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Bridge of Steel
Bridge of Steel

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Immovable (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: Philly, PA
Date: Sep 8, 2008
Galleries: Fashion, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Sep 8, 2008

Thanks to my model Laura for walking all that way and shooting in the heat with me!

Place: 7 out of 53
Avg (all users): 5.9624
Avg (commenters): 6.7879
Avg (participants): 5.7714
Avg (non-participants): 5.9859
Views since voting: 2578
Views during voting: 800
Votes: 319
Comments: 38
Favorites: 5 (view)

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10/05/2008 01:37:09 PM
Love the energy this model has. Great shot.
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09/19/2008 01:29:20 PM
PostLuminous Nomination
immovable as a positive, useful thing, not something to be fought :-)
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09/19/2008 10:44:57 AM
I really love the Ben Franklin Bridge

excellent photo
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09/17/2008 01:18:10 PM
I was sure this was a ribbon contender too. Beautiful model and great image.
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09/17/2008 08:59:08 AM
I thought this was a contender for a ribbon...great fashion image...congrats
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/16/2008 11:31:19 AM
I love this. The juxtaposition of the curve the models body makes and the verticals of the fence and buildings is just beautiful.
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09/15/2008 03:27:15 AM
Not sure about the composiution, which is hanging onto the bridge. Very pale with the overexposed sky. It all makes it look a little stark, and highlights her white skin. Some additional colour would have been great
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09/14/2008 08:01:47 PM
Nice exposure and cpomposition. It looks like a good way to lose a shoe.
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09/14/2008 03:32:06 AM
Very striking photograph, and professionally executed, but doesn't look like she's actually trying to move anything...
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09/13/2008 05:30:10 PM
Looks more like she is trying to hear something, than trying to move the bridge. Background is a little bit bright for me. But the picture still works very well. I like the composition and pose.
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09/13/2008 01:36:50 PM
Fun looking pose. I like the dress she has on, it really compliments the background.
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09/13/2008 12:41:36 PM
great composition, nice lines
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09/13/2008 09:49:35 AM
nicely thought out. But the Model is very "blasé" to the point of cliché.
09/12/2008 01:22:04 PM
really neat!
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09/12/2008 12:45:43 PM
I like the shot.
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09/11/2008 05:09:48 PM
Nicely done and the black dress is great in an overexposed shot. I presume this was on purpose?
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09/11/2008 03:18:16 PM
Sleak. Would have done well in DOF iv as well I am sure.
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09/11/2008 02:01:11 PM
very vogue
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09/11/2008 10:54:03 AM
I like the photo in general, even with the overexposed background, it works for the picture. The model however just looks like she's posing instead of actually trying to pull the bridge and move it. The facial expression shows no real exertion.
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09/11/2008 06:43:20 AM
Nice professional-looking model shot.
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09/11/2008 04:39:32 AM
This is a very good shot. Would work brilliantly for a fashion shoot. As for this challenge, I don't really get the sense that she is trying to move the railing (more like she is just hanging on), but at least I do get the sense that it is quite immovable. Anyway, nice work - I'd love to see you do shots like this for a challenge that really called for this sort of glamour.
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09/10/2008 07:48:11 PM
Lovely model shot - I could see this in a fashion magazine! Bumping this up!
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09/10/2008 02:26:13 PM
Hmm. Does not appear model is trying to move an immovable object, but looks the she is trying not to fall. I will err on your behalf and say that this meets the challenge. The lines are interesting but the exposure and treatment are not my style, but I appreciate the effort that went into it.
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09/10/2008 02:12:41 PM
VERY snazzy! Some would kill for a figure like that ;-)
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09/10/2008 12:50:44 PM
Nice photo. I love the harsh shadows on the bridge because they compliment an otherwise soft photo. Great shot
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09/10/2008 12:37:31 PM
I like the diagonal lines; the colors and contrast are pretty flat
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09/10/2008 12:26:24 PM
She looks like she is trying very hard :P
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09/10/2008 12:06:08 PM
great picture (composition, color, tension...). My call for blue.
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09/10/2008 10:53:39 AM
Not exactly what I wanted to see in this challenge, but a great image anyway. Congrats!
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09/10/2008 10:47:18 AM
I don't get the impression that she's trying to move anything, but I like the pose and the backdrop.
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09/10/2008 09:19:26 AM
Nice clarity, but she really looks to be posing rather than moving, 5
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09/10/2008 08:39:39 AM
I like the idea but it gives more of an impression of posing on a solid object rather than she is trying to move it. The lighting, focus and colours are great though
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09/10/2008 07:33:28 AM
More sensation of movement would make it one of the best.
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09/10/2008 04:56:50 AM
nice enough fashion style shot.. but not really coming across that she's trying to move the fence to me..
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09/10/2008 04:49:08 AM
Nice lines, nice DoF 7
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09/10/2008 03:47:46 AM
I like this. The lighting, pose, composition, and backround all come together nicely.
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09/10/2008 02:07:04 AM
Great composition... although it certainly doesnt look like the model is trying to move the steel..
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09/10/2008 01:47:44 AM
Highlights are too blownout for my tastes
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