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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
03/17/2008 01:41:18 PM |
Good comp. The street leads my eye right up to those smoking factories. Perhaps framing the factories just a touch higher in the frame might help it a little. Nice use of strong contrast as well. |
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03/15/2008 11:15:52 AM |
A nice point of view in this photo, looking down and forward. |
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03/14/2008 12:17:04 PM |
I like this. Might've made it a little lighter though, so you can see the details of the buildings better. xxx. |
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03/14/2008 10:10:43 AM |
great aerial shot good contrast |
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03/14/2008 08:20:01 AM |
I like the effect. It almost looks like something taken during the industrial revolution (although then I think we would have actually seen a lot more pollution rather than steam). |
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03/14/2008 03:28:01 AM |
I like the treatment. Gives it an even more ominous look ;) |
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03/14/2008 12:39:20 AM |
The way you darkened the buildings, even though a lot of detail is lost, is very effective in portraying a dingy, dirty feel. Also the slightly warmish tone was a good choice as brown-ish has a dirtier feel than neutral or bluey-grey. |
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03/13/2008 10:06:21 AM |
Great idustrial picture depicting the true life of some of our country. Good value and contrast in the photo. |
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03/13/2008 09:22:58 AM |
It meets the objective well, but the picture is still somewhat uninteresting to look at. |
03/13/2008 08:26:47 AM |
I like the perspective but the foreground appears a little dark. I would have probably cropped a bit of the top as well. |
03/12/2008 08:36:15 PM |
Looks like a good place for a split neutral density filter . No detail in the city and yet the sky is still a bit burned out. Exposure did catch the polluted smoke . |
03/12/2008 04:53:50 PM |
Great POV and comp. Tones give it that gritty feel. Very nice. |
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03/12/2008 06:22:44 AM |
This is an interesting use of the road and works well with the industrial feel.. but I do think you've wasted potential use of details in the buildings and they almost seem like negative spaces which I don't like.. |
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