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Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photographer

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Your Occupation III (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark III
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Location: Bahia Hotel San Diego
Date: Aug 8, 2008
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Family, Wedding
Date Uploaded: Aug 10, 2008

Just a simple detail wedding shot from Friday. All in a days work.

Place: 25 out of 98
Avg (all users): 6.2487
Avg (commenters): 7.2500
Avg (participants): 6.6939
Avg (non-participants): 6.0929
Views since voting: 2141
Views during voting: 451
Votes: 189
Comments: 29
Favorites: 3 (view)

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08/22/2008 11:56:27 AM
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08/21/2008 06:53:04 PM
jtf6agent just a quick follow up on my vote stage comment.

I still think this is a wonderful shot even though I put the comment in about the knuckles I certainly did not vote you low because of it (I gave you a 7 for what it's worth).

Something I have just noticed is that there is only 2 tenths seperating 16th place and 27th place and you seem to have been hit hardest by voters without cameras (far, far harder than anyone 10 places in front of you, not sure why this would be though) :(

Good luck for future entries (I hope to see your work again soon).
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08/18/2008 07:33:36 PM
In my opinion it's a better photograph than 4 or 5 that placed higher, and a toss up with the rest. Close enough where personal fickleness would have a lot of weight in the final placement.

You are right about the voting to some degree. The same shots continue to place high and will continue to do so until the end of time. Recent ribbon winning shots that are just re-hashed ribbon winning shots ("oh my goodness, I can't believe this did so well") are the way things go here. Not sure about the seeming inevitably of recognizable faces placing high. Could be what you infer, but they aren't bad shots either generally.

Anyway, I like your shot quite a bit. If details like the darkness of knuckle creases were really determining factors in the minds of most voters, the top 10 would be a very different place. (It's a good comment, but if ribboning is your concern I wouldn't put a lot of weight in thinking like that. Look at all the robot-eyed, neat image abused 'model' shots that people gush over).

Message edited by author 2008-08-18 19:49:13.
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08/18/2008 06:46:59 PM
Thanks everybody for your comments. I really appreciate them. Although I never expected a ribbon with this shot I did however expect a much better placing. My score was much higher than I expected and I am greatful for that also. I'm a bit frustrated with DPC right now and I hope my venting doesn't ruffle any feathers out there. If I offend anyone with my straight forward comments then I am truly sorry but, I don't spend a lot of time candy coating my feelings for someone elses benefit. Those that know me will agree to this. I'm usually very out spoken and right now my frustrations aren't directed toward anyone particular so please don't get your G-string in a bunch. My last challenge I felt the same way I entered a shot that damn well should have ribboned and there were some absolutely shit photos that were placed better than mine. Now I'm feeling a bit jilted again and I'm sorry but WTF? I find this site to be VERY educational, supportive and fun and I'll continue to visit and occasionally post but, as far as entering challenges... not until something better can be done with voting. I think voting should be out in the open and you should be held accountable for your votes instead of annoymous hiding. If you vote you explain why. There would be a much better quality of voting if this were the norm. I'm not afraid of telling anyone why I gave them a 2 or a 10. That's the way it should be. Until then the chickens shall rule the roost.
08/18/2008 04:09:04 PM
Following up on my comment.

I thought this would place higher too, and when I got to page 2 and still didn't see this, I was a little shocked. It was an 8 from me, but I guess you can't win them all.

Brad has some interesting points. I didn't notice the finger creases myself, but it seems a couple of people did. He's right though, now that I see them, it's almost all I see.

Anway, I like this shot, and it was one of my highest scoring, so be proud, no matter where it ended up.
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08/18/2008 05:23:18 AM
One of the first things I noticed here that looked odd was how the creases in her finger joints looked dark/dirty. Once I saw that, my eyes kept going back to them and kind of spoils the shot for me in many ways. Cloning in lighten mode would have done wonders here. I also think a bit tighter in the crop would make her hand look less dangling out in nowhere, and with adding a bit of presentation, would have bumped this up a few notches in the ladder. Love the softness of the shot by the way.

Here's my take on it,
editing what your entry:

I also think that baby pictures, religious pictures and wedding pictures generally score a bit on the low side. Had you been a botanist and put up a stunning flower picture, it too would have scored low. Voters seem to love wow, not so much the real world. I proved it in my entry.

I would have been proud to have entered that shot, and I'm sure ANY Bride would be ecstatic at having a shot like this.
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08/18/2008 02:32:18 AM

Message edited by author 2008-08-22 01:41:43.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/16/2008 06:40:53 PM
Wonderful image! As I guess you would expect from a wedding photographer :)

I can't think why the knuckle lines would be so dark though, looks almost like bruising
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08/15/2008 09:13:53 PM
The soft focus effect is what puts this photo up above others like it that I've seen. It's done very well, subtle, yet plays a vital role. I don't know if you used a filter, or if you used something like a soft-focus lens (or pantyhose stretched over the lens), but I do know that I like it.

Actually, on a deeper look, I'm going to say filter, as the ring has been brought back into very sharp focus, which would be impossible to do if it was a hardware filter/device/method.

Anyway, nicely composed, well lit, and a nice showcase of her bling.
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08/15/2008 08:50:41 PM
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08/15/2008 08:27:58 PM
beautiful shot - wonderful soft dreamlike approach
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08/13/2008 02:54:26 PM
nice capture
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08/12/2008 07:20:48 PM
OMG she could take out someone's eye with that rock! Love the comp and lighting esp., too easy to get tons of glare with so much white but you didn't. 9. Bet a top 10 finish.
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08/12/2008 04:09:44 PM
Wow! those are some nails! Like this shot though (wish I could afford that rock too!)
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08/12/2008 09:42:49 AM
must be prof fate
why fingernails like porn star (yes i have seen) 8
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08/12/2008 12:49:21 AM
Her nails are horrible, the wedding set is beautiful .. lucky you!
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08/11/2008 08:06:31 PM
HOLY COW any bigger and she'd tip over
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08/11/2008 07:48:03 PM
i have no idea how people can stand to wear those nails, they drive me nuts! ooo lovely ring, i want one! lol this wasnt a very helpful comment, i appologize:)
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08/11/2008 04:55:00 PM
that's a wedding photograph, not a wedding photographer. Good photograph, btw!
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08/11/2008 03:42:09 PM
Nice.. Nice... Nice
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08/11/2008 01:26:25 PM
beutiful, love the softness and so clean. Only thing that distracts me are the sparkly spots on the dress, but thats just me, a 9 from me and a ribbon prediction :-]
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08/11/2008 11:14:33 AM
Very good image. Leagues ahead of what Im capable of.
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08/11/2008 10:46:28 AM
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08/11/2008 08:08:50 AM
GOOD LORD. That ring. Those nails!! WOW Technically awesome though.
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08/11/2008 01:52:05 AM
PERFECT........ 8
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08/11/2008 01:20:27 AM
Nice stone :)
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08/11/2008 01:07:01 AM
Hmmm... Why are there so many people with "Photographer" as an occupation?...
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08/11/2008 12:41:13 AM
Phew! Thought you were a professional bride. ;) Beautiful, delicate image. I think the soft focus is wonderful here, so I hope others agree.
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08/11/2008 12:30:58 AM
Those are pretty nails.
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