Author | Thread |
02/11/2008 05:02:15 PM |
Pottymouth is incorrect. This photo is not photoshopped (except for color adjustment, which was allowed by the rules under which this photo was submitted). My picture is taken from a perspective about 150 degrees different than hers. I'm on a hill looking down across the city to the south. She is looking to the N - NE from sea level. |
02/11/2008 04:10:29 PM |
im not sure if anyone knows but this picture is photoshopped and you didnt say it was or not.
these are REAL raw pictures of seattle taken from across the water and as you can see the space needle is surrounded by smaller buildings and id pretty far away from that tall black building.
Message edited by author 2008-02-11 16:11:38. |
10/05/2002 12:35:00 PM |
Lack of noise -- he has a Canon D60, the lowest noise camera that you can buy for $2000 (better than the Nikon D100 at low ISO's). It makes a huge difference -- The Canon D6t0 has been used to do ASTRO photography, that is, taking photos of stars. Normally if you take your digital camera, put a lens cap on the front, take a few shots with say 2 minute exposure, you will get BLUISH noise on the photo, D60 doesn't do that, it rocks :-) (and yes, I want one!) |
10/01/2002 07:16:00 PM |
I just browsed your outtakes and, humbled again I am. I am amazed at the quality of your outtakes. Did you do any futzing with them or are they straight from the camera? The first thing that stands out is the lack of noise in the sky. The second is the lack of radiated glowing of the lights that I have tried so hard to avoid. You did one with a pitch black sky and no light balls (you like my technical jargon?). Bravo. |
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10/01/2002 11:08:00 AM |
Chris you did a fine job of capturing the cities beautiful architecture. Congrats! |
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10/01/2002 09:05:00 AM |
I am sure that you have captured just what the architect had envisioned when he deigned the famous needle. Superb job ! Keep Shootin' Autool |
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09/30/2002 08:44:00 PM |
Myk, I'm not totally sure. If you look at some of my outtakes, you can see a more pinkish top in some of those I took earlier. My guess would be that it's a white balance thing; tungstun lighting on top giving it more of a yellow color? The only post processing I did was auto-balance and auto-colors. I'll have look at the original and see how pink it is.
And, hey, why haven't you entered a challenge in so long? We could have used another space needle shot last week!! :) |
09/30/2002 06:26:00 PM |
How'd you manage to get the salmon color that the needle is now painted on top to show up as yellow? |
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09/30/2002 11:08:00 AM |
Nice going Chris! Congrats and stuff. |
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09/30/2002 10:37:00 AM |
Great photo Chris. The clarity of this shot is just amazing. Congrats! |
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09/30/2002 04:37:00 AM |
Thanks everyone for your votes and comments. I'm thrilled to have picked up a DPChallenge ribbon!
I figured this would be sort of a "cliche" challenge, so I set out to make the most technically sound "postcard from home" I could. I finally had time to go shoot on Friday night and it was a beautiful night. Cool fall breeze blowing in from the sound, huge orange harvest moon rising off to the left, great sunset. I spent about 90 minutes shooting around dusk.
I liked the shot I submitted because I used a pretty shallow depth of field, so the needle itself is tack-sharp but the lights in the buildings behind are just slightly fuzzy, which I think gives it kind of a watercolor-ish look. I think this is what gives it the "unreal" look people are referring too, and it's what I liked about this shot. Some people suggested it might have been better later (or ealier), but I thought the shots taken in this particular 5 minutes or so were the most "magical". You can see details on the needle such as the antenea on top, and the lights on the bottom of the needle pointing up make the light look almost natural, sort of like fill flash. But it's also just dark enough that the top glows nicely. Nobody really mentioned any of these details in the comments, but I *think* that's the kind of thing that appealed to people.
If you'd like to see some of my outtakes, you can find them at: //
Thanks again!!
09/30/2002 12:59:00 AM |
Great Picture!!! Congradulations! |
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09/30/2002 12:41:00 AM |
You go, Chris! Excellent job - congrats on a 2nd place ribbon! :) |
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09/30/2002 12:20:00 AM |
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09/30/2002 12:07:00 AM |
chris, congrats on 2nd :) Excellent photo... :) |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
09/29/2002 10:50:00 PM |
Crystal clear! An unusual night in Seattle. |
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09/29/2002 08:50:00 PM |
Initial=wow! makes me miss Seattle.. even though I've only been there for a brief visit one time Composition=like a postcard (meant as a compliment) Clarity (focus, details)=excellent.. all the tiny windows can be seen! Exposure=excellent... Interesting or Emotive=interesting to view.. emotive for me because I like Seattle, but it has a wonderful quality to it.
I am using a this new detailed commenting method inspired by autool. (Thanks autool!). I hope you find it more helpful than my former comments. Thanks for submitting, and good luck! ;0) kpb (Karen Bryan) :)
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09/29/2002 04:02:00 PM |
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09/29/2002 02:20:00 AM |
Very nice night exposure. Slow shutter speed and tripod? Looks good. |
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09/29/2002 12:07:00 AM |
great title! I like the picture too. |
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09/28/2002 11:16:00 PM |
Awesome! Looks like Seattle will be well represented in the Top 10 this week, I'll bet! |
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09/28/2002 06:57:00 PM |
Seems like a winner to me. Noticed some "blotches" in the sky; compression? 10 Journey |
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09/28/2002 05:16:00 PM |
crisp shot with great clarity in the composition and colors. good job! (9) ~mcmurma |
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09/27/2002 09:45:00 AM |
This looks like a hiper-reality drawing. The needle looks unreal. The background looks like a perfectly even backdrop (blue screen) in a studio. The buildings are so perfect they look like an escenographic model, and the ilumination feels like a movie set. I would be pleased to see this stupendous image winning a ribbon. I love it. |
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09/26/2002 09:35:00 PM |
Magzine quality :-) 9 nards656 |
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09/26/2002 09:17:00 PM |
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09/26/2002 07:57:00 PM |
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background10, Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing9, Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 10, Total Averaged Rating10. Autool
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09/26/2002 12:17:00 AM |
great night shot. Feels like it is tilting a few degrees to the left though. I like it more with the bottom 1cm or so cropped off to hide the blue/ grey block/ building |
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09/25/2002 04:46:00 PM |
Only down is that focus is *slightly* soft. Otherwise, I call this a 9. Outstanding cityscape. |
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09/25/2002 02:37:00 PM |
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09/25/2002 01:59:00 PM |
if this is seattle, where's the fog? real pretty. |
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09/25/2002 01:39:00 PM |
This is a gorgeous postcard shot. You have talent. These are not very easy to do well. 8, just-married |
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09/25/2002 10:21:00 AM |
I love this. It's perfect and meets the challnge to a tee. Great picture and superb positioning. Great job! 10 |
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09/25/2002 08:52:00 AM |
gorgeous! great exposure and composition |
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09/25/2002 08:51:00 AM |
Excellent photo. I love the clarity of the buildings and the colour of the sky. Maybe the photo would've been improved with a little more foreground as I feel it's chopped off at the bottom of the tower. |
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09/24/2002 08:58:00 PM |
beautiful and clear shot - the crop is great and clarity speaks for itself - sky color is also natrual and contributes to the city tone below - great ppic! 9 sgtpepper6344 |
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09/24/2002 08:07:00 PM |
Very nice. (you missed the experienced project!) If I were to ask for any changes, I would suggest either on the 1/3 line or centered. Upgraded to 9. Swash |
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09/24/2002 05:09:00 AM |
I love Seattle! I'm going there this weekend :D I like how your picture is framed, and the colors are nice! |
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09/23/2002 10:09:00 PM |
Looks almost unreal.. neat effect.... |
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09/23/2002 09:24:00 PM |
Great Job! (hopefully more comments later) 10 Ruthann |
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09/23/2002 08:30:00 PM |
nice :) The exposure on this shot is very good... i love the deep rich blue in the sky... good work.. = 7 - jmsetzler |
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09/23/2002 07:22:00 PM |
Very nice. My only rub is that the needle is leaning about a half degree to the left. 9 |
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09/23/2002 07:05:00 PM |
another great shot of seattle |
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09/23/2002 06:50:00 PM |
You passed your postcard assignment!! Really nice shot, the clarity and color is great. DPz |
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09/23/2002 06:30:00 PM |
Amazing shot, great composition in my eyes, but missing that *something* that would make it a 10 for me. (In all honesty, I think the "thing" that would have MADE it for me would have been a darker sky - I really like to see those lights jump out at me.) lhall-9 |
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09/23/2002 06:24:00 PM |
Very nice image, crisp and vibrant |
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09/23/2002 03:27:00 PM |
postcard is right...really beautiful...but not really creative... |
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09/23/2002 11:48:00 AM |
It's a postcard shot! Good work. Score 9 Justine |
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09/23/2002 09:15:00 AM |
Ummmm.... wow! You did a great job getting rid of the noise that's usually prevalent in these night time shots! The way the space needle stands out is just awesome. 10 -- sohr |
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09/23/2002 05:39:00 AM |
Wow is this sharp! Nice job. Kaz |
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09/23/2002 03:10:00 AM |
Awesome detail and colors. I can't wait to see the specs on how you took the shot. Aperature and shutter speed. I believe we have our winner here. 10 |
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09/23/2002 02:53:00 AM |
Very nice photo, technically well done and very postcard worthy. But I don't feel anything looking at it. I have been to Seattle and i have a sense of Seattle (fish market, etc. or maybe the near by scenery) and this doesn't do it for me. Still, a decen photo. 7 paganini |
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09/23/2002 01:44:00 AM |
Truly a Postcard shot!!! Really nice!!! |
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09/23/2002 01:12:00 AM |
Beautiful skyline!! I love the color. The lights and blue make it feel more alive. You captured a great, sharp photo. Definitely the best of Seattle. Only suggestion is to crop out those annoying trees. Can I come visit? 8 ~indigo997 |
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09/23/2002 12:50:00 AM |
WOW !!!!!!! This is a perfect photo for a postcard ! Wonderful !!!! JUST wonderful ! Shiiizzzam |
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