/2007 01:55:15 PM |
I didn't vote in the challenge, but this shot is truly amazing! You are a magnificant artist, and I would love to see how you did this...WOW! |
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11/02/2007 11:42:50 AM |
well, put you in my top 3 and proved right, ;-)..congratualtions on the ribbon |
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11/02/2007 11:20:17 AM |
Love this shot, congratulations on your ribbon! |
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11/02/2007 09:11:52 AM |
Outstanding framing, emotive composition. The other 10 I handed out in this challenge. Very well done. |
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11/02/2007 08:56:09 AM |
So very emotive. Congratulations...and your interview was awesome! |
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11/02/2007 08:49:34 AM |
way to go on the red ribbon!
did you use a lyric from a Dream Theater song for your title? |
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11/02/2007 08:18:16 AM |
Nice work, Brad - a very moving image. |
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11/02/2007 06:12:15 AM |
Congrats on the Red! How'd you like shooting at 10 fps? :D ;) |
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11/02/2007 04:12:52 AM |
Way to go Brad! Break out the marshmallows! :)
j/k - some good things always come out of tragedy in one form or another. I have friends down there who were thankfully untouched by the fire itself. |
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11/02/2007 02:40:04 AM |
In way you did good, but in away I feel bad. |
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11/02/2007 01:56:30 AM |
Brad, this is a very emotive and telling shot. Very well done! Congratulations! |
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11/02/2007 01:24:31 AM |
A very powerful image. You did a wonderful job documenting the horror and heartbreak of the Southern California fires. |
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11/02/2007 01:24:09 AM |
look at those scores!! and look at all those views!! damn!!
might as well have been on the front page eh? oops! look at that! IT IS!! :)
congrats you!
Message edited by author 2007-11-02 01:25:24. |
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11/02/2007 01:17:50 AM |
Congrats, Brad. This is the blue in my book, for its strong emotive content. The actual blue is striking, but more graphic than emotive. |
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11/02/2007 12:50:03 AM |
congrats brad!!!!!!!!!! awesome shot |
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11/02/2007 12:41:48 AM |
congrats, I saw you on the news too, very nice piece
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11/02/2007 12:32:33 AM |
nicely, nicely done, brad! |
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11/02/2007 12:31:01 AM |
Love your shot. Excellent score and well deserved Red! |
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11/02/2007 12:16:59 AM |
This is so very sad. A powerful photojournalistic image to show us the devastation. |
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11/02/2007 12:13:50 AM |
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11/02/2007 12:10:31 AM |
Even from the thumbnail, this had your fingerprints all over it. Beautifully done! |
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11/02/2007 12:07:27 AM |
Brad, my man, well done, buddy. One of my faves of the challenge. Well done! Congrats. |
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11/02/2007 12:06:09 AM |
Congratulations on a very good image for this challenge... |
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11/02/2007 12:05:21 AM |
Very nice framing, Brad. A good tribute to those who suffered. Congrats on the ribbon! |
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11/02/2007 12:04:36 AM |
This so deserved a ribbon and was my shot for a ribbon..... Well done and it is also very emotive and sad as well..... |
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11/02/2007 12:02:53 AM |
beautiful and sad at the same time. congrats on such a stunningly emotive photo and a red ribbon, B. |
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11/02/2007 12:02:04 AM |
something so very sad about this image. Well done on your placing and this photograph |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/01/2007 11:31:17 PM |
EXCELLENCE HERE! technically perfect and also a quite poignant & gripping image...on so many levels this photograph grabs, and then hits the soul...the title brings this home, as one realizes the enormity of the loss not just @ this home, but for all.
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11/01/2007 10:02:53 PM |
You get an honorable mention from me. A pitch-perfect photo of fire's devastation. |
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11/01/2007 06:14:53 PM |
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10/31/2007 11:57:13 PM |
Excellent composition - tells the story very well. |
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10/31/2007 09:35:23 PM |
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10/31/2007 06:12:09 PM |
Oh my. This photo has a strong sense of emotion tied to it. |
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10/31/2007 02:28:57 PM |
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10/30/2007 07:53:45 PM |
Great shot, how sad for the family of this house. |
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10/30/2007 04:07:51 PM |
perfect story - no use of words here. well done |
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10/28/2007 09:26:59 AM |
This is tough subject under any conditions. Having nearly died in a fire myself as a young boy this hits home for me. Some people might be offended by this as a record of someones pain and suffering but eventhough this hits me hard it is still important to document happenings like this. For all conserened I hope and pray that everyone there is safe.
This is powerful and reminds us that as people we are strong and if everyone got out safely there is hope in the face of adverstiy. On a personal level if this is your own home, the home of family member or a friend, it took, I'm sure, a tremendous amount of strenght to post this and I applaud you for that strenght and can at this point only offer our prayers to you and yours.
As I often do I remember the fire in our home and the pain that came with it everything that we lost and the things that we didn't. The thing that sticks with me the most and in the most vivid detail were the teenage kids and the mindless adults laughing at our plight and the ease at witch they were hoping that they would see some dead people. I'm sure that this is not the case here seeing as the devestation is so wide spread.
Again I hope that all is well there and everyone is ok. |
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10/28/2007 12:56:15 AM |
Excellent framing for this challenge and tells a good story....Bump 10 |
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10/27/2007 11:42:24 PM |
A memorable image of tragic circumstances. Well captured. |
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10/27/2007 07:43:22 PM |
The devastation and destruction is horrible for these people..
My heart goes out to them... Thank God tho ---they are alive!! |
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10/27/2007 05:58:41 AM |
In my top 3, great shot and emotion, the chair makes this in IMO, great. 10 |
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10/27/2007 02:59:16 AM | this is the winner. But I have to NEEDS A LEVELS ADJUSTMENT!!!!! LOL!! |
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10/27/2007 12:45:08 AM |
I voted this image a 9 - came back to take a second look to add comments...this photo tugs at my heart strings because it shows such a normal, every day thing... sitting at the table, looking out at the view.. beautifully photographed, tells a strong story, elicits an emotional response.. bumping it to a 10 - good job!! |
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10/26/2007 10:13:30 PM |
Such a powerful image. Even if this isn't San Diego it still has meaning in the picture, especially for me, being from San Diego. I really like your composition and its a great title. I think its a great capture and hope it does well for you. |
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10/26/2007 07:47:26 PM |
Great shot! Tells the story nicely! |
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10/26/2007 07:25:17 PM |
excellent picture, sad unfortunate scene... I hope everyone was okay! |
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10/26/2007 02:56:38 PM |
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10/26/2007 02:53:30 PM |
This leaves me speechless. Wonderful image. My favorite in the challenge. |
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10/26/2007 02:37:01 PM |
powerful image - were you standing in the burning house? - 10 |
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10/26/2007 12:03:28 PM |
Shocking image and definitely front page material. Great composition and very evocative - 8 |
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10/26/2007 10:07:54 AM |
Excellent job! Scary and emotional. 10 |
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10/26/2007 07:37:28 AM |
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10/26/2007 02:06:38 AM |
good focus,composition, exposure and wb.
intersting and dramatic image to look at. well done..8 |
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10/26/2007 12:23:47 AM |
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10/26/2007 12:21:58 AM |
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10/26/2007 12:13:30 AM |
This is a great shot. The picture frame of the burned doorway with the burning outside and burned inside of the home makes this one of the best and probably the riskiest picture of the challenge. How on earth did you get this? I have an entry, and I'm not voting, but I would rate this highest of the challenge that I've seen so far. And to think I was only a couple of miles from this. |
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