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'My bounty is as deep as the sea'    (William Shakespeare)
'My bounty is as deep as the sea' (William Shakespeare)

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Masters' Free Study II (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Challenges
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark IIn
Lens: Custom Made Pinhole
Location: Cromer Norfolk
Date: Nov 11, 2008
Aperture: 180 ish
ISO: 400
Shutter: 3.9 seconds
Galleries: Seascapes, Pinhole/Zone Plate
Date Uploaded: Nov 13, 2008

This should be fun, a pinhole shot in the Masters Free Study! I've had a good year so not bothered about the score but would like to see it as the highest scoring pin hole submission thus far. Personally I love it and would like to 'sea' it score well ;)

That said, if it doesn't get the brown then waaahaaaay to the pinhole crowd :)

Place: 152 out of 170
Avg (all users): 5.4487
Avg (commenters): 7.0455
Avg (participants): 5.5591
Avg (non-participants): 5.4073
Views since voting: 2962
Views during voting: 614
Votes: 341
Comments: 38
Favorites: 15 (view)

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02/23/2019 02:08:23 PM
Ok... I just realized that 3+ years ago this was among my selections in the "Pick your fav image from the person above you" side challenge. This week I had the realization that "picking a favorite" should have included a comment about why. So I've been back over the last 1600+ posts to find my choices and make amends for my omission. Here's my belated comment:

I'm really glad that I took the time to go back and see my earlier choices. This remains as one of my favorites (just added it formally). The colors, composition, and soft focus add to a strong composition and really grab my attention. The literary reference in the title is an added bonus. Nice work! Finally, it holds up well to time. This exercise of mine (returning to view an image after several years) confirms my appreciation of your photo.
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02/09/2010 04:55:27 AM
Beautiful image, I love the effect on the water of the long shutter.
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08/25/2009 05:16:40 PM
I like the colors, compositions, and the softness here.
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12/23/2008 04:31:04 PM
I agree w/ Bear_Music. This is a fabulous photo. Good for you for entering it, even knowing the wolves would howl.
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12/13/2008 07:58:26 PM
Andi, you bugger, this is very very nice and shows great use of this new pin-hole fad, shots like this deserve better but at DPC it wont happen for a while. I think the scene you chose was perfect for the weak focus of the pin-hole. this reminds me of Japanese ink paintings.
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12/13/2008 07:58:17 PM
I certainly enjoyed this photo (7) in the challenge. More inspiring for me than very many others.
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12/13/2008 02:28:09 PM
I think this is just an amazing shot! Beautiful...but not the stock, bright, bold colored shots so many love...thank goodness!
Excellent work!
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12/13/2008 10:38:22 AM
Hah, just gotten around to looking at Mast5ers results in depth. I loved this image, gave it a 9. How I wish the voters, as a group, could learn to appreciate stuff like this...
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12/08/2008 03:26:42 PM
Awesome shot - it got a 10 from me during voting. I meant to fave it before...I guess I will now!
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12/08/2008 03:26:37 PM
Beautifully well done. Inspiring.
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12/08/2008 09:26:52 AM
So ethereal, Andi, a wonderful pinhole capture - congrats on the best pinhole score so far! Sorry you didn't make the lensless best - so close! Commenters' score avg is fantastic...
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12/08/2008 09:00:56 AM
Beautiful photo and certainly underrated.
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12/08/2008 07:13:32 AM
woefully underrated. But then, my top 10 didn't break the top 10. this is beautiful - just not in a dpc friendly eyecandy bright and shiny kind of way. I would take that as a compliment.
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12/08/2008 01:53:08 AM
Underrated my friend :( Not even a nice round 5.5? Sheesh, that's harsh.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/07/2008 10:53:07 PM
kudos for entering a total OOF shot in a master's FS. 8 for courage.
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12/07/2008 10:07:22 AM
The softness gives the impression of being deep within a dream. Works very well.
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12/06/2008 10:50:21 PM
Nice ethereal mood, but I just don't find enough subject in focus.
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12/06/2008 09:50:18 PM
i like this. lovely concept
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12/06/2008 08:56:54 PM
You've taken a really interesting approach to this seascape. It might not agree with some, but I like it.

Well done.
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12/06/2008 02:48:39 PM
This is lovely!
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12/05/2008 06:24:32 AM
gorgeous. most people don't understand the art of the imperfect photo and throw these away. to me, this is what the art of photography is all about. thanks for entering this.
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12/05/2008 12:09:40 AM
This photo is krnodilesque. I love its simplicity and mystery.
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12/04/2008 10:01:01 PM
5.5 or not, this is a great shot Andi...
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12/04/2008 09:42:20 PM
Bit too soft for my liking.
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12/03/2008 10:21:48 PM
Too hazy for me, but the photos has an eerie feeling to it.
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12/03/2008 07:27:22 PM
Love the soft dreamy blur.
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12/03/2008 06:58:33 PM
Wow. I like the colours but I am finding myself wishing for a bit more focus...
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12/03/2008 03:42:22 PM
This looks like Ecce's pinhole shot to me. Beautiful!
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12/03/2008 03:00:53 PM
don't like the title but love the tones and softness. 7 bump to 8
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12/02/2008 11:44:03 PM
The ocean is a mighty harmonist

Pleasing tonality and softness, with just enough things going on. Could be a huge mural print. The more time I spend with it, the more there is to like.
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12/02/2008 10:35:09 PM
nice work! I wish there would be less or no rocks in the foreground
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12/02/2008 10:35:03 PM
Bit blurry this isn't it? ;o) (no vote btw)
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12/02/2008 07:54:44 PM
Just like an impressionist painting ... very soft, very subtle.
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12/02/2008 11:09:01 AM
I can't decide if I like it or not. There is nothing "there" to like, yet, it is a very compelling image.
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12/01/2008 10:46:00 PM
Bravely put forth here, knowing the sometimes fickle nature of the DPC voter. The colors & silhouette are very compelling with the abstract nature of the focus really making the image a little more fun, IMHO. Nicely done -- 8 --
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12/01/2008 09:16:31 PM
Interesting take. I'm taking a few seconds to pull it in and decide whether I like it or not. I think what gets me the most is the noise in the light pinks on the lower right. Either that was from color shifting or it was a noisy image to start with. Ultimately this isn't my cup of tea. 5
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12/01/2008 08:51:50 PM
is this with a pin hole? really sweet shot
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12/01/2008 01:12:07 PM
This is FANTABULOUS :) 10
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