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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Portrait (Advanced Editing I)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Denmark
Date: Mar 10, 2004
Aperture: F2.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/40 s
Galleries: Family, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Mar 14, 2004

Actually, a selfportrait with a makeover. Had to take advantage of the advanced editing rules .....LOL

Editing :
* teeth whitened.
* white of eyes whitened.
* color of eyes slightly more blue and saturated.
* wrinkels around eyes softened
* wrinkels on forehead removed.
* hair slightly darkened
* skin blurred

Picture taken with :
* 500 W halogen floodlight reflected in umbrella spraid with silver paint from left.
* styrofoam board to the right for reflection
* 500 W halogen floodlight right behind me pointed at the white wall
* camera from above.

I am really curious whether anyone will notice the makeover and comment on it. I will post the original after the challenge.

Place: 37 out of 135
Avg (all users): 6.0469
Avg (commenters): 7.3182
Avg (participants): 5.9063
Avg (non-participants): 6.1624
Views since voting: 1315
Votes: 213
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/21/2004 10:25:28 AM
Goddag :) Well taken photo especially as a self portrait, it isn't so easy is it! Show me a few more teeth and I would probably see a photo like this in an ad for toothpaste. Man you got white teeth! Anyway another top quality pic as I would expect to see from you. Keep up the good work, your photos are a pleasure to view.
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03/21/2004 02:07:35 AM
Toning down the background would have made it better for me.
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03/17/2004 05:25:29 PM
Great pose, lighting, color, eyes, etc
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03/17/2004 03:57:03 PM
Nice lighting. - 6
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03/16/2004 07:39:22 PM
nice portrait (self?) One criticism - I sense heavy editing around hair (eg see above model's right ear up to hair parting). Slightly awkward angle also does somethign funny to model's right ear which is a bit out of focus.
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03/16/2004 07:48:23 AM
Nice and clean.... great shot.. a 7
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03/16/2004 07:33:56 AM
Very good for a self shot.
03/16/2004 12:46:08 AM
These are always very tough to do. Great job on getting the focus on and good lighting. the left eye looks a bit sharper that the right. Nice job of having the camera higher than your eyes.
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03/16/2004 12:19:42 AM
Nice lighting, overal nice quality work
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03/15/2004 09:32:03 PM
Self portraits are HARD to do. I think you've done VERY well here. Focus perfect. Expression perfect. Cropping perfect. A small nit about the slight shadow over the right shadow. Sweater color was a good choice to go with your hair color. Don't you wish I could vote? If I could you'd get a 9.
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03/15/2004 08:47:24 PM
Give yourself high marks! BOL
03/15/2004 08:45:08 PM
nice job...well defined contrast between the sweater and the background...nice clear focus...well done
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03/15/2004 08:40:54 PM
A great subject iwth a nice natural expression. I like the white turtle neck combined with a white background. I think you're going to do well on this one. Good luck!
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03/15/2004 08:31:03 PM
the background is a little blown out which ends up bleeding into your hair a bit, but the lighting on the rest of the picture is excellent. You've made very soft shadows which give enough facial detail without too much harsh reality :)
i like it.
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03/15/2004 07:53:52 PM
great shot...nice lighting and color
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03/15/2004 10:30:16 AM
Very nice job on the self-portrait! You have stunning blue eyes and really showcase that here...
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03/15/2004 10:18:22 AM
This is lovely. My only criticism would be with the bland background. A more detailed backing would help the face stand out much more. 7
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03/15/2004 10:13:32 AM
Nice....the lighting is fantastic. This is a good entry.
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03/15/2004 09:42:52 AM
I really like this - it stands out from the rest even as a thumbnail. The high key approach with white on white works really well and the lighting lifts the face out of the white background. The slightly tilted pose appeals as well. My compliments. Maybe I would have cropped a little off the top but what do I know?
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03/15/2004 08:47:11 AM
I did a self-portrait too, but I didn't label it as such and voters are telling me my model must have been brave to pose like that!! haha!! Nice work here....I like the lighting....the close up angle works well.....very nice work
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03/15/2004 07:59:53 AM
Having tried the self-portrait for this challenge I know it isn't easy. You've done a very nice job here.
03/15/2004 07:10:30 AM
i really like the slight darkening in the background, which is just enough to sow the edge of your sweater. The detail is great, too... but it feels slightly oversharpened to me. Look at the eye on the left, and the teeth... i see halos!
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03/15/2004 12:46:26 AM
nice clariy, expression, pose, and dof. a bit close. perhaps a less wide focal length to keep the facial features true to life. good overall.
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03/15/2004 12:43:13 AM
Poor subject. Naww, just kidding. Good shot. What were you using for the catchlights? Octagonal softbox (the skin tones look pretty even) or a regular lamp of some kind?

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