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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Textures II (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Casio Exilim EX-S3
Location: Jerusalum
Date: Feb 16, 2004
Date Uploaded: Feb 16, 2004

An old Roman theatre with its ruin steps caught under high noon

Place: 153 out of 406
Avg (all users): 5.3419
Avg (commenters): 6.1500
Avg (participants): 5.1916
Avg (non-participants): 5.5810
Views since voting: 1228
Votes: 272
Comments: 22
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/24/2004 10:37:49 PM
Nice idea and interesting POV.
02/24/2004 11:26:33 AM
02/24/2004 12:33:55 AM
Interesting lighting and angle, but I think it needs a secondary subject (e.g. human element) to make the composition more interesting.
02/23/2004 04:07:39 PM
maybe a little contrast
02/22/2004 05:11:14 AM
The light is too distracting in this one for me.
02/21/2004 04:31:11 PM
This is a really good picture, except for one detail which you might have added on purpose. In my opinion the picture would win if you cropped the top right corner out. My eye doesn't want to be distracted from the rows. There is no need to build up tension by that in the picture, the rows work great by themselves.
02/21/2004 03:16:41 PM
top right corner is distracting to me
02/21/2004 06:17:47 AM
While the image is cool, it doesn't emphasize texture as far as far as I can see... texture is the surface of something, not the shape of something. :) Also, I would have cropped that orange bit off the upper right.
02/20/2004 11:48:46 PM
Great shot. Great composition, great lighting.
02/20/2004 07:47:44 AM
Good shot - great moment of light to capture, and interesting compositionally. Doesn't display much texture though, really.
02/19/2004 09:14:42 PM
I see pattern more than texture. I like the light on the steps though.
02/19/2004 03:52:08 PM
nice eye

and you caugt the lite just right
02/19/2004 11:34:25 AM
Nice low light and shadows. Can't see whay you've kept the top right corner as it is - kind of ruins the pattern. But good pic nevertheless.
02/18/2004 08:13:52 PM
Lovely composition. Good eye.
02/18/2004 07:10:42 PM
The lighting is too harsh in my opinion, might have been your intent, but I don't like it very much. with softer lighting, and a subject in the photo this would be good.
02/18/2004 04:17:37 PM
great lighting here! LOVE those leading lines!
02/18/2004 01:25:34 PM
Excellent time of the day! Intriguing upright corner...hm... probably could have been omitted!
Nevertheless among the best!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/18/2004 10:43:35 AM
I like the curves and the lighting. Would have cropped out that upper right edge. Doesn't present a strong sense of texture to me.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/18/2004 10:10:24 AM
very interesting subject matter and excellent shadow & light design qualities.
02/18/2004 04:38:26 AM
[World Record Attempt]
+ You picked the right moment of the day to bring out the textures and use the light to give the photo more appeal.
- There isn't much going on in this photo except for the steps and shadows.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/18/2004 03:43:24 AM
Too much shadow
02/18/2004 01:37:43 AM
I love this shot, the shadows hlep also.

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