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Fall From Grace
Fall From Grace

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 7 Deadly Sins (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus E-20
Location: Home
Date: Oct 12, 2002
Aperture: 2.2
ISO: 80
Shutter: 1/8 s
Galleries: Portraiture, Political
Date Uploaded: Oct 13, 2002

"Inspired" by the Crisis in the Catholic Church. Those who teach about sin, have sinned. They have fallen from Grace. It is not a commentary on my faith or anyone elses.. Faith is about your spirit, not about what humans do to make a mockery out of things.

Place: 22 out of 150
Avg (all users): 6.0222
Avg (commenters): 7.4231
Avg (participants): 5.9352
Avg (non-participants): 6.0676
Views since voting: 1737
Votes: 315
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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10/22/2002 09:51:00 AM
I gave this a 10. Very topical and dramatic. You were very brave, because I know there is a lot of tension and high emotion about this subject.
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10/21/2002 08:04:00 PM
Karen, sorry I didn't get around to commenting on this photo. It is great! I gave you an 8 strictly on the right hand. For some reason, it just doesn't look good on my monitor, kinda like it was somebody else's hand. This is a great photo and a better statement. You should be very proud. Rob
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/18/2002 02:33:00 PM
can't fall from a place you never were.
10/18/2002 09:02:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background7,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 6,
Total Averaged Rating7. Autool
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10/17/2002 10:23:00 PM
Great composition! Not sure how this has been taken though, TV? It looks a bit grainy.
10/17/2002 03:34:00 PM
how'd you set this up? better tell stories after the challenge is over.
10/17/2002 12:26:00 PM
Everything about the composition of this works for me except the placement of the paper. It doesn't seem placed in such a way that he can be reading it. I thought at first that maybe it was the front page of an open newspaper, but that doesn't appear to be the case. The emotion of what you've depicted is well-represented in his expression and body-language. The thing that most damages my ability to appreciate the photo is the pixellation. There is the school of thought that at times pixellation adds something to the nitty-gritty nature of a photo, but it's a school of thought I have a hard time relating to. Just passing this on so you'll know there are people who probably feel it's beneficial and those who feel it's detrimental. THat said, if it wasn't intentional, you may have been able to avoid SOME pixellation by not compressing so much. Your image can be up to 150K. Take what you can use, disregard the rest, 6, just-married
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10/16/2002 10:32:00 PM
10/16/2002 06:27:00 PM
this is great. i love the lighting, the composition and the graininess. i really cant decide tho if i would like this even more with out the paper, even though that is really an irrelevant statement! nice job here! 9--alecia
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10/16/2002 04:46:00 PM
I really like the composition of this photo. I also like the image and emotion it emits. However, I don't really like the graininess of it. I feel that B&W is appropriate for the mood, but more clarity would be better. Otherwise, I really like it and, you know, when I look at the thumbnail, it's much better.
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10/15/2002 11:55:00 PM
Powerful image. Good choice of B&W. The pose of the priest is convincing and adds to the theme. What I find terribly, terribly distracting and marring the image is that Boston Globe piece of paper. It is so terribly contrived and it just sits there to tell the viewer the story: but the story is told very well without it by the image and underscored by the title. 7 Journey
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10/15/2002 08:42:00 PM
Concept was good, but there's something in the execution that bothers me. It seems overly 'adjusted' in contrast or sharpness or something... Not sure what exactly. ~MyQyl~
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10/15/2002 06:48:00 PM
Good clean depiction of subject. Good black & White
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10/15/2002 05:48:00 PM
Excelent. Great focus and clarity. You have the perfect focus on the paper so we can see the message there. The way he is positioned, really creates the mood. I have given this a 9, but as I think about it, I'm now trying to figure out which of the 7 sins this represents. The abuse could represent wrath...ok, I get it. Lust. This is in relation to the sex abuse scandals from clergy. nevermind me, just thinking out loud. lol. Your angle and framing/cropping are excelent. Lighting is wonderful, and I really like the use of black and white here. I'm a little slow, but I got it. LOL Good luck in the challenge. ~Hbunch7187~
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10/15/2002 05:27:00 PM
There is something about the lighting I do not really care for, but this is a good concept, it definitely gets the point across 7 Zeiss
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10/15/2002 02:26:00 PM
if u dont know the truth then dont hate
10/14/2002 09:43:00 PM
great photo but you shouldn't have to explain it with the paper.
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10/14/2002 09:25:00 PM
Lust, right? :) Love the use of black and white...brings out the 3 important objects in the frame..the color, the cross, and the scandal...which happen to comprise a lovely triangle. 2 nitpicks...position of paper makes this look somewhat setup...and the palm of his hand being lighter and smooth in the middle of darkness/texture is a little distracting. 8 Lisa
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10/14/2002 09:15:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 8 , Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7 , Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 7, Total Averaged Rating 7 . smshats
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10/14/2002 04:45:00 PM
I think I like everything about this, choice of b/w, framing, and definitly fits theme.
10/14/2002 04:28:00 PM
I understand putting the Boston Globe article in the shot for context, but it seems kind of shoved in and a bit distracting. The man seems to be reading the article rather than meditating on/repenting for his sins as the cross and posture indicate.
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10/14/2002 02:42:00 PM
Powerful. The picture has a grain to it that I normally wouldn't like, but it adds to the tension, I think, of this picture. karmat
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10/14/2002 12:19:00 PM
powerful image
10/14/2002 06:37:00 AM
Powerful shot and concept. 10 Kaz
10/14/2002 06:32:00 AM
Definitely an evocative shot. You've definitely nailed the challenge subject, (or at least one or two of them). lhall
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10/14/2002 04:04:00 AM
Stunning shot. Like it. Good luck Justine
10/14/2002 02:57:00 AM
Great shot, it's controversial and I like it. Great B&W tone, sharp details, everything is in focus. Good luck in the challenge. 10
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10/14/2002 01:33:00 AM
Nice job!! I think you executed this well. It works in B&W - gives it more severity. The placement of the piece of paper seems a little strange...like he's holding it up just for the camera. Could have worked without it probably just as well. Overall, it's a great pic and fits the challenge well. ~indi
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10/14/2002 12:54:00 AM
Good job. Grayce

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