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Self-Directed Wrath Yields Twisted Pride
Self-Directed Wrath Yields Twisted Pride

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 7 Deadly Sins (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 2500
Location: My bathroom
Date: Oct 9, 2002
Aperture: f5.9
Shutter: 1/60 sec
Date Uploaded: Oct 9, 2002

I am a cutter; this is my leg. I apologize for the grotesque nature of the shot to anyone who finds it to be too much.

Place: 90 out of 150
Avg (all users): 4.8835
Avg (commenters): 5.8529
Avg (participants): 4.8058
Avg (non-participants): 4.9223
Views since voting: 1770
Votes: 309
Comments: 39
Favorites: 2 (view)

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09/25/2006 07:58:02 PM
not good.
but you doing what you can.
it's verry good picture otherwise.
10/21/2002 08:43:00 AM
have you seen the movie 'Secretary'? you should. it wont be in theaters long, so grab it while you can.
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10/21/2002 02:02:00 AM
Alright, to answer some of the many questions posed in the comments:
1) Yes, it's completely real. It is my leg, and I did cut myself.
2) No, I did not do this just for the challenge. I actually took the shots not thinking about the challenge and then decided they were applicable.
3) I appreciate the concern, but don't worry about me. I'm not suicidal or anything like that. I am (and will be) fine. To those who urged me to get help, I've been in therepy before and I'm not done with it yet, so rest assured I'm not just saying I'll be fine while in denial.
4) Yes.. it is disgusting. I'm aware it was not a pleasant shot to view, and I'm sorry if anyone was really disgusted to the point of regretting having seen this shot.

Now, for some personal expanded comments on the shot:
Most of the comments seemed to indicate that this shot had a lot of impact, and regardless of my scores I'm happy with that. I know this was a somewhat disgusting subject and I expected a lot of people not to like the shot because of it. However, from stats I've seen, about 1% of people engage in self-injury or self-mutilation of some sort. That might not be common, but 1 out of every 100 people adds up to a lot of people. Part of what I was trying to get at here was that twisted beauty that some people see in this horrible imagery and the bizarre pride or relief that can go along with such actions. I know most people cannot relate to such a perspective on this subject, but that only makes it all the more important for me to try to present my unique (abnormal, freakish, insane... which ever word suits you) state of mind.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/20/2002 02:21:00 PM
10/19/2002 09:36:00 PM
That is intirely too real. Please get help.
10/17/2002 08:35:00 PM
Why are you self mutilating? the composition is good..you have talent and I would prefer to see less violence.
10/17/2002 04:24:00 PM
vote 8
10/17/2002 03:38:00 AM
very disturbing picture, but technically good
10/17/2002 01:35:00 AM
Great image! Very evocative.
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10/16/2002 11:37:00 PM
Don't even want to know what it is. No comment
10/16/2002 11:28:00 PM
if you say so...
10/16/2002 10:04:00 PM
Disturbin gif it is real - fantastic if it is a recreation. The lighting is a bit harsh on this one. I like the subject of old and new scarring. Provocative. (6) MarkRob
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10/16/2002 05:21:00 PM
That seems like a lot of pain for a challenge. Hope it was worth it.
10/16/2002 11:33:00 AM
it is a good picture, but i find it a little disturbing. who was the victim?? fluffy 8
10/16/2002 04:24:00 AM
10/15/2002 09:01:00 PM
I think you had lighting problems. Some areas have excessive glare while the upper left is dull from lack of light. ~MyQyl~
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10/15/2002 07:08:00 PM
wow, and people think my pic is disgusting:)
10/15/2002 03:18:00 PM
Apart from the attempt at shock value (that might work for a very sheltered 4-year old), this is a very boring photograph. A wider angle (probably not available) would have helped. It IS in focus, and does meet the challenge, but, so what? 4 Jak
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10/15/2002 03:11:00 PM
10/15/2002 12:52:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 5 , Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing 6 , Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4 , Total Averaged Rating 5 . smshats
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10/15/2002 07:52:00 AM
Real? An interesting approach!
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10/15/2002 06:56:00 AM
I like the attempt to be different, but the photography needs work. Try experimenting with the strong diagonals you have here a bit more.

Also the blood looks fake (and yes, I suspect its real), I use a thick acrylic paint.

There is a problem with the lights reflecting off the liquid, try using a diffuse source.

Also, use a model, then you can concentrate on the photography.

And see a doctor.
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10/15/2002 06:12:00 AM
This is truly twisted pride. A quite amazing concept for this challenge but it's more than a little disturbing that those scars look real. Not a perfect shot technically but more than made up for by a truly insightful idea that evoked just the right response in me. 10 - floyd
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10/15/2002 12:49:00 AM
You have or whoever this is has problems obviously.
10/14/2002 10:28:00 PM
disturbing and thought provolking, but too bright and "in your face".. I would like it better if it were not so close up
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10/14/2002 09:57:00 PM
very sad but very good picture
10/14/2002 09:57:00 PM
If this is real, you need help. Do you know how to get it? Call a local mental hospital for help in your area.
10/14/2002 09:44:00 PM
Hopefully you didn't do this just for the challenge. 8
10/14/2002 09:26:00 PM
10/14/2002 08:19:00 PM
10/14/2002 06:53:00 PM
Self scarification... interesting. Better lighting would have made this shot VERY interesting. 7/10 for originality
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10/14/2002 05:24:00 PM
Pretty disturbing stuff. I find the hair way too distracting. 3
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10/14/2002 04:20:00 PM
Well, as disturbing as it is...This is perfect. The sin is clearly represented here, and represented well. Really looks like a wrathful event taken place. I would vote that ths looks real. The scars and blood both look authentic. Correct me if I'm wrong, and consider it a compliment on an excelent job done if this is fake. You have fooled me. I think the angle and framing/cropping is appropriate here, and the lighting gives the blood what it needs to stand out even more. Nice shot. 9 Good luck in the challenge. ~Hbunch7187~
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10/14/2002 04:18:00 PM
if this is a fake scar, i am pretty impressed! god it is disturbing, grosses me out.... i love it :) paganini 10
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10/14/2002 03:59:00 PM
My, what bright blood you have! I get the concept, but I find the picture unappealing. I think the blood (fake or real) is unnecessary. The scars alone speak volumes.
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10/14/2002 12:03:00 PM
Needs a better crop, and it seems too bright. 4 nards656
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10/14/2002 10:47:00 AM
Very twisted...I'm sorry for you and hope that you receive some help...Please don't let this get out of control.
10/14/2002 10:26:00 AM
Ouch. Sad ..... Impact.
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10/14/2002 03:34:00 AM
This is the most disturbing picture in this challenge or probably of all dpc challenges :) What bothered me looking at so many pictures in the current challenge was that so many emotions were totally fake and the models were poor actors. This, however, looks disturbingly real. So, I'm asking you, did you mutilate yourself for a bloody (no pun intended) dpc challenge? :) In any case, this is as close to the spirit of Sin as possible. Good composition, too, and supreme visual/emotional impact. I don't believe this image will do very well at dpc :) 9 Journey
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