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We're Having FIsh Tonight!
1st PlaceWe're Having FIsh Tonight!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Healthy Food (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D100
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5D
Location: My studio, Menasha, WI
Date: Apr 29, 2008
Aperture: f/11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Humorous, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Apr 29, 2008


WOW!! My first 7+ and my first blue...it feels better than I thought it might!!

I'd like to introduce you to Goldie...my daughter's goldfish! I know, original name. What can I say, she was three when we won him at the carnival...probably first fish in history to come home from the carnival and live!

Anyway, it took me nearly two hundred shots (193 to be exact!) before I was able to catch Goldie at the right moment! I was getting a little irritated, he kept swimming at the back of the bowl. Finally, some cooperation...and it was just a matter of getting him mid-breath.

Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments...I'm glad I was able to put a few smiles on people's faces.

**No fish were hurt in the making of this image (well, except for the ones on the plate! :)...this bowl is used when I take Goldie and Tish The Fish, his girlfriend, out to clean their tank. Goldie went back to his home with no problem and it was clean!**

Curves X2
Color Balance
Usharp Mask
Dust Spots (I really need to clean my sensor!!)
Neat Image

Place: 1 out of 109
Avg (all users): 7.5423
Avg (commenters): 8.3148
Avg (participants): 7.5000
Avg (non-participants): 7.5500
Views since voting: 10718
Views during voting: 526
Votes: 284
Comments: 99
Favorites: 27 (view)

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11/08/2010 12:28:03 PM
Truly worthy of a 7+! Very creative and so gorgeous. Like some smart person once said, a photo need not only be good, it must be interesting too. You have it!
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06/28/2010 08:39:53 AM
the expression of the fish is hilarious! Well done!
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12/10/2008 07:50:43 AM
This will always be one of my top tens. A Blue? Cool!
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05/11/2008 11:56:20 AM
Absolutely priceless Terri!!!!
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05/11/2008 07:54:03 AM
Fantastic entry!! Congratulations on the well deserved blue!!!
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05/08/2008 11:36:28 AM
Oh!! This is so creative and flawlessly captured and presented. Definitely a no-brainer for blue! Congratulations!
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05/08/2008 03:50:16 AM
Congratulations. Great shot. Your patience paid off.
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05/07/2008 05:25:15 PM
Well desreved!!
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05/07/2008 05:09:55 PM
So cool! Congrats!
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05/07/2008 02:59:42 PM
Hi Terri, as you can see from here I meant to give you this (not that you need it since you got a real ribbon) but I forgot.
I know how hard it is to shoot goldfish believe me I've tried with my daughter's bubblecheek goldfish. You did an excellent job with impeccable timing!

Edit: Oops, sorry I typo'd the wrong color ribbon at first. Fixed it now ;)

Message edited by author 2008-05-07 16:05:51.
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05/07/2008 02:07:04 PM
Funny Photo! Great Capture! Great Expression! Congratulations! :)
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05/07/2008 01:52:05 PM
well deserved blue, fav'd it
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05/07/2008 12:52:59 PM
That is just awesome... your patience certainly paid off!
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05/07/2008 11:39:17 AM
Wow perfect shot
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05/07/2008 11:12:07 AM
awesome image and awesome story! I thought for sure you had printed the fish out, but to catch that expression- outstanding!!!
congrats! :0D
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05/07/2008 09:01:40 AM
Super shot& well deserved.
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05/07/2008 08:39:34 AM
Congrats on your blue! This image always makes me smile. Well deserving of the blue.
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05/07/2008 08:16:26 AM
YES! The Blue Terri! Congratulations on a great shot...I know you worked very hard on this shot and you have applied the knowledge from your food class very well!

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05/07/2008 06:57:51 AM
Congrats! Well deserved Blue!
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05/07/2008 06:57:26 AM
Congratulations on your Blue ribbon win. Great catch. :P
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05/07/2008 05:17:17 AM
wonderful idea and execution. congrats and well deserved.
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05/07/2008 04:55:03 AM
Brilliant, congrats.
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05/07/2008 04:54:57 AM
You Jammy devil!

You mean to say Goldie just posed like that by herself! What a pro!
What luck - not to say patience, you must have had. Even her little eyebrows are raised in shock horror - (eyebrows? - I really must get out more!). This is just ace, as they say - You must immediately send it to lots of mags - I am sure there is a big future for Goldie, or at least, the photographer.

I would be tempted perhaps, to blow up the section with Goldie on, so she is slightly bigger in the frame, to be absolutely perfect, but that is just me - the picture is a classic - I would get a framer to make a 16x20 inch or so for your wall - I am sure it would be a great talking point for visitors, and could get you known more in the area as a great photographer. Very well done, and lighting is beautiful. Must have been difficult with a full bowl to avoid items from behind showing. Congratulations!
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05/07/2008 04:49:00 AM
Congratulations Terri...PM'd you to chat with you about your image edit. This is such a great pose by the fish it was worth the 100 shots and wear and tear on your shutter
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05/07/2008 04:35:20 AM
hahah! that moment is priceless! Well done and a well deserved 7,5
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05/07/2008 04:20:41 AM
Gotta love this! Great job and congrats!
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05/07/2008 03:37:31 AM
Awesome! Beautiful and funny at the same time! Great, great job!
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05/07/2008 03:37:09 AM
Congrats on the deserved blue for a very creative and original image!
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05/07/2008 02:31:08 AM
I'm glad all the hard work paid off for you. Congratulations!
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05/07/2008 01:59:54 AM
I'm so glad to see this winning, great shot!

I wanted to shoot a picture for an ad in Switzerland, also using a goldfish in such a classic goldfish bowl. When I went into a pet shop to get the fish, the people there were outraged and told me that keeping goldfish in a bowl had become illegal (in Switzerland). You need a big aquarium with proper aeration, etc. and you're not allowed to have a single fish, they need to have companions. I told the sales person the fish would just be in the bowl for a few minutes, but that just got her more upset. Well, maybe I'll have to do it in a different country because people just expect goldfish to be in a bowl like that, it's the image we all have of them. However, I would first like to try and find out if being in a bowl really is such a horrible experience for them...
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05/07/2008 01:28:08 AM
Congrats on your first Blue!
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05/07/2008 12:51:08 AM
Wow, I figured that you must have used a fake fish or something! Now knowing that it was real, it's even more deserving of the blue. That's a tough shot to get! Congrats!
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05/07/2008 12:36:27 AM
What a great shot!!!! Congrats!!!
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05/07/2008 12:20:24 AM
WTG, Terri! Brilliant, creative idea. Huge congrats on your first blue and PB.
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05/07/2008 12:14:32 AM
Teriiiii! Ole Ole Ole!

Perfect shot!

hmm seven 2's and 3's...must have angered the PETA members!
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05/07/2008 12:12:08 AM
Woohoo! First blue, first 7+ (so it's a personal best). Congrats on a clever idea well-shot! :)
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05/07/2008 12:11:42 AM
Way to go Terri!!!
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05/07/2008 12:09:10 AM
Just perfect Terri!!!!!!
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05/07/2008 12:07:41 AM
Nice work.
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05/07/2008 12:07:28 AM
you first blue! Huge congrats, this is a perfect capture, congratulations
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05/07/2008 12:06:16 AM
Awesome..... So pleased this ribboned, and to get the Blue.....
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/06/2008 11:50:05 PM
Love the fish face. Perfect expression.
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05/06/2008 11:45:45 PM
Funny! How many shots did you have to take to get the goldfish just right?
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05/06/2008 10:49:00 PM
Awesome, my favorite.
Highest marks,
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05/06/2008 05:27:31 PM
Nice propping,... this is funny.
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05/06/2008 04:46:36 PM
Very well thought out and executed..if this doesn`t ribbon..there`s no justice in the world.
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05/06/2008 11:10:54 AM
An 8 picture, gets a bonus point because it makes me chuckle. 9 (and my favorite of the challenge)
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05/05/2008 11:40:40 PM
nice touch of humour. good job!
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05/05/2008 10:11:36 PM
:] Neat idea. The fish says it all. Arrangement, and lighting are tops. Looks like a winner to me.
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05/05/2008 08:21:10 AM
I love it! How long did you have to wait for the goldfish to make that "face?" Nice job!
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05/05/2008 03:08:40 AM
:-( oooh! nice image!
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05/04/2008 10:15:58 PM
Funny. I think this one has a chance to be in the top 3. Good luck. (10)
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05/04/2008 07:13:38 PM
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05/04/2008 05:36:43 PM
My favorite in the challenge! Great idea and good execution. I wonder how you got the fish to look like that.
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05/04/2008 01:22:27 PM
Great expression. No photoshop? Wow. Good concept.
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05/04/2008 08:48:55 AM
Wow, great expression on that fish!
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05/04/2008 04:20:32 AM
AMAZING great image ........ definate blue to me
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05/03/2008 06:27:56 PM
Not voting just commenting. Fun concept. Focus appears better on the fish printout than the plate which is a little disconcerting.
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05/03/2008 03:05:33 PM
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05/03/2008 02:10:33 PM
Excellent food styling and idea. I believe this will take the blue.
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05/03/2008 08:46:36 AM
very cute. lol that plate of sushi looks delicious!! I love sushi (and seaweed salad)
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05/02/2008 10:25:26 AM
And it is so fresh!
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05/02/2008 09:55:26 AM
Chuckled aloud at this one!
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05/02/2008 03:28:42 AM
I love how you caught the fish's expression there
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05/02/2008 01:01:59 AM
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05/02/2008 01:01:23 AM
Ohh God... I love the expresion on the fish... How did you do that? This is just beautiful. everything works for me, colors, composition, concept.
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05/01/2008 09:26:09 PM
Excellent shot, very well done! I love the humor here.
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05/01/2008 09:03:36 PM
that's hilarious.
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05/01/2008 07:39:52 PM
lol, awesome. I love the fish with his mouth open.
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05/01/2008 06:57:51 PM
This is a fabulous shot, the fish looks absolutely horrified! I love it, definitely a winner. 10!
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05/01/2008 09:41:44 AM
The fish looks like it's in shock
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05/01/2008 09:35:10 AM
This is a really good picture, but it is hard to tell at first that the fish is even in a bowl.
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05/01/2008 04:46:39 AM
definitely my favourite. hope it wins but should get a ribbon anyway. 10 from my side
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05/01/2008 01:27:10 AM
Haha! Nice capturing of the fishes "expression". Hope that didn't take too long. Very well done :-)
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04/30/2008 11:43:51 PM
lol, that's awesome!
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04/30/2008 11:38:44 PM
lol funny concept. im not partial to the two different subjects though, the fish distracts from teh food, and the food distracts from the fish. however that works
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04/30/2008 11:19:24 PM
Love it.
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04/30/2008 10:11:35 PM
great composition...the goldfish is a nice touch
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04/30/2008 07:03:35 PM
This is my number two. The expression of the fish is priceless. Good idea - takes it above the average food shot.
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04/30/2008 05:15:45 PM
Hahaha. Perfect. 8.
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04/30/2008 04:39:25 PM
LOL, great capture of the fish
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04/30/2008 04:12:06 PM
hmm, well even fish eat other fish...
Although it doesn't focus on appetizing I really like this image, beautifully executed. The fish must have been difficult to cooperate with?! 10
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04/30/2008 01:16:52 PM
A look of shock and horror. I love it! Nice layout of the food. However the sushi looks a bit dull. Maybe a little more lights or PP lightening would have helped.
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04/30/2008 12:48:40 PM
VERY COOL!!!!!!!
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04/30/2008 11:43:20 AM
Excellent, well deserving of this 10 straight across the board!
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04/30/2008 11:17:46 AM
hahahaha great expression on the fish.
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04/30/2008 10:16:27 AM
love this picture! 10 from me
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04/30/2008 09:43:52 AM
WOW. Here is the ribbon .......
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04/30/2008 08:48:34 AM
Nice photo and the fish really puts some humor in it. 9
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04/30/2008 08:34:30 AM
Food is slightly out of focus. Goldfish is a neat touch.
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04/30/2008 06:47:27 AM
good idea, composition and lighting, but could be a bit brighter. colors could be more vivid. a pass of sharpening had also helped
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04/30/2008 06:17:20 AM
Wonderful, I love this one by all means :) 10 for everything ..
all the best,
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04/30/2008 03:50:36 AM
ROFLMAO - Great idea. I love sushi - and the expression on your goldfish face
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04/30/2008 01:13:26 AM
There is something wrong here... it's flawless. This will sublime.
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04/30/2008 01:00:05 AM
lovely timing 9
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04/30/2008 12:46:22 AM
This is too cute! Love the concept, and the photo looks great! Nice job :)
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04/30/2008 12:29:01 AM
that's great...perfect pose...I am sure this will be popular
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04/30/2008 12:27:22 AM
I'm laughing, well done! 7
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04/30/2008 12:24:17 AM
this is an AWESOME shot, wow this deserves a ten and a ribbon! :]
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