Critique Club Review:
Color Saturation and Hue: Colors are done well. Colors are nice and rich, but not over saturated. Hues are realistic.
Brightness and contrast: Both are done well. Shadows hold detail, and highlights are not blown out and hold the detail well also.
Focus and depth of field: Focus is very crisp, and depth of field is excellent.
As noted by others, this is a very busy picture. The eye cannot seem to find a place to rest, except in the empty sky above the subject. I like the motion blur of the coaster. The rock at the bottom (start of the coaster ride perhaps) and the pink object (a persons head?) are distracting. There is so much detail in the photo, and while I really like detail, here it all competes with each other.
I think, had you cropped the photo above the rock, and at the top of the track, you could have better emphasized the single curve and the speed of the coaster. The coaster would have been larger and more commanding of attention in such an image.
This image has a lot of potential. I would suggest playing with different croppings to see what all you can make out of it. |