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1st PlaceLonley

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Boats (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 18-135mm f/3.5- 5.6G ED DX
Location: Tysnes Norway
Date: May 23, 2008
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 13 sec
Date Uploaded: May 23, 2008

few adjustments in lightroom. import to photoshop. levels, little dodge and burn. resize & crop. Unsharp Mask

post challenge: THANK YOU ALL. I'm so happy today, my first submit on this site and blue ribbon. And the higest score with Nikon D300. Did not even hope for that. About the title. I could lie to you all and say its the Icelandic name of the boat. But then you would see that the picture is taken in Norway, hehe so I just have to admit this is my mistake. Thank you again.

Place: 1 out of 162
Avg (all users): 7.7895
Avg (commenters): 8.6667
Avg (participants): 7.5342
Avg (non-participants): 7.9487
Views since voting: 14765
Views during voting: 528
Votes: 190
Comments: 89
Favorites: 40 (view)

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04/07/2013 07:05:32 AM
wow! this is officially one of my favourite pictures on the whole of DPC. So beautiful!
07/09/2008 02:44:17 PM
Glæsilegur árangur, til hamingju ;°))
06/17/2008 08:45:29 PM
Very lonely indeed. You exposed concern and emotion from an inanimate object...Great work!
06/09/2008 03:30:55 PM
nice one .
06/07/2008 03:35:34 AM
Congrats on the blue. For a beginner it is a great start!
06/06/2008 07:23:04 AM
Simply lovely!! Congratulations on your blue.
06/04/2008 06:18:33 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club....?

Not a lot to say about this shot. There's not really any way to improve it in any event. As pointed out, a tiny bit of movement in the bow made some of it a little less sharp but its neglible. The long shutter speed gave the water a extremely smooth appearance which I think is part of what makes this shot. The reflection is also terrific. Composition is bang on. I'd like to give the 5 people who only gave this a a 4 or 5 a slap in the head. Great entry. Congrats on the blue!
06/04/2008 02:10:34 PM
Originally posted by Jaker:

Read your comments up there, and I definitely would have lied and said that was the name of the boat. Who would have known? I'm also curious if you can give the translations for BEGINNERS LUCK! Or how about, "Let's see you do that again THIS week!" :-)

Seriously though, one of my top three for this challenge, and already making a home in my favorites. Excellent work!

About the "beginners luck" I am a beginner but about the luck, we just have to wait and see. :)

Thanks for the comment u all again.

06/04/2008 02:03:45 PM
Really phenomenal shot, one of the best voting breakdowns I have seen, I would have given this a ten easily had I voted. Great simplicity, really very nice job, keep it up man. Added to faves as well.
06/04/2008 12:03:36 PM
Read your comments up there, and I definitely would have lied and said that was the name of the boat. Who would have known? I'm also curious if you can give the translations for BEGINNERS LUCK! Or how about, "Let's see you do that again THIS week!" :-)

Seriously though, one of my top three for this challenge, and already making a home in my favorites. Excellent work!
06/04/2008 09:07:08 AM
Haha. Glæsileg meðaleinkunn hjá þér ;)

06/04/2008 08:42:43 AM
simple and beautiful
06/03/2008 11:48:44 PM
Well done, love this image.
06/02/2008 05:53:50 PM
Congratulations on your Blue ribbon. Looks like you achieved a lot of firsts with this entry. It is really beautiful and very deserving. :)
06/02/2008 03:26:26 PM
Congrats on the blue. I really like the negative space usage on this. Well done!!
06/02/2008 11:00:20 AM
As one of your "10" voters, I have to say, INCREDIBLE work!!! I just love the simplicity of perfection!
06/02/2008 10:31:19 AM
Ohhhh, this is so beautiful! Another Iceland master, I see :) WONDERFUL! The more gifted Iceland photographers we have -- the more we get to see of that stunning country :)

CONGRATULATIONS on everything: Blue ribbon on your first challenge. 7.7 score!!!!! but mostly just coming up with something so flawlessly exquisite!

06/02/2008 09:42:22 AM
wonderful shot
06/02/2008 09:13:01 AM
Congratulations on the blue. I love the peacefulness of this shot.
06/02/2008 08:04:30 AM
Congrats on this well deserved ribbon! This shot is sooo beautiful
06/02/2008 07:37:03 AM
flott mynd, til lukku
06/02/2008 06:05:05 AM
Very beautiful and peaceful. Congrats!
06/02/2008 05:55:07 AM
Congrats on the blue ribbon, in your first challenge! Wonderful shot!
06/02/2008 05:16:12 AM
Congrats, a very powerful beginning.
06/02/2008 05:03:58 AM
Til hamingju, glæsileg mynd
06/02/2008 03:52:30 AM
Gorgeous in its simplicity, huge congrats on the Blue!
06/02/2008 03:42:55 AM
Vaaaá til hamingju!
06/02/2008 03:26:42 AM
Bravo, well deserved!
06/02/2008 03:03:37 AM
Oh, no! Another Icelander stealing our ribbons! Congrats on your well deserved blue, excellent shot
06/02/2008 02:35:00 AM
Pretty good start eh. Congrats with an amazing image and a well deserved blue ribbon.
06/02/2008 02:32:35 AM
One Challenge Entered, One Blue Ribbon...now that's amazing!
06/02/2008 02:17:27 AM
simple and effective...well done and congrats on the BLUE!
06/02/2008 02:13:25 AM
Amazing shot , well deserved. Congrats
06/02/2008 12:52:22 AM
I love this image and knew it would win as soon as I saw it. Congrats on a fantastic score and a blue on your first submission. Great work, Óskar.
06/02/2008 12:42:55 AM
Instant favorite! One of my absolute favorite photos on this site. I hope you make it available as a print because it's stunning and would wonderful framed and hanging in a gallery or in people's (maybe my) homes.
06/02/2008 12:36:07 AM
lovely!! congrats!!!
06/02/2008 12:10:17 AM
Great photo-deserves it
06/02/2008 12:03:07 AM
Ditto on the ribbon :)
Made my top5. Congratulations.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/01/2008 11:48:37 PM
The only "sure thing" in the challenge, in my opinion. Best of show. Good luck!
06/01/2008 11:33:22 PM
so peaceful
a cool whisper

hate the typeo
06/01/2008 03:31:29 PM
The color gradient in the water here is really cool.
06/01/2008 10:29:50 AM
Beautiful - one of my top picks in this challenge without a doubt.
06/01/2008 04:02:55 AM
My winner. It reminds me of Scott Kelby picture I saw in one of his books.
05/31/2008 05:04:41 PM
so simple, yet so effective
05/31/2008 01:12:39 AM
Clean composition makes this powerful. Bumping up
05/30/2008 09:03:12 PM
Very calm mood. I like the composition and the tonal range. One of the best in the challenge.
05/30/2008 07:42:29 PM
This is a beautiful image. Love the gradient of light from top to bottom. We won't talk about the title, k - suppose it could be the 'name' of the boat!!
05/30/2008 05:04:07 PM
Uh oh...I think we have a winner. If this is not a ribbon winner I don't know what is. It's a shame the title was most likely misspelled because now it will never be able to be corrected and I think some people might vote your photo down because of the misspelling. I'm sticking with a 10 though.
05/30/2008 04:40:51 PM
Just the illustration for tranquility. The softness of the bow is slightly irritating, otherwise perfect.
05/30/2008 10:43:07 AM
Wonderful capture, the front of the boat is a bit out of focus however. In mho this would have been in the running if not for the this.
05/30/2008 03:59:10 AM
well done, nice comp
05/30/2008 12:15:18 AM
Very nice. Like the transition from grey to white

Looks like a little movement on the bow took some sharpness away - 8
05/29/2008 06:23:20 PM
Very well done, strange how the front of the boat is blurred while the rest is sharp. I'm distracted by the slight dark patches near the upper border of the photo, barely visible but they're there. Still, one of my favourites in this challenge.
05/29/2008 05:30:51 PM
05/29/2008 04:35:58 PM
I liked this photograph. Simple in the composition, sharp and the detail captured well done.
05/29/2008 12:52:03 PM
What a beautiful shot. My absolute favorite.
05/29/2008 08:07:18 AM
Wow. Now that's an awesome shot. What a fascinating gradient effect the water is displaying.
05/28/2008 08:49:36 PM
It's a pity about the title typo... but doesn't stop this elegant simplicity to be worthy of a ten in my book.
05/28/2008 05:10:24 PM
Nicely done! Very appropriate.
05/28/2008 02:17:15 PM
Nicely minimal and gray.
05/28/2008 09:30:09 AM
Very cool!!
05/28/2008 04:59:23 AM
Great pic, pity you can't spell....lonely!!
05/28/2008 04:41:54 AM
Stunning, great composition and great shot.
05/27/2008 10:27:56 PM
Simply beautiful. Love the empty space and the serenity of the capture. Well done.
05/27/2008 09:02:25 PM
This is the blue. Great tones, nice comp and a pleasing subject 10 and a fav.
05/27/2008 06:01:08 PM
Very calm scene, nicely presented.
05/27/2008 05:01:33 PM
I love this one. The overall gray/silver monotone look works perfectly. Nice peaceful scene with a great reflection. Very well done.
05/27/2008 04:15:56 PM
lovely comp and mood here, pity the bow is slightly oof 8
05/27/2008 12:31:02 PM
One of my favorites! Less is more and this is gorgeous! Good luck!!!!
05/27/2008 09:11:21 AM
This will ribbon. This is only 1 of 2 10's I gave and it's just a wonderful image. I can only say that I wish I could do as good a job.
05/26/2008 09:37:44 PM
Besides the title being misspelled, this is a perfect shot! Poster quality!!! Bravo! Bump to *10*
05/26/2008 08:04:03 PM
Beautiful... love the peaceful feel and the simplicity of this. Wonderful!! 10
05/26/2008 04:38:33 PM
simple, crisp and beautiful.... great job
05/26/2008 03:04:47 PM
I like it.
05/26/2008 02:45:41 PM
Dramaticly simple bump to 7
05/26/2008 12:35:45 PM
Great shot !!!
05/26/2008 11:23:17 AM
great minimalism, simple and sweet
05/26/2008 10:13:36 AM
absolutely perfect, not even a ripple!
05/26/2008 09:41:07 AM
good composition, the bow of the boat is soft however. good shot overall!
05/26/2008 09:37:05 AM
I love it..I am sure someone will comment on the misspelled title...but did not affect my score.
05/26/2008 09:07:30 AM
Love the reflection and the simplicity of the photo
05/26/2008 08:00:51 AM
very beautiful and peacefully scenery. Love this composition and the tones are great. - good luck!
05/26/2008 04:51:23 AM
Composition: 9 - Technical: 10 - Creativity: 9 - Appeal: 10 - Challenge: 8 - Overall Calculated Average Score: 9

05/26/2008 02:29:13 AM
beautiful clean effect that comes over very well. marvelous
05/26/2008 01:32:00 AM
Lovely composition.
05/26/2008 01:13:17 AM
all i can say is WOW ( lots of pretty pictures in this challenge, but not too may wows! 10
05/26/2008 12:35:21 AM
nice simplicity
05/26/2008 12:33:53 AM
I smell a ribbon.
05/26/2008 12:09:51 AM
Silky smooth, soft as a baby's bottom.
Awesome photo.

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